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Will the wii u sale more than wii


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#21 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 07:07 PM

So when I say something a bit negative about the Wii, you just have to give me a bad story about the Xbox and PS3. Come on, what is the point of that?

an eye for an eye


#22 Soul



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Posted 18 August 2012 - 07:18 PM

an eye for an eye

Don't be a bad fanboy, come on.

#23 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 07:29 PM

Don't be a bad fanboy, come on.

what the hell are you talking about? i, not even close to a fanboy im telling the truth. if anything youre the fanboy . seriously what?
if anyone was upset with the wii they mustve had a quite rare experience because alot of people i know still play it and if they dont , they are usually biased and only like xbox and have no reasons for what they say.
dont just throw the word fanboy at me because you dont even know me and im not a fanboy, i play xbox,wii, i love playstation just as much as nintendo.

fanboy is a stupid word nowadays

Edited by hardcoreUfan, 18 August 2012 - 07:33 PM.


#24 Jakester897



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Posted 18 August 2012 - 08:27 PM

I'm hoping that it will but expecting it won't.
The only way it will is if it has a very, very, very superior form of CoD. Most people probably disagree with that, but I sincerely believe that the industry is in such a state.

Also, the topic creator has fantastic grammar.
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#25 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 19 August 2012 - 04:55 AM

I'm hoping that it will but expecting it won't.
The only way it will is if it has a very, very, very superior form of CoD. Most people probably disagree with that, but I sincerely believe that the industry is in such a state.

Also, the topic creator has fantastic grammar.

Why is CoD loved so much, you pay $60 for worse courses, same guns, and a crappy 4hr campaign, and blops2 I know is "futuristic" but come on, we have enough futuristic FPS. They are jumping on that bandwagon a little bit late. The FPS genre has turned into a way for developers to steal money from people by making a $30 game and selling it for twice that. And then they make countless unoriginal sequels and everyone goes out and buys them for 3X what their worth. The only FPS that's worth the money is Halo, because at least it has an awesome campaign, but the guns almost never change, ever...


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#26 Desert Punk

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 04:46 AM

I love fps games but I enjoy the single player campaign more than multiplayer. This means a lot of the newer fps games are very disappointing due to their reliance on multiplayer often with a rubbish single player campaign.

I feel the strength of the wii u is Nintendo has managed to design a low cost console that is still competitive in technology. I'm saying that not knowing the full specification but it seems the console will bring Nintendo to current gen levels and a bit beyond and also be very cheap to manufacture. Its quite possible it could sell more than the original wii purely on the basis that the wii was very limited and the wii u should be able to deliver much better games. However it does seem nowadays there is much more competition with regard gaming devices.

The more it sells the more great games it gets and the more likely innovative games will appear. So I'm hopeing it will be a huge success.

#27 shamar



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Posted 20 August 2012 - 02:15 PM

Look the ps4 will be strong and the xbox 720 we should all know this and the wii problem might sale 100 unit or not we have to see in the near further.

#28 Fiery



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Posted 20 August 2012 - 04:40 PM

I doubt it will sell as much as the Wii U. Wii U was intended for serious gamers unlike the Wii which was intended for casual gamers. Although I will like The Wii U more it just won't sell as much.Nintendo can make a few casual titles, but it just won't be able to compete with the Wii

Edited by fieryguns, 20 August 2012 - 04:41 PM.

#29 thehappening



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Posted 21 August 2012 - 12:50 AM

one massive demon in its way the global economy that's only going to get worse, we cannot make people buy it

and the casual hardcoe devide doesnt exist thats industry excuses

#30 Mitch



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Posted 21 August 2012 - 01:05 AM

i wonder if wii will pass up ps2 lifetime sales?

Possiblly they are practically giving them away at some stores, its like $150 for a wii with wii mote plus and nunchuk + NSMBW +another game (i think it was just dance 3) and then some mario soundtrack and then i would assume wii sports is still in there so idk how they are even making money off it anymore

Edited by Mitch13pavel, 21 August 2012 - 01:05 AM.

#31 FreakAlchemist


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Posted 21 August 2012 - 08:54 AM

Why is CoD loved so much, you pay $60 for worse courses, same guns, and a crappy 4hr campaign, and blops2 I know is "futuristic" but come on, we have enough futuristic FPS. They are jumping on that bandwagon a little bit late. The FPS genre has turned into a way for developers to steal money from people by making a $30 game and selling it for twice that. And then they make countless unoriginal sequels and everyone goes out and buys them for 3X what their worth. The only FPS that's worth the money is Halo, because at least it has an awesome campaign, but the guns almost never change, ever...

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#32 Hamez



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Posted 21 August 2012 - 06:51 PM

It is extremely doubtful. There is no way Wii U is going to attract as many casual adults as Wii did. I still think it will sell pretty well, but not up to the level of Wii or PS2.

Look the ps4 will be strong and the xbox 720 we should all know this and the wii problem might sale 100 unit or not we have to see in the near further.

I despise anyone that mentions the next playstation and xbox. As far as we know they don't exist. People keep talking about it like they know everything about it, like it's been announced and has confirmed specs, but it's not. It's the main thing that caused me to stop going to IGN forever. They wouldn't shut up about it.
They are both going to be AT LEAST a year and a half away from launching, so it is pointless talking about them like they're a threat.

Edited by Hamez, 21 August 2012 - 06:52 PM.

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#33 Desert Punk

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 12:20 PM

I wonder about Sony's future in the console market. They are hugely in debt and the Vita has not been the success they hoped for. The PS4 I feel will not be super powerful but instead somewhere between wii u and the next xbox. I think the PS4 will mainly use of the shelf components like the Vita. Its difficult times at the moment. If the PS4 fails to sell well I think Sony could withdraw from gaming. It may not be too long before we are in a 2 horse race between Nintendo and Microsoft.

#34 shamar



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Posted 22 August 2012 - 02:13 PM

Now a long time ago they said durange go is a xbox 720 kit so the wii u might have something on them.

#35 Hamez



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Posted 22 August 2012 - 04:44 PM

Now a long time ago they said durange go is a xbox 720 kit so the wii u might have something on them.

EVERYTHING I've seen related to the nextbox includes the words "rumored" and "alledged" which I trust none based on how many "rumors" I've seen on this.

Sorry, but I'm calling BS on that.

Edited by Hamez, 22 August 2012 - 04:45 PM.

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#36 Jakester897



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Posted 26 August 2012 - 04:06 PM

Why is CoD loved so much, you pay $60 for worse courses, same guns, and a crappy 4hr campaign, and blops2 I know is "futuristic" but come on, we have enough futuristic FPS. They are jumping on that bandwagon a little bit late. The FPS genre has turned into a way for developers to steal money from people by making a $30 game and selling it for twice that. And then they make countless unoriginal sequels and everyone goes out and buys them for 3X what their worth. The only FPS that's worth the money is Halo, because at least it has an awesome campaign, but the guns almost never change, ever...

I know, right? I hate CoD. The first Modern Warfare was okay, but for some reason nobody realizes that they are paying $105 (including DLC) for the same game multiple times. I guess you could say the same about Mario, and even Pokémon, but at least they are priced reasonably, and at least they feel different.

One game I'm playing through right now is Borderlands, and it is fantastic. You know why? They actually tried something new and interesting, and it worked.

Edited by Jakester897, 26 August 2012 - 04:08 PM.

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#37 CUD


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 04:23 PM

Uh, maybe. It's hard to say because they attract different audiences. The Wii attracted people that never played video games before and families. The Wii U is focused around more serious gamers.

The Wii U still has a large amount of casual appeal, Nintendo has made it clear that their focus hasn't changed all that much from the Wii.

I know, right? I hate CoD. The first Modern Warfare was okay, but for some reason nobody realizes that they are paying $105 (including DLC) for the same game multiple times. I guess you could say the same about Mario, and even Pokémon, but at least they are priced reasonably, and at least they feel different.

One game I'm playing through right now is Borderlands, and it is fantastic. You know why? They actually tried something new and interesting, and it worked.

You said it yourself, the same could be said about Mario and Pokemon for example; pricing wise Mario and Pokemon games are about the same as CoD games from what I have seen and like most of Nintendo's first party titles they take forever to go down in price.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#38 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 04:25 PM

I know, right? I hate CoD. The first Modern Warfare was okay, but for some reason nobody realizes that they are paying $105 (including DLC) for the same game multiple times. I guess you could say the same about Mario, and even Pokémon, but at least they are priced reasonably, and at least they feel different.

One game I'm playing through right now is Borderlands, and it is fantastic. You know why? They actually tried something new and interesting, and it worked.

I agree Pokemon is the same stuff over and over again. But I still play each one for 500 hrs +. But Mario is different evetyge and almost always (galaxy2 ahem) feels and plays differently. So people complaining that it's the same thing have obviously never played it. And I agree borderlands is amazing. But you have to agree the FPS genre is growing tired. RPG all the way, those games are worth $60.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#39 neverwinteru



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Posted 26 August 2012 - 05:04 PM

I know, right? I hate CoD. The first Modern Warfare was okay, but for some reason nobody realizes that they are paying $105 (including DLC) for the same game multiple times. I guess you could say the same about Mario, and even Pokémon, but at least they are priced reasonably, and at least they feel different.

One game I'm playing through right now is Borderlands, and it is fantastic. You know why? They actually tried something new and interesting, and it worked.

thats cause we arent paying $105 for the same game, cod changes alot and the blind hate for it amuses me.

#40 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 05:16 PM

thats cause we arent paying $105 for the same game, cod changes alot and the blind hate for it amuses me.

The only good thing that's happerned to the series since the first MW is survival, otherwise the courses have gotten worse and the campaigns have gotten bland. I played the first one for
Probably 500 hrs, and loved every minute. I played the second one around 150 hrs and still thought it was pretty good. And I played the third one 6 hrs, and then took it to a locale vid game store and sold it for $30 and thought I was lucky to get more than 5. Also black ops I did the same. And can you honestly say the game without DLc is worth $60. Cause if you can than I advise you never go to an auction. If you want a game worth your buck, buy skyrim, and if RPG's aren't your thing, buy Rage. And if you hate Bethesda, buy borderlands.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

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