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The effects of cancer are horrible

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#1 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 10:57 PM


I recently made a rude comment regarding cancer and would like to make amends for it. Cancer is a serious thing and it is nothing to take lightly. 4 of my grandparents have died and at least 3 from cancer and 3 I got to experience firsthand. This has shut me up so bad emotionally, that I could hardly even feel for others in this situation. Rather than crying, I chose to be tough, and I built a wall of toughness and machoness around myself to hide a lot of hurt feelings.

Approximately every two years, I have had to go to a funeral for one of my grandparents. When the latest died, I couldn't even sit straight in the car. My family had to wait until I could sit straight up and put my seatbelt on before they could drive. And that took 45 minutes. Normally I would not tell this story to anyone, but my insincereness has brought up that, I actually do feel. Just not well.

Edited by PotatoHog, 24 November 2012 - 11:04 PM.

#2 Eggplante!


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 11:08 PM

Hey PotatoHog, this is a games forum but we're all human and willing to talk about whatever will help each other.

I've gone through some tough times as well, losing my closest friend to cancer.

PM me if you'd like to talk in private.

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#3 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 11:34 PM

Cancer is a horrible thing indeed, best of luck to all of those poor souls who are unlucky enough to have it, my prayers are with you.

#4 Xiombarg


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 12:25 AM

I can understand what you mean. I have lost a close relative from cancer. She beat breast cancer when she was young, but when she was older she had a stroke and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I moved into my brother's room and she lived at our house in my room for a year... Just as she got through therapy (able to walk and use her arms again), began recovering, and left back to her home, she had a relapse and died from the cancer shortly after...

#5 Noonabites


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 01:47 AM

I won't go into personal details, but I lost my father to cancer. I saw a strong man slowly deteriorating and it was a painful experience. Personal experiences like the ones you had and many others, myself included, make us realize some things aren't meant to joke around about. Rape, sexuality, medical illnesses.. so many topics that are often the center of jokes. It's not okay.

I'm sorry to hear about everything you've gone through... I hope time heals your wounds. I also hope some will take from your story. If you need anyone to talk too, I'm here, and I'm sure many others on the forum will be as well.

Edited by Noonabites, 26 November 2012 - 01:49 AM.

#6 Foot


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 04:45 AM

Well, I didn't see ur rude comment, but I can understand ur sincereness, and I appreciate it.

Cancer is a running trend in my family so it's very hurtful to me. My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor, 2 of my aunts died from pancreatic cancer, my uncle got diagnosed with tongue and lung cancer 2 years ago, and has given up with treatment, and doctors say my mom is showing early onset signs of developing lung cancer. I worry that I soon will have it too should the family trend continue.

It is a tough thing too get through, and that's why we need to surround ourselves with positive things make every second count.

Edited by Heyheyharold, 25 November 2012 - 04:46 AM.

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#7 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 05:48 AM

Hey letting out your emotions is just fine. Tears just signify that you are having a tough time and there is nothing wrong with that. Actually I forgot to tell you that this is the fourth time my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer and she is recuperating however she literally cant come into contact with too much UV rays so she kinda is like a vampire. Anyways I can relate but not completely. As long as you can keep moving along in life you will always be fine for life will always toss a few wildcards in your path. "A man may never chose his path but he always gets the choice of whether or not to walk it." In this case just walk it and let out emotion because I know it is never a good idea just to bottle it up in there. Everyone has cried and I cant see why you shouldn't either. You will be fine and I do forgive you and in my book the first to forgive is always the greater of the two and I think you know what I am talking about Potato.

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#8 Alph


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 05:53 AM

I hate Cancer, all of my grandparents died from it.

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#9 Jelloman



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 06:26 AM

its good to let it out and tell people how you feel and i dont think anyone on this forum would take that and make fun of it no one i know has had cancer but some almost lost their life, at least you said sorry to the forum.


#10 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 06:49 AM

I hope you feel better soon.



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#11 Andy


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 10:27 AM

I lost my grandma to lung cancer in 07. over the course of about 9 months, I saw her deteriorate from one of the livelyest women out there for here age, to an unrecognizable shadow of her former self. Toward the end, I don't think she even recognized who we were. She would just stare at us like we were total strangers. She couldn't even say a word, that's how bad it got.

We got a call from the hospital a few days before she passed. The cancer had already spread too far. There was nothing that could be done to save her. My mom was in tears when she told me.

After she died, I just didn't want to believe she was gone. I kept expecting her to walk through the door, like she did everyday. I think it took until the funeral for it to fully set-in. She was gone, and she wasn't coming back.

This was the first time I had ever lost a close relative... Well, I had lost my grandfather about 7 or 8 years before that, but I was too young. I didn't really understand death, and I didn't have much of a chance to get close to him (though my mom tells me I'm the spiting-image of him in how I act).

This month marked five years since she passed, and it seems like ever since she died the family went with her. Back when she was alive, the entire family used to come around for major events, like birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now it's mainly only my immediate family and my grand parents on my dad's side. The last time I saw mt aunt (who lives on the other side of the country) was at my uncle Joe's birthday a couple years ago. To this day it still hurts to think back on it. I teared up for a minute or two just typing this. :'(
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#12 Portal



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 12:43 PM

I don't exactly understand why this is a topic, but I feel for you. It's hard for something to really hit me. My great-grandmother died from a stroke some months ago, and I can't say I really cared. She was gone,yes, but I cared more about my grandmother and how it would hit her. Even when one of the greatest men I know, Mr. Jim, died of cancer, at the time it didn't hit me. I just thought, he'll come back. He'll teach AWANA again. Now, I hate myself when I think of his death. He was so wise, so mature, and an all around great man, but I took nothing from him. I thought he'd live forever, and I lost an amazing opportunity. Dude, I'm sorry for you. If you want to PM me or smething, feel free to do so.

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#13 AndyG


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 06:47 PM

My grandpa died from cancer on christmas day about 4 years ago, i never really had much of a bond with him. But once i heard those few words, i can not tell you how much i regret not spending time with him.

Edited by AndyG, 25 November 2012 - 06:47 PM.

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#14 mistersmith



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Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:47 PM

I hate cancer too, it's turned half the internet into ogres

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