Wouldn't he be a little over the top for Smash Bros.?Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)

Super Smash Bros. 4 - Character Wishlist
Posted 21 July 2011 - 04:00 AM

Posted 21 July 2011 - 03:24 PM
Neku Sakuraba
Four Heroes of Light
[quote name='GunGoomba' timestamp='1310125852' post='13068']
Lord Ghiraham
Laughing Dog
Bowser Jr.
[quote name='giggity3000' timestamp='1310128169' post='13070']
Killer Freaks from Outer Space
Niko Bellic
Master Chief
Minus One Suit Samus
Cranky Kong
Darth Vader.
[quote name='nintendo3DS' timestamp='1310138235' post='13099']
Baby Mario
Baby Luigi
Baby Yoshi
[quote name='AMAC' timestamp='1310139287' post='13101']
Professor Layton
[quote name='Hamez' timestamp='1310141259' post='13107']
Paper Mario
[quote name='Andy' timestamp='1310145416' post='13122']
2.Simon Belmont
6.Lord Ghirahim/Debbie
[quote name='Wertville' timestamp='1310157071' post='13166']
Phoenix Wright
[/quote] Here's the entire wishlist (I'll update it later.) Also, tell me if accidentaly repeated a character.
[quote name='Moshiman' timestamp='1310221497' post='13287']
The Koopa Broz!!!!!
[quote name='PhenomxZelda' timestamp='1310229376' post='13304']
Sonic,Shadow,Silver,Megaman,Protoman,Bass,and Zero
[quote name='nintendofreak247' timestamp='1310232243' post='13313']
Paper Mario & Knuckles the Echidna
[quote name='juanpa899' timestamp='1310355191' post='13619']
Phoenix Wright and Megaman.
[quote name='CRAZY FOR WIIU' timestamp='1310411354' post='13732']
Bowser Jr
[quote name='Kiryu' timestamp='1311241791' post='16265']
Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)
Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth
Issac (Golden Sun)
Sorry for the bad quoting. Looks like I can't edit it.

Edited by StreetPassWanter, 21 July 2011 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 28 October 2011 - 06:42 PM
Posted 29 October 2011 - 03:45 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing Phoenix Wright, either. Or Isaac from Golden Sun. I'm thinking Phoenix has a better chance at a spot than Isaac, and I wouldn't end up playing Isaac much anyway (assuming I got my Caeda/Mia/Lyn/etc).
Posted 30 October 2011 - 05:26 AM

Posted 30 October 2011 - 09:10 PM
Edited by Merchiodos, 30 October 2011 - 09:13 PM.

If only Link was real <3
Posted 05 November 2011 - 01:24 PM
Posted 06 November 2011 - 12:53 PM
Shadow the Hedgehog.
He could have a Super Shadow Final Smash, with Chaos Control, and an ending Chaos Blast.
Maybe a Chaos Sphere special move attack? I dunno. But Shadow is highly likely.

Posted 27 November 2011 - 03:00 PM
1.Blaze The Cat! Please!
2.Waluigi! Please!
3.Dr. Eggman!
Waluigi and Blaze seem like they could make good characters, Eggman i just like him.
Some other characters would be cool are
-Shadow The Hedgehog
-Krystal (Star Fox 64)
-Tom Nook (lol) would be kind of neat
-Dry Bones
-Rosalina (not high on the list but would be neat)
-Some more playables from the wario ware series
-Bowser Jr.
-Midna (Twilight Princess)
-Chunkey Kong (Donkey Kong 64)
-Booster (Mario RPG 7 Stars) just an old favorite
-Zoroark (Pokemon)
-Tetra (Toon Zelda) and Toon Ganon to go along with Toon Link
-Zant (Twilight Princess)
- I am also kind of hoping they will make Mii's as playable charaters, that would be fun
Edited by marioluigi0, 27 November 2011 - 03:12 PM.
Posted 27 November 2011 - 05:15 PM
Posted 27 November 2011 - 06:05 PM
by chance
Posted 27 November 2011 - 08:53 PM
Posted 28 November 2011 - 06:38 PM
by chance
Posted 30 November 2011 - 06:23 PM
-All the Melee characters should return
-Chell (portal)
-Gordon Freeman
-the Minecraft dude (lol)
-Meryl (Metal Gear Solid)
-Dixie Kong *I mean seriously! Her hair is one heck of a weapon*
Assist Trophies
-Amy Rose
-Creeper (minecraft) *of course, this guy could be epic randomly coming out of the item crate like the redead*
-Peppy Hare *as a distraction! Can you imagine trying to battle trying to ignore his text comments asking you to do a barrel roll?*
-GLaDOS *Insulting the players individually with her sarcasm and promises of cake would be EPIC*
-Metal Gear Rex
-Nightmare *Kirby's Adventure*
-King K.Rool
-King Boo
-Giant Head Crab (Half-life)
Hyrule Castle: Revamp the first SSB game's Hyrule Castle, it shifts to a dungeon with a chess board with a revolving platform in the background with a Darknut on one side and a fairy statue on the other. Randomly, the platform stops. The Darknut swipes at characters, the fairy throws out items.
Minecraft: A minecraft field that has a random shape. Every once in awhile, a TNT, a music block that spits out items, or a creeper appears
Aperture Laboratory: A moving stage, moving through test chambers with different obstacles like the different gels, turrets, crushers. Maybe even a companion cube appears with an item. the biggest hazard would be random portals popping up around the stage. They could either save you or send you flying down a hole/incinerater
8 bit world: random game scenery from the NES games such as Mario Bros, Metroid, Megaman, etc. The enemy's can be stunned by attacks and thrown, but some of them get angry and attack the players at random.
Bowser's Castle: some areas can be broken through and there is a lava pit under the stage. A random roulette game comes up. matches causes effects. 3 marios= curry, 3 yoshi's=food, 3 peach's=Heart container, 3 Bowsers= bomb-oms scatter about the stage, 3 stars(extremely rare)=Smashball/assist Trophy (the effects don't change based on items being turned on/off
I would also like to see the first Donkey Kong stage, Termina Bay, and Dream Fountain to return. I miss those stages.
Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:14 PM
I would love to see Tails and Knuckles, MegaMan sounds like he has a good chance of getting in, Rayman has a good chance aswell! The next lot probably not but it never hurts to hope! Spyro,Crash,Ty the Tasmanian Tiger,Kay(From "Legend Of Kay")Original Spike from Ape Escape. Play as Prof. Layton and Luke would be fantastic, and the ability to play as your Miis.
Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:43 PM
his name escapes me but the guy from ninja guiden
Ryu is the Ninja.
My wishlist....
Paper Mario!!!!!!!!!!
(any future thoughts are being made.)
Posted 08 December 2011 - 05:17 PM
I imagine Medusa would make a good new female rep, or Palutena.
Dixie Kong could be represented.
Lyn could be a new fire emblem rep or, Liz.
Then again, some more new games could come out, so what do I know?

Posted 09 December 2011 - 05:17 PM
We need more females. Like now.
I imagine Medusa would make a good new female rep, or Palutena.
Dixie Kong could be represented.
Lyn could be a new fire emblem rep or, Liz.
Then again, some more new games could come out, so what do I know?
*Looks at signature*
Hmm.... forgeting someone?
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