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Is the Wii U Really a Graphical Jump Over the PS3 & 360?

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#1 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 12:50 AM

It's widely debated across several forums throughout the internet. I thought I'd discuss it (like a billion other posts on the internet).
With only a month away from launch in the US, we still don't know a whole lot about the innards of the system.

The Specs so far:

GPU: An AMD Radeon HD GPU w/ an eDRAM cache built onto the die. (Rumored e6760 clocked 600MHz running at 576 GFLOPS)
CPU: An IBM Power-based CPU
RAM: 2GB. 1GB For OS and 1GB for gaming. VRAM unknown.
Memory: 8GB Internal Flash memory (Basic) & 32GB of Internal Flash memory (Deluxe). Expandable via HDD or SD Card.
Disc: Proprietary high density optical discs. (By layer: 25GB Single - 50GB Dual - 75GB Triple. AKA Equal to Blu-Ray.)

Where would this leave us on how powerful it is? It's definitely capable. But with such vague specs (thanks, nintendo) it's hard to tell exactly. But it's definitely a bigger jump then the Wii was. Let me pull up the Wii Specs vs the Gamecube:

Wii -
GPU: ATi "Hollywood" GPU reportedly clocked at 243MHz.
CPU: IBM PowerPC-based "Broadway" CPU reportedly clocked at 729MHz. (Clock speeds not confirmed for GPU and CPU)
RAM: 88MB & 3MB embedded for the GPU.
Memory: 512MB of Internal Flash Memory expandable via SD Card.(Up to 32GB)
Disc: Unknown

GameCube -
GPU: ATi "Flipper" GPU clocked at 162MHz and running 8 GFLOPS
CPU: IBM PowerPC-based "Gekko" CPU clocked at 486MHz running 1.9 GFLOPS
RAM: 43MB total non-unified
Memory: Via GameCube Memory Card (59, 251 and 1019 Blocks)
Disc: 1.5GB Capacity 8cm Optical Disc

Not that big of a jump between the 2, now is it? Let's see the 360s specs and compare them to what we have with the Wii U:

360 -
GPU: ATi "Xenos" GPU clocked at 500MHz w/ 10MB of eDRAM
CPU: IBM PowerPC-based "Xenon" tri-core CPU clocked at 3.2GHz running at 115.2 GFLOPS
RAM: 512MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700MHz
Memory (Slim Models): 4GB Internal Flash memory expandable to 250GB or 320GB
Disc: 7.8GB Dual Layer (New Discs)

Where does this leave us? The Wii U has 4x the amount of GDDR3 RAM than the 360 has (8x the PS3s 256MB). That leaves a bonus for when it comes to rendering. Developers have mentioned that the Wii U has a good GPU, but have mentioned that the CPU is underclocked (NOT WEAK, there is a difference). That would be something the developers would have to optimize their games for. So in the end, the Wii U will do just fine in the next generation. Just give it a year or 2 for the "next-gen" looking games come out.

If you see something wrong in this article, please correct it (I recommend linking your correction).

Here are 2 videos comparing last gen ports for both the 360 and the Wii U. Make sure to run both the videos in the highest resolution!


Wii U

Edited by Dragon, 21 October 2012 - 01:02 AM.

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#2 CUD


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 12:58 AM


Not as significant a jump as the PS2/Xbox to the PS3/360 but a considerable jump nonetheless; however how much of a graphical jump we see from this hardware is up to the developers.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#3 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:00 AM

Not as significant a jump as the PS2/Xbox to the PS3/360 but a considerable jump nonetheless; however how much of a graphical jump we see from this hardware is up to the developers.

Exactly. So far, the developers are more focused on the GamePad than anything else. I'm sure it will probably be Zelda displaying the Wii Us horsepower.

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#4 CUD


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:04 AM

Exactly. So far, the developers are more focused on the GamePad than anything else. I'm sure it will probably be Zelda displaying the Wii Us horsepower.

Or Metroid. ;)
If they release a HD Metroid game I may just have to buy a Wii U.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#5 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:05 AM

Or Metroid. ;)
If they release a HD Metroid game I may just have to buy a Wii U.

Metroid. Wii U. Retro Studios. Now.

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#6 Keviin



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:10 AM

Metroid. Wii U. Retro Studios. Now.

This. With Crysis-beating graphics. MP4. Must buy.
No sig.

#7 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:12 AM

I won't be expecting a massive graphical jump, not something that was super noticeable with previous comparisons.

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#8 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:14 AM

This. With Crysis-beating graphics. MP4. Must buy.

Maybe Retro should consider Unreal Engine 4? I don't know about some people, but I prefer the looks of Unreal. CryEngine is definitely pretty though.

I won't be expecting a massive graphical jump, not something that was super noticeable with previous comparisons.

Neither did I. But I wasn't expecting another Wii situation either. With the help of HD and Nintendo's awesome tech team, this will be able to directly compete in the next-gen.

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#9 Gamejunkie



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:21 AM

I think too many people are making way too big a deal regards the overall performance and in particular the graphics capability of the Wii U. Too many people are making assumptions and getting way too over worked and paranoid about its capabilities. Even when it launches the initial games with the possible exception of first party developed ( and I mean developed and not just published ) won't show the true capabilities of the console. Launch games never do. Whilst people should be concerned about its capabilities it would better to wait until the console is out and preferably after its been out six months to a year before judging its performance especially on the graphics front.

#10 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:33 AM

I think too many people are making way too big a deal regards the overall performance and in particular the graphics capability of the Wii U. Too many people are making assumptions and getting way too over worked and paranoid about its capabilities. Even when it launches the initial games with the possible exception of first party developed ( and I mean developed and not just published ) won't show the true capabilities of the console. Launch games never do. Whilst people should be concerned about its capabilities it would better to wait until the console is out and preferably after its been out six months to a year before judging its performance especially on the graphics front.

Yeah, that's what has been irritating me. Everywhere I go, people accepting the "fact" that it's not very powerful. Has Nintendo released the full specs? No. I suggest that those people should wait until someone rips a wii u apart. Then we'll know.

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#11 Alph


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 01:58 AM

Wasn't there a rumour saying that Nintendo focused more on the graphical capabilities than power. You never know, the graphics could be on par with the PS4/Xbox 720.

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#12 Stormage09


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 02:02 AM

what you have to think more than the raw power its in the engines, they are the key for the next gen more than raw power to make the games look good, in a pc with a 9600 GT that i have lots of actuals games are still playeable at mid graphics configuration, talking carp lets say that the wii u raw power its like x2 360/ps3 and the next xbox is x4 and the ps4 x5-x6

the tricky part about the wii u is to receive next-gen ports for the maximum time possible they will obviously not look as good like the ps4 ones but i want to see the peoples face once the first game comes to the wii u and they will be like o_o the wii u can do that? its possible that the first next-gen games will even hit the 360/ps3 AND 720/ps4, speacially games that are releasing for the late 2013, like the next Cod MW4, or the first UE4 ( yes, UE4 on 360/ps3 too, its a very possible situation to happen)

then its when the wii u will cleary look better on next gen engines, comparing it to ps3/360 thanks to its better resolution,GPU features, and ramm but when comparing wii u vs 720 you can read this

WiiU compared to 720 will be in visuals like comparing Dreamcast to Xbox 1, said by a developer from neogaf

and here you have a comprasion dramcas-xbox 1 http://shenmuedojo.n...sdreamcast.html

another thing


PS4 and Xbox 720 won't be a massive leap forward according to John Carmack. (Doom, Rage)
Uncharted 3. Will games look vastly better than this on next-gen machines? Carmack is suggesting they'll just be smoother, slicker and higher reolution, but essentially the same
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and another


Iwata: PS4/Xbox 720 graphics won't be drastically better than Wii U

Nintendo honcho Satoru Iwata has said that the difference in visuals between the next consoles from Sony and Microsoft and Wii U won't be as "drastic" as the visual gap between Wii and PS3/Xbox 360.

and a liitle teaser from someone who has seen some bayonetta 2 gameplay... https://twitter.com/...677983960616960

"In happier news, I had to buy a power loader to pick my jaw off the floor after watching some Bayonetta 2 today."

my conclusion? yes the 720/ps4 ports comparing to the wii u will be better, a bit more of resolution, some better features and effects looking nice, but not in a brutal way like was the wii comparing it to the 360/ps3 what makes that the games on the wii u will still look good and nice, but we have to wait and see to watch a real comprasion and see how big the gap is

Edited by Stormage09, 21 October 2012 - 02:20 AM.

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#13 dragomix



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 02:10 AM

There are several factors that determine power of hardware. One factor is power of GPU, CPU chips and amount of RAM and EDRAM. The other is architecture, and how those components work together. The last one is set of features that GPU has, like teselation, shader model 5 etc. Wii U has more powerful GPU and CPU, more RAM and EDRAM than Xbox360 (PS3 has better CPU, but worse GPU). Wii U has superior architecture. Wii U has better set of features (maybe even all of features that DX11 brought to PC).

Wii U is big leap, there is no question about that. Wii U will be able to produce anything that PS4/Xbox 720 can, but i lower resolution, and maybe with some effects absent from the game (like teselation). I think many will be surprised when they see full potential of Wii U in the future.

#14 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 02:14 AM

what you have to think more than the raw power its in the engines, they are the key for the next gen more than raw power to make the games look good, in a pc with a 9600 GT that i have lots of actuals games are still playeable at mid graphics configuration, talking carp lets say that the wii u raw power its like x2 360/ps3 and the next xbox is x4 and the ps4 x5-x6

the tricky part about the wii u is to receive next-gen ports for the maximum time possible they will obviously not look as good like the ps4 ones but i want to see the peoples face once the first game comes to the wii u and they will be like o_o the wii u can do that? its possible that the first next-gen games will even hit the 360/ps3 AND 720/ps4, speacially games that are releasing for the late 2013, like the next Cod MW4, or the first UE4 ( yes, UE4 on 360/ps3 too, its a very possible situation to happen)

then its when the wii u will cleary look better on next gen engines, comparing it to ps3/360 thanks to its better resolution,GPU features, and ramm but when comparing wii u vs 720 you can read this

WiiU compared to 720 will be in visuals like comparing Dreamcast to Xbox 1, said by a developer from neogaf

and here you have a comprasion dramcas-xbox 1 http://shenmuedojo.n...sdreamcast.html

another thing


PS4 and Xbox 720 won't be a massive leap forward according to John Carmack. (Doom, Rage)
Uncharted 3. Will games look vastly better than this on next-gen machines? Carmack is suggesting they'll just be smoother, slicker and higher reolution, but essentially the same
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and another


Iwata: PS4/Xbox 720 graphics won't be drastically better than Wii U

Nintendo honcho Satoru Iwata has said that the difference in visuals between the next consoles from Sony and Microsoft and Wii U won't be as "drastic" as the visual gap between Wii and PS3/Xbox 360.

my conclusion? yes the 720/ps4 ports comparing to the wii u will be better, a bit more of resolution, some better features and effects looking nice, but not in a brutal way like was the wii comparing it to the 360/ps3 what makes that the games on the wii u will still look good and nice, but we have to wait and see to watch a real comprasion and see how big the gap is

That's best, most logical post I've seen in a while. The dreamcast vs xbox is a perfect comparison.

As far as top notch graphics in the next gen, these are the series I could see pushing the limits of consoles:

God of War
Gears of War

Prepare for the future! :)

There are several factors that determine power of hardware. One factor is power of GPU, CPU chips and amount of RAM and EDRAM. The other is architecture, and how those components work together. The last one is set of features that GPU has, like teselation, shader model 5 etc. Wii U has more powerful GPU and CPU, more RAM and EDRAM than Xbox360 (PS3 has better CPU, but worse GPU). Wii U has superior architecture. Wii U has better set of features (maybe even all of features that DX11 brought to PC).

Wii U is big leap, there is no question about that. Wii U will be able to produce anything that PS4/Xbox 720 can, but i lower resolution, and maybe with some effects absent from the game (like teselation). I think many will be surprised when they see full potential of Wii U in the future.

We just need a good Zelda or Metroid to display some next-gen graphics.

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#15 MOFO


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 02:26 AM

I'm perfectly fine with what the games look like now, give developers more time with the hardware and games will only look better.

#16 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 02:28 AM

I'm perfectly fine with what the games look like now, give developers more time with the hardware and games will only look better.

Me too. But it's trying to convince the people who think that 100% of graphical power is shown at launch is my point.

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#17 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 03:37 AM

it all comes down to this one point... if you want the best graphics of a console generation DONT BUY A NINTENDO CONSOLE. they will NEVER again be the graphics leader in a console generation. truthfully what i want to see achieved from the Wii U at its best is REALTIME graphics as good as the HD zelda demo, japanese garden demo, and sameritan unreal 3.9 demo. to play graphics on that level realtime minimum NATIVE 720 30fps.... IM GOOD!!!!!!!!

#18 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 03:40 AM

it all comes down to this one point... if you want the best graphics of a console generation DONT BUY A NINTENDO CONSOLE. they will NEVER again be the graphics leader in a console generation. truthfully what i want to see achieved from the Wii U at its best is REALTIME graphics as good as the HD zelda demo, japanese garden demo, and sameritan unreal 3.9 demo. to play graphics on that level realtime minimum NATIVE 720 30fps.... IM GOOD!!!!!!!!

I only care, because I want to make the Wii U my main console of the next gen. If it's about on par with the 720 and PS4, then I can.

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#19 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 03:57 AM

I only care, because I want to make the Wii U my main console of the next gen. If it's about on par with the 720 and PS4, then I can.

well dont put all your eggs in one basket... because i can promise you the same way iwata did Wii U wont get every port from nextgen. its even possible the one you may want the most wont come to the Wii U. not because of power but because the developer doesnt think the game has a market on the Wii U.

#20 Stormage09


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:00 AM

depending on how the sales are going on the wii u will make the devs to make all games on it or not, i mean sales of "hardcore games" on it
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