It did suffer from foot missions but overall assault was way better than adventures,which wasn't even a star fox game just like how Kirby epic yarn wasn't a Kirby game, assault also had a fun multiplayer or at least I thought it was fun and it felt like a star fox game.
I will have to disagree with you guys. StarFox Adventures was definitely a StarFox game, just like Kirby Epic Yarn is. The story definitely fits in the StarFox storyline. The only thing that is different is that it is an adventure game and that it doesnt use technology. You guys are having the same reaction than when Zelda 2 was released. People complained about the fact that it was a sidescroller and that it didnt feel like Zelda. The thing that was wrong about that reasoning was that Zelda 2 was the second game of the series, so there wasnt any tendancy or rule stating that Zelda should be a top-down adventure to feel like a Zelda. But now it is considered as a classic Nintendo game. Same with StarFox Adventures. It was back then the second entry of the series (StarFox 64 was a remake) so there is no rule that says that StarFox should be a space shooter. If Mario became a beat em up game, then we could say its not a Mario. We cant do that with StarFox.I had heard that Assault was more "starfox-like". Adventures sure wasn't. They just threw fox into an action game with dinosaurs and called it Starfox.
IMO StarFox Adventures was the best StarFox and my personal favorite GameCube game.
I agree with you. Here is an old topic I posted to show my ideas concerning a new StarFox game, take a look if you want: I see StarFox now as is just StarFox 64 ports or lousy portable versions *cough* StarFox Command *cough*.
But what about the sequel to the last great StarFox game Assault? Are they just sitting there expecting you to play it over and over until the disk breaks? I think they are working on a massive air to on foot adventure that they had back on the Gamecube just back in 2005. I definatly think its going to take advantage of the WiiU's controller to use it to shoot and the sticks to control the craft your riding in.
So do you want to see what they can do on this new system?
Any thoughts on this
Wish list:
-On foot missions and vast variety of weapons
-New Aperiods to set off the next story
-More realistic looking effects as in textures and ballistics
-A deep and immersive storyline
-New Characters (including the original cast)
-New planets
-Online Multiplayer
-Improved on foot mechanics
-New story (Multipath and multiending)
-Co-Op online and off
-Nothing like command
Anything else?