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Is the Wii U launch missing a game?

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#41 kris1206



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Posted 30 September 2012 - 11:53 PM

My trend is spreading like a virus B)

Dissapointment with Skyward Sword and Super Mario Galaxy 2?!

I still loved them I just got over hyped to a point that anything would of been disappointing, plus I saw a lot of spoilers.
Plus some of my dissapointment was with my nunchuck that kept falling out of the remote
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#42 CUD


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 01:06 AM

The launch lineup and gamepad still haven't shown me they're worth buying this system for, I may get the chance to play it this coming Thursday so my opinion may change.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#43 Hank Hill

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Posted 01 October 2012 - 05:06 AM

This really shouldn't be said GC.........the person has every free right to his/her opinion.

I honestly think it should be said, really. There's a difference between having an opinion and keeping yourself from playing other amazing games to keep your opinion.

If you want my opinion, Twilight Princess was droves better than Skyward Sword, and SMG1 blows SMG2 out of the water any dang day. Chrono Trigger or Radiant Historia is better than all four of those, honestly.

what are you trying to say?

I'm trying to say that if you think Skyward Sword and Super Mario Galaxy 2 are the "best games ever", you really, really need to play some other great games. Say, Bastion, Chrono Trigger, Radiant Historia, Metal Gear Solid 3, any Resident Evil for the GameCube, Left 4 Dead, any of the inFamous titles, any of the Uncharted titles, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank...I could go on, really.

Edited by GameCollector, 01 October 2012 - 05:11 AM.



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#44 Nollog


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 05:33 AM

In my opinion skyward sword and super mario galaxy 2 are the best games ever, I want another galaxy and a sequel to skyward sword

Okay, if you want a sequel to Skyward Sword, I have several games to recommend to you.
The Minish Cap
Four Swords
Ocarina of Time
A Link to...
Just go here and look at all the sequels.

I'm trying to say that if you think Skyward Sword and Super Mario Galaxy 2 are the "best games ever", you really, really need to play some other great games. Say, Bastion, Chrono Trigger, Radiant Historia, Metal Gear Solid 3, any Resident Evil for the GameCube, Left 4 Dead, any of the inFamous titles, any of the Uncharted titles, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank...I could go on, really.

Maybe she forms her own opinions based on what she's already played, like you have?
For instance, I believe Super Mario World to be the best game in existence.
I dislike stealth games, and I like puzzle games to a degree.
I like when a game stylisticly separates itself from others, without doing it just for the sake of doing it.
For instance, I found the artistic style of No More Heroes, interesting, but poorly executed and crude humour boring, thus ruining the game for me.

It's okay if she has reasons she likes or dislikes things, and she doesn't need to explain those to others, in all likelihood trying to explain why she has formed any opinion of hers will never make sense to you, or anyone else unless you can agree in some way at some point.

Edited by Nollog, 01 October 2012 - 05:39 AM.

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#45 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 11:45 AM

Okay, if you want a sequel to Skyward Sword, I have several games to recommend to you.
The Minish Cap
Four Swords
Ocarina of Time
A Link to...
Just go here and look at all the sequels.

Maybe she forms her own opinions based on what she's already played, like you have?
For instance, I believe Super Mario World to be the best game in existence.
I dislike stealth games, and I like puzzle games to a degree.
I like when a game stylisticly separates itself from others, without doing it just for the sake of doing it.
For instance, I found the artistic style of No More Heroes, interesting, but poorly executed and crude humour boring, thus ruining the game for me.

It's okay if she has reasons she likes or dislikes things, and she doesn't need to explain those to others, in all likelihood trying to explain why she has formed any opinion of hers will never make sense to you, or anyone else unless you can agree in some way at some point.

I have minish cap, four swords, the first zelda, if I want I can download zelda 2 (ambassador on 3DS), I have twilight princess, I am getting ocarina of time on friday.

what I meant by sequel is, something that is set in skyloft again and has the same game play.

I honestly think it should be said, really. There's a difference between having an opinion and keeping yourself from playing other amazing games to keep your opinion.

If you want my opinion, Twilight Princess was droves better than Skyward Sword, and SMG1 blows SMG2 out of the water any dang day. Chrono Trigger or Radiant Historia is better than all four of those, honestly.

I'm trying to say that if you think Skyward Sword and Super Mario Galaxy 2 are the "best games ever", you really, really need to play some other great games. Say, Bastion, Chrono Trigger, Radiant Historia, Metal Gear Solid 3, any Resident Evil for the GameCube, Left 4 Dead, any of the inFamous titles, any of the Uncharted titles, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank...I could go on, really.

I only have a wii and 3DS, but to be honest those games don't interest me, everything that was done in galaxy 2 was done perfect better than the first game, and skyward sword (technically my first zelda) is AMAZING all I have to say.

Edited by yoshigamer9, 01 October 2012 - 11:44 AM.



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#46 Guy Fieri

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Posted 01 October 2012 - 02:58 PM

If anyone is looking for an RPG styled game ( like one similar to Diablo). I'd say try Skylanders Giants, it's not exactly an RPG. But characters level up, earn money and items from exploring/beating enemies and purchase upgrades. It's not exactly an RPG, but close enough.

#47 Splint


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 11:06 PM

IMO, Its really missing a unique online experience that really builds the community for the launch gamers. I remember I had that with the PS3 and Resistance and lots of people from that era still are friends. You have COD but thats also on the other consoles, where most likely everyones' friends will be at.

Edited by Splint, 02 October 2012 - 11:06 PM.

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