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Ubisoft's ZombieU

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#21 Bane



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 01:39 PM

Truthfully Zombi U graphics look next gen to me from that trailer.

#22 Ixchel


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 02:31 PM

Can't comment on the graphics place genwise (looks good enough) but the gameplay seems awesome. It's different enough from other zombie games for me to get. Not sure how well it will sell though, compared to the largely hyped The Last of Us.
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#23 Plutonas



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 03:18 PM

Did u learn about the new zombie U features??????? It turns me off a bit... They posted that in my country.

You know why it says " HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE" ?

Because there is NO saves, No checkpoints... If you die, you turn into zombie and the game ends... Here is the bizarre part.. You have to start over by creating a new character.... Each character got a bag with survival tools and weapons... If you died and turned into zombie... Your new character will have go all along and find, kill your old character!! and claim the bag with survival kits and then continue even further!!! So the game is TRULY a survival game hahahahahaha... It sounds bizarre.. is it.

Edited by Orion, 05 June 2012 - 03:21 PM.

#24 MoH


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:14 PM

I am getting this no doubt. This game here honestly sold me on buying a Wii U.

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#25 Ixchel


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:20 PM

Did u learn about the new zombie U features??????? It turns me off a bit... They posted that in my country.

You know why it says " HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE" ?

Because there is NO saves, No checkpoints... If you die, you turn into zombie and the game ends... Here is the bizarre part.. You have to start over by creating a new character.... Each character got a bag with survival tools and weapons... If you died and turned into zombie... Your new character will have go all along and find, kill your old character!! and claim the bag with survival kits and then continue even further!!! So the game is TRULY a survival game hahahahahaha... It sounds bizarre.. is it.

That's the best part of it! Makes it different!
And you don't truly start the game over when you die. You just become another character (I think randomly generated) then try and loot your old character after you kill it.
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#26 Plutonas



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:21 PM

Well, it takes the bond between u and ur character. And you are just a meatbag.

Edited by Orion, 05 June 2012 - 04:21 PM.

#27 Jakester897



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:22 PM

I'm starting to think that this game will be downloadable, not retail.
Or was that already confirmed?
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#28 ArnarFB


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:26 PM

Did u learn about the new zombie U features??????? It turns me off a bit... They posted that in my country.

You know why it says " HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE" ?

Because there is NO saves, No checkpoints... If you die, you turn into zombie and the game ends... Here is the bizarre part.. You have to start over by creating a new character.... Each character got a bag with survival tools and weapons... If you died and turned into zombie... Your new character will have go all along and find, kill your old character!! and claim the bag with survival kits and then continue even further!!! So the game is TRULY a survival game hahahahahaha... It sounds bizarre.. is it.

You don't have to create a new character or start the game from the beginning, so to speak.

It's a one-bite-kills game. Which is "realistic" if you think about the zombie thing. Isn't it like that? One bite and you're out of luck. Coming up, zombie-you? Wait, now I get it... ZombiU...

When your current character dies, you start from the safe house as a new character, get new missions (or continue what your old character was sent out to do, I guess, somehow the game has to progress). You have minimal amount of things on you, if any. You encounter your old zombie-you, kill it and go through his bag in search for items you knew you had, like guns, ammo, information... something. I think it gives the zombie story a more of depth. In Resident Evil and many other zombie games, why didn't they turn into zombies after they got bit? So it gives it more depth to encounter the older character, to know that this guy was a "living person" just minutes/hours ago, not just a braindead zombie.

I read the IGN description of the demo and it got me really interested. You don't encounter zombies very often or in big hordes (Left4dead), but when you do, it's terrifiying. You kill them, go through their belongings in search for anything and when you do so, you have to look down on your U-pad and then in fear, look up to the TV and look around you. It makes sense. The U-pad is the bag, the TV gives you view of the surrounding. Search in fear. Don't get all comfy though, there might be a zombie sneaking up on you while you go through anothers' bag.

#29 dark_rabbid


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:45 PM

I'm not sure how to make a link but you guys should read the artical they wrote about it on ign it actually sounds like it's going to be a good way to have a lot of fun with this new controller, looking down at a corpse to pick his pockets with the controller while watching th tv to make sure you don't end up back straps will be interesting not to mention the other tricks to make the hair stand up on your neck.

You don't have to create a new character or start the game from the beginning, so to speak.

It's a one-bite-kills game. Which is "realistic" if you think about the zombie thing. Isn't it like that? One bite and you're out of luck. Coming up, zombie-you? Wait, now I get it... ZombiU...

When your current character dies, you start from the safe house as a new character, get new missions (or continue what your old character was sent out to do, I guess, somehow the game has to progress). You have minimal amount of things on you, if any. You encounter your old zombie-you, kill it and go through his bag in search for items you knew you had, like guns, ammo, information... something. I think it gives the zombie story a more of depth. In Resident Evil and many other zombie games, why didn't they turn into zombies after they got bit? So it gives it more depth to encounter the older character, to know that this guy was a "living person" just minutes/hours ago, not just a braindead zombie.

I read the IGN description of the demo and it got me really interested. You don't encounter zombies very often or in big hordes (Left4dead), but when you do, it's terrifiying. You kill them, go through their belongings in search for anything and when you do so, you have to look down on your U-pad and then in fear, look up to the TV and look around you. It makes sense. The U-pad is the bag, the TV gives you view of the surrounding. Search in fear. Don't get all comfy though, there might be a zombie sneaking up on you while you go through anothers' bag.

Sorry my post was rather simmalar to yours you must have posted when I was making mine The ign artical was actually good Everyone should read it before they judge it by pics.

#30 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:51 PM

I'm not sure how to make a link but you guys should read the artical they wrote about it on ign it actually sounds like it's going to be a good way to have a lot of fun with this new controller, looking down at a corpse to pick his pockets with the controller while watching th tv to make sure you don't end up back straps will be interesting not to mention the other tricks to make the hair stand up on your neck.

You can copy the URL and just paste it on the post like this. http://www.ign.com/a...survival-horror


You can add the Link to text like this ZombiU with the editor by highlighting the word or words and adding a link with the Link Button under the font size.


#31 dark_rabbid


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:01 PM

You can copy the URL and just paste it on the post like this. http://www.ign.com/a...survival-horror


You can add the Link to text like this ZombiU with the editor by highlighting the word or words and adding a link with the Link Button under the font size.

Thanks didn't realize it was that simple Also suprised I never tried that. Owell time to go play some mass effect. I'll see how E3's working out tomorow.

#32 Mitch



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:34 PM

I Love that you only get one life with your character and then have to start over, it adds to the fear element debateably the best game unveiled at E3 thus far

#33 erasure242


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:46 PM

Better look better than the last of us for PS3. That's all I'm saying on that!

Since when did looks become everything in a videogame?

How many years did it take Naughty Dog to perfect that engine? Look at The Last of Us and look at the first Uncharted game... The Wii U system is uncharted waters right now, let developers get their feet wet first... Most companies are just porting stuff from the 360/PS3 so wait until they start making a game from the ground up for the Wii U...

The game Zombi U itself looks promising... But when the world starts to rely on games that just "looks amazing" we as gamers are in trouble...

#34 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:02 PM

Here is Kotaku's thoughts on ZombiU

Well, color me surprised. When Ubisoft debuted ZombiU as a WiiU-exclusive zombie game at their press conference yesterday, I wasn't sold. The trailer was exceptionally slick, of course, but who can even tell when it comes to zombie games anymore, you know?
As it turns out, ZombiU doesn't just use the WiiU's unique touchscreen controller to great survival horror effect, it's also got some really smart ideas independent of the WiiU's distinctive control scheme. For starters, it's basically a roguelike? Wait, let me back up.
ZombiU is a first-person survival horror game, more or less. Limited inventory, first-person melee, and deadly zombies. It's chunky and good-looking, but not all that remarkable in its graphical or artistic presentation.
Let's bullet-point this mother, because I wanna get the facts to you guys in the easiest way possible. Let's start with the interesting, roguelike way the game deals with player death:
  • When you make a character, one is randomly generated for you—there is no main character. You give it your playertag, but it gets a name of its own—I say "it," because it can be a man or a woman.
  • If you die (and you will die), you respawn as a new character.
  • Each game begins in a central hub, but the world is largely open. You can go anywhere, and objectives that you complete with past characters are still completed.
  • Best of all, when you die, your past character becomes a zombie, so you can go find them in your next game and kill them and reclaim the gear you got on your last playthrough.
  • It saves your stats, so you can always tell how long you've lived, for example. There will be an achievement for finishing the game entirely in one life, since of course there will be people who pull that off.
  • There can only be one of your past-life zombies in the game at a time, but as you play online, your online friends' zombies will also enter your game. You'll see their playertag over their zombies. Ha!
  • When I played, I had to go get some medicine for a character named Vikram—I almost made it out, but right at the door I finally got killed. My next life, a female character, then hopped right in the door, killed the zombie and the zombified version of my past character, picked up the medicine and was able to finish the mission. That? Is cool as hell.
Now let's talk a bit about the touch-screen, which does a remarkable job of immersing you in the game and making things scarier.
  • The screen serves as your inventory, as well as your interface for lockpicking, keypad hacking, etc.
  • The reason this is cool is that when you go into your backpack or loot a body or container, the camera pops out of first-person, and the game keeps going. Therefore you can see if a zombie is coming up behind you as you hack/loot/rummage.
  • As you play, the screen is a minimap and a motion detector, which lets you pick up zombies relative to your location. Don't think that makes things easier—between the time required to look down and the general unreliability of the minimap (it doesn't give away the great jump-scares), you're still very much in survival-horror mode.
  • It's remarkable how intense it feels to look down into your inventory and then have to look back up to check your surroundings—it makes rooting around in your backpack during the zombie apocalypse feel like… well, rooting around in your backpack during a zombie apocalypse.
  • Lockpicking is similar to other games' lockpicking mechanics, and uses the touch-screen and vibration to lock tumblers into place.
  • There is also a scanner, which lets you scan things in the environment. When you pull out your scanner (using the left shoulder button) the camera goes to third person again and the controller's screen becomes first-person.
  • You can use the touch-screen to scan bodies, containers, and other things in the environment to tell more about them.
And last, some general things I noticed:
  • It would appear that every character is guided by the same voice on the other end of the radio—it sounds like there was some sort of outbreak, but that it was planned for. That's why supplies are placed all around.
  • At one point, things went totally batrainbow—the power went out, and my scanner and minimap stopped working.
  • I literally yelled twice from jump-scares. In fairness, I have had a TON of coffee today. But it was a whole lot of fun.
  • When things went haywire, I was forced to fight a special zombie called "Nurse" in an enclosed area. She could teleport, and would vanish as I shot her before reappearing behind me. It was unnerving, particularly because she wouldn't stop screaming.
  • Once I killed the nurse, I had to scan her with the controller screen… but she JUMPED THE EFF OUT AT ME THROUGH THE SCREEN and scared the bejesus out of me.
  • Sorry for the unprofessional all-caps. It was really cool, is all.
I was very impressed with ZombiU. Despite its silly name and possibly gimmicky WiiU integration, it's actually a seriously smart game with some cool non-WiiU-specific gameplay ideas, made by people who are clearly having a lot of fun with it. Put another way: It's the game that made me finally see the potential of the WiiU's special second screen.

ZombiU is a day one buy for me :D

Edited by Cerberuz, 05 June 2012 - 09:07 PM.


#35 erasure242


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:08 PM

@ Cerberuz

Quite a few websites have gone hands-on and are saying good things about Zombi U... I think once people play a lot of these games they will change their minds about the disappointment that most still see to havefrom todays conference...

#36 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:43 PM

Since when did looks become everything in a videogame?

How many years did it take Naughty Dog to perfect that engine? Look at The Last of Us and look at the first Uncharted game... The Wii U system is uncharted waters right now, let developers get their feet wet first... Most companies are just porting stuff from the 360/PS3 so wait until they start making a game from the ground up for the Wii U...

The game Zombi U itself looks promising... But when the world starts to rely on games that just "looks amazing" we as gamers are in trouble...

Never said gameplay wasn't important. But this is a new hd console. Imagine a cell phone today without apps. Nintendo needs a bleeding edge graphics game for launch if they are trying to win over the core. The first uncharted still looks better than this game. Will it look better when it launches I surely hope so but yes I will get this for gameplay.

#37 Andy


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 12:44 AM

Never said gameplay wasn't important. But this is a new hd console. Imagine a cell phone today without apps. Nintendo needs a bleeding edge graphics game for launch if they are trying to win over the core. The first uncharted still looks better than this game. Will it look better when it launches I surely hope so but yes I will get this for gameplay.

You also have to consider that this game may be on an older dev kit. During Ubisoft's conference, they mentioned something about the Wii U only supporting one gamepad. As we all heard at the beginning of Nintendo's conference, the system will support 2. This means that either A: Ubisoft was playing dumb, or B: The teams at Ubisoft have older dev kits.
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#38 dark_rabbid


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 03:29 AM

I wonder what other unique features this game is hideing in it. I rember nintendo said they want to take advantage of I know it wasn't mmo mabey mso? any ways this game is connected to your friends being you can kill ther zombie what if you can loot it before they do and take there stuff before they get the chance to? That would be interesting for ther social idea concdering you 'll be getting messages from your friends telling you to quit robbing ther corpse.

Also considering the games are connected in some way what if I looted say main street will those items be there in yours, that could also be a nother way to get friends to use the social features more messageing to find out where your friends are scavenging that day so your not wasting your time.

#39 Keviin



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 04:30 AM

Did u learn about the new zombie U features??????? It turns me off a bit... They posted that in my country.

You know why it says " HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE" ?

Because there is NO saves, No checkpoints... If you die, you turn into zombie and the game ends... Here is the bizarre part.. You have to start over by creating a new character.... Each character got a bag with survival tools and weapons... If you died and turned into zombie... Your new character will have go all along and find, kill your old character!! and claim the bag with survival kits and then continue even further!!! So the game is TRULY a survival game hahahahahaha... It sounds bizarre.. is it.

It seems like it will be a highscore game where you can not win, which is a typicall aspect that makes the game, in my opinion, not worth $50 but we'll see..

Truthfully Zombi U graphics look next gen to me from that trailer.

Next-gen? No, current gen games like Crysis 2 and Halo 4 still look better IMO. But it looks good, yes.

  • Once I killed the nurse, I had to scan her with the controller screen… but she JUMPED THE EFF OUT AT ME THROUGH THE SCREEN and scared the bejesus out of me.

Now THAT is purely awesome!

Okay I totally changed my opinion of the game as when it was first announced. I was like, hm okay, nice shooter, funny. But now it seems like a serious survival horror game. I just hope it's worth 50 euros or that it will be sold for a lower price.
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#40 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 06 June 2012 - 04:48 AM

You also have to consider that this game may be on an older dev kit. During Ubisoft's conference, they mentioned something about the Wii U only supporting one gamepad. As we all heard at the beginning of Nintendo's conference, the system will support 2. This means that either A: Ubisoft was playing dumb, or B: The teams at Ubisoft have older dev kits.

I considered that and holding out hope for that. What I'm saying is that usually when a new console launches its games at least look better or on par with last gen. This game is built from the ground up they have to make it better for launch.

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