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Monster Hunter for Wii U?

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#21 nintendo3DS


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Posted 15 July 2011 - 09:38 AM

I want Monster Hunter to be for the Wii U.
Think about the graphical demonstration the Wii U could represent with its graphics for this game!
The monsters would look really good in detail.
Also, think about all the new ways you could use the Wii U controller for Monster Hunter Wii U.

#22 Drople



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Posted 22 July 2011 - 09:06 AM

It would be interesting to see how the Wii U controller would be used in a Monster Hunter game :P
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#23 The Video Gamer

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Posted 10 October 2011 - 09:55 AM

Well those Monster Hunter 3DS rumours came true. But we didn't get one oh no we got 2, Monster Hunter Tri G and Monster Hunter 4.

#24 Garolymar



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Posted 10 October 2011 - 06:29 PM

It seems like Nintendo has got something going on with Capcom so It's very likely that it will come to the WiiU.
Monster Hunter Tri was pretty good and I was able to finish the campaign but after that, the grinding for gear kinda burned me out.
Then when you realize you're only getting better gear to kill tougher monsters so that you can get better gear with no real end, it kinda wears me out. Really fun game though, the monsters were a lot of fun to fight and I think it'd be awesome if it came to the WiiU as I'll probably pick it up. Here's hoping we can brandish our Switch axes and hunt some monstrous game again.
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#25 GeneralCraezy


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Posted 11 October 2011 - 08:29 AM

It seems like Nintendo has got something going on with Capcom so It's very likely that it will come to the WiiU.
Monster Hunter Tri was pretty good and I was able to finish the campaign but after that, the grinding for gear kinda burned me out.
Then when you realize you're only getting better gear to kill tougher monsters so that you can get better gear with no real end, it kinda wears me out. Really fun game though, the monsters were a lot of fun to fight and I think it'd be awesome if it came to the WiiU as I'll probably pick it up. Here's hoping we can brandish our Switch axes and hunt some monstrous game again.

ahh, good times ;)

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#26 Jikayaki


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Posted 11 October 2011 - 07:08 PM

Monster Hunter going to the Wii U depends greatly with how good the Wii U sells in Japan. So much of the Monster Hunter's market is Japanese, which is why when the Japanese market moving toward handhelds instead of consoles the series moved to being a handheld focused franchise. Wii got a version of Monster Hunter partly because of its sells compared to PS3 and it represented far less of an investment for Capcom. The Wii U's presence in the Japanese Market is going to have to be significant for this franchise to ever see a console launch.

#27 The Video Gamer

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 12:43 PM

Monster Hunter going to the Wii U depends greatly with how good the Wii U sells in Japan. So much of the Monster Hunter's market is Japanese, which is why when the Japanese market moving toward handhelds instead of consoles the series moved to being a handheld focused franchise. Wii got a version of Monster Hunter partly because of its sells compared to PS3 and it represented far less of an investment for Capcom. The Wii U's presence in the Japanese Market is going to have to be significant for this franchise to ever see a console launch.

Not really the 3DS is getting to Monster Hunters despite poor sales. Wii got Monster Hunter solely for cheaper development costs not because of sales. I'm pretty sure it will, Monster Hunter's on PS2, PSP, Wii, 3DS, PS3 and even the Xbox 360 so I think are chances are pretty good. Heck Capcom said they were going to put it on the Nintendo DS but it wasn't powerful enough so they went for PSP.

#28 Jikayaki


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Posted 13 October 2011 - 10:21 PM

Not really the 3DS is getting to Monster Hunters despite poor sales. Wii got Monster Hunter solely for cheaper development costs not because of sales. I'm pretty sure it will, Monster Hunter's on PS2, PSP, Wii, 3DS, PS3 and even the Xbox 360 so I think are chances are pretty good. Heck Capcom said they were going to put it on the Nintendo DS but it wasn't powerful enough so they went for PSP.

The 3DS sales haven't been poor. Currently the handheld looks to out pace the first year sales of DS. The thing is regularly the top selling hardware in Japan since the price drop. Nintendo simply didn't push hard enough with the 3DS to maintain momentum at its previous price, but the DS suffered similar handling. Monster Hunter is a Japanese focused franchise. This is why I stated that the only way Wii U would get a Monster Hunter release is if the Wii U sells well in Japan. So much of the Japanese market is handhelds thus why this franchise with most of its focus in Japan has for the most part stuck with handhelds this gen. Monster Hunter for the 3DS is a natural fit for the Japanese Market. Monster Hunter for Wii U not so much. We'll have to see if the new controller helps the console create a market significant enough to warrant Capcom making a Monster Hunter game for the console.

Monster Hunter originally went to the Wii because of the franchise's Japanese market focus. There simply wasn't enough of an audience for the franchise to warrant HD developing costs because primarily the Japanese console market is too small to warrant that sort of investment. Wii U is going to have to over come that issue if Monster Hunter is ever going to grace its library. The touchscreen controller may very well help the console in that regard.

#29 The Video Gamer

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 03:14 AM

The 3DS sales haven't been poor. Currently the handheld looks to out pace the first year sales of DS. The thing is regularly the top selling hardware in Japan since the price drop. Nintendo simply didn't push hard enough with the 3DS to maintain momentum at its previous price, but the DS suffered similar handling. Monster Hunter is a Japanese focused franchise. This is why I stated that the only way Wii U would get a Monster Hunter release is if the Wii U sells well in Japan. So much of the Japanese market is handhelds thus why this franchise with most of its focus in Japan has for the most part stuck with handhelds this gen. Monster Hunter for the 3DS is a natural fit for the Japanese Market. Monster Hunter for Wii U not so much. We'll have to see if the new controller helps the console create a market significant enough to warrant Capcom making a Monster Hunter game for the console.

Monster Hunter originally went to the Wii because of the franchise's Japanese market focus. There simply wasn't enough of an audience for the franchise to warrant HD developing costs because primarily the Japanese console market is too small to warrant that sort of investment. Wii U is going to have to over come that issue if Monster Hunter is ever going to grace its library. The touchscreen controller may very well help the console in that regard.

Not now since the price and constant flow of great games but earlier on they were pretty poor with even the PSP topping it. And my point was that Monster Hunter Tri came to the Wii because PS3 development costs were too high not because the Wii had higher sales. Monster Hunter fans will come to any console if it has Monster Hunter so even on a console with terrible sales Monster Hunter would still sell immensely well. That's Monster Hunter is so important companies like Nintendo and Sony because it gives consoles a massive boost in Japan.

#30 Jikayaki


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Posted 15 October 2011 - 07:34 PM

Not now since the price and constant flow of great games but earlier on they were pretty poor with even the PSP topping it. And my point was that Monster Hunter Tri came to the Wii because PS3 development costs were too high not because the Wii had higher sales. Monster Hunter fans will come to any console if it has Monster Hunter so even on a console with terrible sales Monster Hunter would still sell immensely well. That's Monster Hunter is so important companies like Nintendo and Sony because it gives consoles a massive boost in Japan.

I'm not sure I'm explaining myself completely. HD console development costs being a factor in why Wii got a Monster Hunter isn't something I have argued against. There simply so much more to why Capcom didn't create a Monster Hunter for the PS3 at the time than simply the high developer costs of HD development. It has to do with the market within Japan where Monster Hunter contains majority of its audience. The investment wasn't worth it compared to the market that existed for HD consoles within Japan at that time or now for that matter. Wii had a larger market, it wasn't too difficult to share resources from the PSP, and it represented a lower investment. The Japanese market is far too small today for extensive development on a franchise unless it has some significance in the West.

#31 The Video Gamer

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 02:41 AM

I'm not sure I'm explaining myself completely. HD console development costs being a factor in why Wii got a Monster Hunter isn't something I have argued against. There simply so much more to why Capcom didn't create a Monster Hunter for the PS3 at the time than simply the high developer costs of HD development. It has to do with the market within Japan where Monster Hunter contains majority of its audience. The investment wasn't worth it compared to the market that existed for HD consoles within Japan at that time or now for that matter. Wii had a larger market, it wasn't too difficult to share resources from the PSP, and it represented a lower investment. The Japanese market is far too small today for extensive development on a franchise unless it has some significance in the West.

I was just going by the official press release.

#32 Jikayaki


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 12:59 PM

I was just going by the official press release.

Those sort of things are often full of PR. I'm merely speculating on the reasons that Wii got a Monster Hunter and how that compares to the possibility that Wii U will get a Monster Hunter release based both on official statements and common sense. The Wii U has to create a larger audience within Japan for Japanese console games or the Monster Hunter games for the 3DS have to create a reasonable audience within the west if they are going to be localized. Otherwise a Monster Hunter for the Wii U isn't really guaranteed. Outside this Nintendo would have to money hat to Capcom for a console version.

#33 The Video Gamer

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Posted 17 October 2011 - 08:20 AM

My other point was that Monster Hunter isn't the kind of game that needs the hardware to have good sales for it to sell well because Japanese gamers will buy the hardware for it. Also Nintendo said they're willing to invest in third party exclusives for the 3DS and Wii U so I'm sure they'd give a moneyhat to Capcom for Monster Hunter on Wii U. In fact I reckon they paid for Monster Hunter 4 to be exclusive to the 3DS as well.

#34 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 17 October 2011 - 04:20 PM

So overall...the moral of the thread is... CAPCOM DONT SCREW WITH THE FANS... make it happen , MH4G for wiiu... thatd be a funny switch
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#35 Jikayaki


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Posted 17 October 2011 - 05:25 PM

My other point was that Monster Hunter isn't the kind of game that needs the hardware to have good sales for it to sell well because Japanese gamers will buy the hardware for it. Also Nintendo said they're willing to invest in third party exclusives for the 3DS and Wii U so I'm sure they'd give a moneyhat to Capcom for Monster Hunter on Wii U. In fact I reckon they paid for Monster Hunter 4 to be exclusive to the 3DS as well.

Still why would Capcom create a Monster Hunter game for Wii U when they could simply make sequels for the Monster Hunter franchise and spin-off titles for 3DS and Vita. Handhelds are increasingly the preferred gaming devices for the Japanese market, where in their console market selling over 200,000 copies is extraordinary. Major Western franchises would crash at current dev costs within a similar sized market. The audience for Monster Hunter is completely complacent with a handheld experience. In other words there is no driving force for Capcom to develop a Monster Hunter game outside handhelds within its current market. The Wii U has to place itself as a major force in Japan like no console has done in recent memory or Nintendo has to foot the bill. Otherwise Monster Hunter for Wii U doesn't make financial sense for Capcom.

#36 The Video Gamer

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Posted 18 October 2011 - 07:19 AM

Still why would Capcom create a Monster Hunter game for Wii U when they could simply make sequels for the Monster Hunter franchise and spin-off titles for 3DS and Vita. Handhelds are increasingly the preferred gaming devices for the Japanese market, where in their console market selling over 200,000 copies is extraordinary. Major Western franchises would crash at current dev costs within a similar sized market. The audience for Monster Hunter is completely complacent with a handheld experience. In other words there is no driving force for Capcom to develop a Monster Hunter game outside handhelds within its current market. The Wii U has to place itself as a major force in Japan like no console has done in recent memory or Nintendo has to foot the bill. Otherwise Monster Hunter for Wii U doesn't make financial sense for Capcom.

Because there's no reason why they can't make Monster Hunter for both handhelds and home consoles so they might as well cover both markets even if the handheld one is bigger.

#37 Jikayaki


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Posted 18 October 2011 - 12:47 PM

Because there's no reason why they can't make Monster Hunter for both handhelds and home consoles so they might as well cover both markets even if the handheld one is bigger.

The point is that not only is the market for handhelds larger, but the market for console games within Japan isn't large enough to warrant development on next gen HD hardware. There isn't a financial reason for Capcom to develop a game within the franchise for the Wii U. The Wii U has to enlarge the console market in Japan, the monster hunter series is going to need to find a western audience, or Nintendo needs to foot the bill otherwise Monster Hunter Wii U is very unlikely.

#38 PK-Gaming



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Posted 18 October 2011 - 03:24 PM

Monster 5 Wii U Defintly with Dragon Quest X Online=Japans Gamers Love
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#39 dill



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Posted 20 October 2011 - 06:03 AM

monster hunter 4 for 3ds is not a joke they realy are makeing mh4 for 3ds look at trailer there also make a remake of tri for 3ds but i need mh4 for my wiiu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because there's no reason why they can't make Monster Hunter for both handhelds and home consoles so they might as well cover both markets even if the handheld one is bigger.

just make it for wiiu and 3ds it isnt like tri came out for every console and we what it for wiiu keep on 3ds make one for wiiu its that simple

#40 The Video Gamer

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 10:50 AM

The point is that not only is the market for handhelds larger, but the market for console games within Japan isn't large enough to warrant development on next gen HD hardware. There isn't a financial reason for Capcom to develop a game within the franchise for the Wii U. The Wii U has to enlarge the console market in Japan, the monster hunter series is going to need to find a western audience, or Nintendo needs to foot the bill otherwise Monster Hunter Wii U is very unlikely.


Really? And that's just an HD port.

just make it for wiiu and 3ds it isnt like tri came out for every console and we what it for wiiu keep on 3ds make one for wiiu its that simple

That's what I was saying, sort of.

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