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Developers could have done better with original Wii's "power"

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#21 CUD


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Posted 18 August 2012 - 06:27 AM

Yeah I get the wii didn't have a proper online. But seriously the reason(most people said GameCube didn't get GTA was because of the mini disc format) wii didn't have that problem. They used standardized DVD format disc. So Rockstar couldn't assemble small dev group take Xbox version of GTA and port i to wii with new content. I disagree with those who say they wouldn't have made a profit

Do you not have a PS2, Xbox or any other system that can play those GTA games? Most Wii owners tend to also have other systems, if you only have a Wii you're just limiting yourself. Yes the Wii could probably have handled GTA but from the dev's perspective it wouldn't have been worth it.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#22 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 08:42 AM

Do you not have a PS2, Xbox or any other system that can play those GTA games? Most Wii owners tend to also have other systems, if you only have a Wii you're just limiting yourself. Yes the Wii could probably have handled GTA but from the dev's perspective it wouldn't have been worth it.

I disagree like I said n excuse it could have been done I'm not just talking GTA etiher capcom is even worse with resident evil which was IMO the best looking game last gn. Thy could have had a souped up wii version instead of the crap on rails we got. NO EXCUSE

Edited by TRON, 18 August 2012 - 08:43 AM.

#23 3Dude



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 03:47 PM

You aren't going to want to hear this.... But that's the way the truth usually is.

Twilight princess uses a modified version of the windwaker engine.....

As does skyward sword, which uses a modified version of the twilight princess engine (which was the wind waker engine).

Skyward sword absolutely demolishes twilight princess in graphical fidelity and general power flexing

From poly counts, to simultaneous ai scriptings, to environment enteractivity, to texture layers, texture resolution, lighting, physics, animation articulation (particularly facial articulation, which was pretty bad in tp) skyward sword stomps tp in every category.

What you seem hung up on is the art style, not the graphical capabilities.

Personally, I disagree that a tp art style using ss graphical improvements would have been better.

I felt tp was a very forced, very weak art style. Since it was a forced 'darker' art style, it had very little contrast in its visuals. When things actually got dark, tp's visual tone didn't change much.

When ww or ss decided it was time to show some dark imagery, the contrast was palpable.



#24 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 19 August 2012 - 08:36 PM

Ok I can understand what you are saying. I guess I didn't mean update the engine as much as allow the engine to take advantage of the extra horsepower. All in all I just felt like developers could have done more to show Wii was more powerful than gamecube and bring proven franchises to Wii gamers. Also I thought SS is the worst zelda I have played and I've played them all

#25 3Dude



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Posted 20 August 2012 - 06:27 AM

Ok I can understand what you are saying. I guess I didn't mean update the engine as much as allow the engine to take advantage of the extra horsepower. All in all I just felt like developers could have done more to show Wii was more powerful than gamecube and bring proven franchises to Wii gamers. Also I thought SS is the worst zelda I have played and I've played them all

Ha, you and I are zelda opposites. Tp is my least favourite and ss is at the top.

I do agree with you on the under utilization of the wiis power increase over the cube... But ss doesn't fit that category.

Off the top of my head, the wii games that used the extra oomph:

Other M (by far at the top of the list for sheer graphical prowess)
ff crystal chronicles
little kings story (no joke)
sin and punishment
RS2 (hate rs1, but I looooooove rs2)

I know there are some more. Can't think of em right now.

Edited by 3Dude, 20 August 2012 - 06:28 AM.



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