Posted 05 June 2012 - 10:12 AM
So I managed to get myself an E3 Expo pass!! Don't ask how, 'cause I can't tell you.
I'll be there getting as much info as I can. I'm going to try to put to rest many unanswered questions I've been asking (and STILL asking after Nintendo's E3 press conference).
I will have my smart phone on me with access to thewiiu.com, so if you might have any questions regarding the Wii U, the Wii U Game Pad, Wii U games, or even stuff from other consoles,
be sure to post the question here. I'll try my best to find answers for them all.
As you can see from the pic, I still need to shower up and get ready to go. Haha!
- Stephen likes this
Posted 05 June 2012 - 02:50 PM

Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:07 PM
The controller feels... Great!I guess my only question right now is how does the controller feel.
all that talk about it being "too bulky" is ridiculous. Granted, there was a redesign, but even the original Wii U Pad was probably okay.
However, I welcome the new changes.
Now the sad part:
I can officially confirm that the new Wii U Game Pad does NOT have analog triggers. They're digital (just buttons, no squishy).
Also, No analog triggers on the new Wii U Pro controller. They're just buttons, and from what I've heard, These designs are final. I was quite disappointed.

I'll explain more in a full post later.

What are the graphics like?
Pikmin 3 graphically, how is it in person?
I can safely say that the graphics for Wii U are GREAT!
Lots of detail, even in toonish games like Pikmin. Zombie U looked awesome, not just graphically, but intuitively! In fact, Every game (Nintendo Land, Zombie U, P-100, Scribblenauts, Trine 2, Game & Wario, Fit U, Sing, etc.) ran very, VERY smoothly with neat Wii U Game Pad integration, I'd bet 60fps+ easily.
Now Nintendo (as a developer) isn't really known for trying to make HD realistic games like, say, an Uncharted, but even in the simplified style of the Mii designs, you can see great detail in them. Subtle proof of Wii Us secret might.
P.S. I actually had fun playing Nintendo Land today. Can't wait to go back tomorrow.
As I've said earlier, I'll make a more complete post with details of my experience,
but for now keep askin' them questions if you got em, guys. I'm happy to share.
Edited by dagwood dang, 05 June 2012 - 07:09 PM.
- Stephen likes this
Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:25 PM
Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:30 PM
Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:01 PM
Is it 1080p?
are the 3rd party games in 1080p
Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:06 PM
Posted 06 June 2012 - 09:04 AM

Posted 06 June 2012 - 10:18 AM
Oh it looks good. I hear the touch screen isn't 1080p, but it probably doesn't matter because it's a smaller screen. If it were 40", then we'd have something to talk about there. Anyway, it's very bright and vibrant. Scribblenauts U and Trine2's screens looked especially good...."How good does the Screen look on the Gamepad?"
The touch response was good. Not too different from some of the better touch screens out there. Single touch at a time though.
STICKSDo the analog sticks feel like they are in the right place? Was it awkward to have the analog sticks above the buttons?
So I've spoken to a few E3 vets there and they said that the Circle pads on the Upad from last year's E3 weren't all that great, because their thumbs slipped often. I wasn't there to try the circle pads myself, but I can say that the analog sticks on this Upad feel good. I spent a little time moving them around before I started playing. They seem sturdy, the give and resistance ratio feels just right, they don't tilt out way too far, which is a complaint I had with PS3 sticks, and the stick buttons underneath feel good n solid.
I'll admit, I'm used to 360 controls, so when I put the Upad and PROpad in my hands for the first time, I had 1 or 2 brain farts. When prompted on the TV screen to push a face button, my thumb would reach up/right for buttons only to find... air (lol). That's when I'd look down and go "oh yeah. they're down/left of here." But honestly, it only happened about twice. after a few minutes in on Ninja Gaiden 3, it felt quite natural. I can see how it helps that they placed the sticks, buttons, and D-pad in a diagonal position, because the thumbs can get to the buttons easier. Now, your thumbs will move a little more like a windshield wiper blade down to the D-pad or buttons, which is easier on the thumb than having to bend them acutely, directly below the sticks in a repetitive fashion. It's more ergonomically correct and it feels great in your hands!
After a slight brain adjustment, it just might be the smartest button+stick placement OF ALL TIME!
Think about it. These days, our thumbs spend most of the time resting on top of the analog sticks, more so than the buttons or d-pad,
so why not have your thumbs resting over them in an upright neutral position? Just makes sense.
Is it 1080p?
I'm not too sure, I'll check on that today.are the 3rd party games in 1080p
You know, It actually was. Doesn't seem too appealing when you watch it on screen, but the games really were fun. The LoZ minigame was my favorite. Up to 3 players. two of the players use the Remote+ for sword n shield swinging miis while the other player used the motion sensing Upad for arching. It's kind of like that sword game on WiiSports Resort where your guy walks and you swipe at tons of miis, but you're dressed in LoZ garb and you're fighting better bad guys in better looking environments. Anyway, I played all 5 "attractions" and I got pens for each one. Yay ME!!!!Is Nintendo Land really fun?
So I'd better get going. Go ahead and keep asking questions if you got em. I'll do my best to get answers.
And btw, I'm going to try to post pics and vids tonight in the gallery when I get home. I'll be taking my first crack at a video editor too. Wish me luck. haha.
Edited by dagwood dang, 06 June 2012 - 10:22 AM.
Posted 06 June 2012 - 10:45 AM

Also, thanks for answering these questions...I'll see if I can think of some.
Posted 06 June 2012 - 11:03 AM
Edited by BeyondSmash, 06 June 2012 - 11:05 AM.
Posted 06 June 2012 - 11:39 AM

Do you, (or anyone I suppose), know do the Wii-motes have to be the Wiimote +'s? Or can regular old Wii-Motes work? Is it game specific or are only the + ones compatible with the Wii-U?
Posted 06 June 2012 - 12:03 PM
E3 passes can be purchased from the E3 site, however, you MUST be part of the industry or media to get your hands on one. Chances are this guy got one from a friend not going, or he's part of the media.That's awesome news. I also had a feeling both of the controllers would feel comfortable. I can't wait to try them out. I will go to E3 one day!
Also, thanks for answering these questions...I'll see if I can think of some.
As for my question, do they have any Wiiu Pro controllers there, and if so, whats your opinion on them?
Edited by andodel, 06 June 2012 - 12:04 PM.
Posted 06 June 2012 - 12:19 PM

Posted 06 June 2012 - 01:11 PM
Edited by Ixchel, 06 June 2012 - 01:12 PM.

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