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The official "What games should I get?" Thread

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#121 genev


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Posted 28 July 2014 - 02:36 AM

I can sum this up in one word: Amazing. I don't know if you played the demo but the full version is quite different. The story is great, funny and interesting, usage of the gamepad is different and really acts like an extra pair of eyes aswell as an method for inputting the unite morphs. I was on the fence after demo but got it as a free game, playing on normal is actually challenging. It has it's minor flaws, weird camera angles and sometimes unresponsive too certain commands it's easily worth the price, espaiclly since it already is lower than say 3D world and the likes.

I haven't played the demo but I'm going to. Thnx :)

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#122 SammyPegs


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 05:43 AM

Ladies and gents, I am thinking of getting Resident Evil: Revelations to keep me tied over until Bayonetta 2 (or Hyrule Warriors if I decide to get that) do you guys think it's worth the punt?



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#123 Akazury


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 05:50 AM

Depends if you have played it on the 3Ds cause the game is amazing, returning much more to the horror than more recent RE's but if you've played it on the 3Ds there isn't anything different. I've had a blast with it, probably one of my most played games on the handheld and I deceintly think it's worth it if you haven't played it before.

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#124 A.Newh0pe



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Posted 29 December 2014 - 11:03 AM

This thread is still ridiculously old but hopefully some gets around to responding. I'm considering Mario Kart, but the only problem is that I have literally no one to play it with. I no it's fun but I'm not big on racers. Anyway what should I be looking at. I already have SSB & Wind Waker (as per a few of your suggestions.)

Add me btw if you ever wanna run some smash. Nintendo ID - A.Newh0pe

#125 NintendoReport



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Posted 29 December 2014 - 11:25 AM

This thread is still ridiculously old but hopefully some gets around to responding. I'm considering Mario Kart, but the only problem is that I have literally no one to play it with. I no it's fun but I'm not big on racers. Anyway what should I be looking at. I already have SSB & Wind Waker (as per a few of your suggestions.)

Add me btw if you ever wanna run some smash. Nintendo ID - A.Newh0pe


Online Mario Kart is solid. So, if no one to play at home you can sink hours into online racing.

If you are in for a challenge and like action, Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 are must haves. If you like open world feel and lego, Lego City Undercover is a great choice.

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#126 Bowser Jr

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Posted 29 December 2014 - 02:44 PM

If you like smashing people and want a game that relieves anger and stress, you should get Super Smash Bros for Wii U.

#127 3Dude



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Posted 29 December 2014 - 03:36 PM

This thread is still ridiculously old but hopefully some gets around to responding. I'm considering Mario Kart, but the only problem is that I have literally no one to play it with. I no it's fun but I'm not big on racers. Anyway what should I be looking at. I already have SSB & Wind Waker (as per a few of your suggestions.)

Add me btw if you ever wanna run some smash. Nintendo ID - A.Newh0pe


A little info on what you like would help us help you find new experiences to love (And not just for wii u....)


For Wii u right now there is a lot of truly high quality stuff. Truly truly high quality stuff.


For skill based action games, Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 are some of the best in the genre.... Ever. The games are chock full of content and replayability, with tons of unlocks, and reasons to replay levels again (And find new things you couldnt before).


Hyrule warriors is an action based romp with lots of meaty content.


Mario Lart 8 is a fantastic kart racer, even if you are single player only (although the wii u has free online gaming, so if you have internet, you can play with others). The track design is... Most unlike most racers you have played, and is very entertaining, even without the zany combat antics.


Captain Toad is a fantastic looking puzzle platformer with aastounding production values and visual design.


If you need your exploration adventure itch scratched... We still have some waiting to do, but man does it look like it will be worth it, Xenoblade chronicles X, and Zelda Wii u look amazing, and to be coming out within the next year or two.



#128 Portal



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Posted 29 December 2014 - 04:01 PM

This thread is still ridiculously old but hopefully some gets around to responding. I'm considering Mario Kart, but the only problem is that I have literally no one to play it with. I no it's fun but I'm not big on racers. Anyway what should I be looking at. I already have SSB & Wind Waker (as per a few of your suggestions.)

Add me btw if you ever wanna run some smash. Nintendo ID - A.Newh0pe

Get Hyrule Warriors, Pikmin 3, and MarioKart 8. Oh, and Rayman Legends. Obligatory The Wonderful 101 recommendation for 3dude. Can't go wrong with any of those.

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