I'm agreeing that it's time... the original SNES Star Fox was always billed as
a technological powerhouse for the hardcore gamer. The amusing-but-telling tag line was "why go to the next level, when you could go centuries beyond?" - a jab at SEGA's "welcome to the next level" slogan - and the unique take on 3D gaming was really striking (and felt revolutionary) at the time.
Point being, Star Fox was made as a showcase for a system's capabilities... it was made for mind-bending presentational feats. The 64 version may not have felt so revolutionary, but it still wowed gamers of its time with its cinematic flair (of rare depth for Nintendo at that time) and its epic action set-pieces.
What better way could there be to introduce gamers to the nascent possibilities inherent to the new hardware than to blow them away with a spectacular, fast-paced adventure with mind-blowing visuals, epically-captivating and imaginative alien environments, and the kind of immersive control experience that could only be available on the WiiU?