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Good news about slow loading times

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#61 dante👌


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:59 AM

Sarcasm that hard to pick up on the internet first off and second where is it please enlightened me ;do you agree than that the wiiU load times are slow?
Also you still avoiding my question but lets see how you answer whats in front of you first.

The loading times are just fine and not slow, You are just an idiot if you actually think its that slow, But you are just one of those people that if its not as fast as YOU want it, Then you just whine and complain about it, And it annoys us, So stop complaining.

#62 bornsupercharged



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:02 AM

If the Wii U is so terrible, why do you still have it? Wouldnt it make more sense to sell it or return it? What is the point in complaining about something but still using it?

The Wii U has its pros and cons, I listed some of the cons. There are issues with it that they should fix, and that they can fix. They are aware of the issues, but it's up to them to decide if they give a carp or not.

Are you freaking kidding me? You have no clue what you are talking about! You are comparing a Freaking Microwave to a wii u? Wow, and the loading times may be bad for you, But i notice NO PROBLEMS! And you are complaining about the gamepad battery? Okay are you stupid or something? its that bad "Just fine for me" Because think about what all it has to do, Run the 480P screen, it has a motherboard, 9AXIS Gyro, And rumble, and its a GREAT thing Nintendo Give MULTIPLE Controller options, Not just 1 Same old controller, And No dip Sherlock you cant use your pro controller with Wii games, Its because its running an Emulated wii menu So its just changing wii u, to wii, So of course you cant use your fang gamepad, It would be stupid if you used your gamepad with a Wii, Learn more facts before you post next time, Idiot.

No - comparing it to a microwave helps to show exactly how SLOW the menu loading is. For instance, with our baby when we make a bottle, we heat 6 ounces for 13 seconds in the microwave. So if I had to wait 22 seconds for the microwave to start, that'd be 35 seconds just to heat the bottle up. How is OKAY for a brand new console to take so long to load? It isn't.

What would you like me to compare it to, my laptop that boots up into WINDOWS faster than a Wii U can get out of System Settings?
Or how fast my phone or tablet can go into and out of their system settings multiple times before the Wii U can even get into it's System Settings once?

You must have narcolepsy, one second you click into an app, next thing you know you're fast asleep and when you wake up "omg wow that was fast it already loaded, I just clicked that half a second ago!"

BTW what the heck is your point when you said: "Because think about what all it has to do, Run the 480P screen, it has a motherboard, 9AXIS Gyro, And rumble"
You're saying to think about what the GamePad has to do, it has to have a motherboard? LMFAO dude you're the idiot. It's not even doing any computations, its literally taking a signal from the Wii U and displaying the picture/driving the rumble. That's nothing.

"Its because its running an Emulated wii menu So its just changing wii u, to wii, So of course you cant use your fang gamepad, " - that's a decision and limitation imposed BY NINTENDO.

"It would be stupid if you used your gamepad with a Wii" - yes it'd be stupid to be able to play my Wii games directly on the gamepad instead of needing a TV.. lmao

The loading times are just fine and not slow, You are just an idiot if you actually think its that slow, But you are just one of those people that if its not as fast as YOU want it, Then you just whine and complain about it, And it annoys us, So stop complaining.


Once again, the loading times are NOT fine, they are SLOW. You're the idiot that thinks 22 seconds is "normal". Quit being a fanboy and admit Nintendo released a half baked console that loads everything absurdly slow.
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#63 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:10 AM

The loading times are just fine and not slow, You are just an idiot if you actually think its that slow, But you are just one of those people that if its not as fast as YOU want it, Then you just whine and complain about it, And it annoys us, So stop complaining.

Ok so where is the damn sarcasm you was talking about and you never answered my question and I happen to be getting tired of this game of cat and mouse. I don't like to judge new members but your walking a fine line .

#64 bornsupercharged



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:13 AM

Ok so where is the damn sarcasm you was talking about and you never answered my question and I happen to be getting tired of this game of cat and mouse. I don't like to judge new members but your walking a fine line .

There is none, he doesn't even know what the world "sarcasm" means. But I'm a nice guy, so I'll give him an example of sarcasm:

"It would be stupid if you used your gamepad with a Wii" - yes it'd be stupid to be able to play my Wii games directly on the gamepad instead of needing a TV.. lmao

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#65 3Dude



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:30 AM

Wow. Ok, feel free to keep the ridiculous loadtimes when nintendo fixes it for the rest of us.



#66 dante👌


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 09:08 AM

Ok so where is the damn sarcasm you was talking about and you never answered my question and I happen to be getting tired of this game of cat and mouse. I don't like to judge new members but your walking a fine line .

I just answered you idiot! are you blind???

There is none, he doesn't even know what the world "sarcasm" means. But I'm a nice guy, so I'll give him an example of sarcasm:

Yes i know what sarcasm means dumb***, You people are just too stupid to notice it, and if you actually think nintendo would make the gamepad work with a wii, then you're just and idiot that needs help, When you go to your wii menu it completely go's away from the wii u menu then just runs as a wii, so you will need wii remote, You need to study up idiot.

Wow. Ok, feel free to keep the ridiculous loadtimes when nintendo fixes it for the rest of us.

ridiculous? I think not, You are just like them, no go away.

#67 3Dude



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 09:12 AM

ha ha, what a tool.



#68 bornsupercharged



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 09:18 AM

Yes i know what sarcasm means dumb***, You people are just too stupid to notice it, and if you actually think nintendo would make the gamepad work with a wii, then you're just and idiot that needs help, When you go to your wii menu it completely go's away from the wii u menu then just runs as a wii, so you will need wii remote, You need to study up idiot.

LOL it's all Nintendo imposed limitations, derp derp just call people idiots when they know more than you but you disagree because you're a fanboy!

Edited by bornsupercharged, 21 December 2012 - 09:19 AM.

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#69 3Dude



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 09:35 AM

LOL it's all Nintendo imposed limitations, derp derp just call people idiots when they know more than you but you disagree because you're a fanboy!

Well, he is a horsing idiot, but even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

Wii u..... Isnt backwards compatable outside of wii mode, which hardware emulates the wii via shutting off access to circuits, and switching others to perform like wii circuits.

The wiiu cpu IS a 750, so it basically is broadway but its definately not a 750cle (the specific 750 model base for broadway)

Its different, but we dont know whats different, well some things we KNOW are different, like mem registers (need documentation). Just that some things... dont work where they should on wii. its confusing (NEED DOCUMENTATION)

But yeah, i get the feeling a lot of wii games wont work on the wii u cpu outside of wii mode wothout modification of the base code....

Its not imposed limitations. The hardware is not compatable with wii outside of wii mode. Its not just shutting off 2 cores and downclocking.

Although the system probably DOES have the muscle to dynamically recompile wii instruction code.... But most games will need individual tweaks for functionality.



#70 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 10:12 AM

Whoa man. Don't be too harsh.

Sorry just sticking up for you and Goku.


#71 Dragon



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 12:17 PM


Once again, the loading times are NOT fine, they are SLOW. You're the idiot that thinks 22 seconds is "normal". Quit being a fanboy and admit Nintendo released a half baked console that loads everything absurdly slow.

I sat through the video trying to find the problem you're blowing out of proportion. I can't seem to find it.

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#72 dante👌


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 01:33 PM

LOL it's all Nintendo imposed limitations, derp derp just call people idiots when they know more than you but you disagree because you're a fanboy!

you're to much of a silly pony to know thats it is just running a wii in that menu, No longer wii u, But oh no! You idiot people just demand MORE MORE MORE! and you never get what you want so you come to places like this and whine whine whine, and cry like a little baby

LOL it's all Nintendo imposed limitations, derp derp just call people idiots when they know more than you but you disagree because you're a fanboy!

And do you have any idea what the definition of Fanboy is? I'm myself am a sony person, and you know more than me? You're funny, You don't, Because when it comes to knowing things about nintendo, you're an idiot

#73 Alex Atkin UK

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 03:43 PM

We are all perfectly aware that the Wii U runs as a Wii rather than actualy emulating one.

What we are TRYING to get across, is that its very likely Nintendo COULD have made Wii mode a hybrid hardware/software emulation mode which COULD have run Wii games on the GamePad, thus it IS a "Nintendo imposed limitation".

Even if that only worked on a select few games with the rest still needing full Wii mode, that would be an improvement.

Then there are things from the eShop, especially virtual console titles, which most certainly SHOULD have been ported to Wii U for launch. We should be able to re-download our games to Wii U and play those on GamePad. This might happen, but the fact nothing has been announced is just a real drag.

There is also no excuse for not being able to boot Wii games straight from the Wii U menu. The Wii OS on the Wii U is clearly a different version to a normal Wii (they removed the ability to send messages to friends for a start), so it could easily have a hook to auto-boot the disc automatically if launched by the Wii U disc channel. It wouldn't really be much quicker, but it would at least be more graceful.

Which brings me to another point. If Wii Connect24 cannot be made to work on Wii U due to how Wii mode works. Couldn't they at LEAST have some sort of proxy so you can send/receive messages using your old Wii friend code?

Edited by Alex Atkin UK, 21 December 2012 - 03:55 PM.

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#74 bornsupercharged



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 04:12 PM

We are all perfectly aware that the Wii U runs as a Wii rather than actualy emulating one.

What we are TRYING to get across, is that its very likely Nintendo COULD have made Wii mode a hybrid hardware/software emulation mode which COULD have run Wii games on the GamePad, thus it IS a "Nintendo imposed limitation".

Even if that only worked on a select few games with the rest still needing full Wii mode, that would be an improvement.

Then there are things from the eShop, especially virtual console titles, which most certainly SHOULD have been ported to Wii U for launch. We should be able to re-download our games to Wii U and play those on GamePad. This might happen, but the fact nothing has been announced is just a real drag.

There is also no excuse for not being able to boot Wii games straight from the Wii U menu. The Wii OS on the Wii U is clearly a different version to a normal Wii (they removed the ability to send messages to friends for a start), so it could easily have a hook to auto-boot the disc automatically if launched by the Wii U disc channel. It wouldn't really be much quicker, but it would at least be more graceful.

Which brings me to another point. If Wii Connect24 cannot be made to work on Wii U due to how Wii mode works. Couldn't they at LEAST have some sort of proxy so you can send/receive messages using your old Wii friend code?

At least someone here understands what I'm saying :)
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#75 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:54 PM

Sorry just sticking up for you and Goku.

Cheers man, it's getting ugly on these forums fast, and a few of the members involved in this current ongoing arguement are way too quick too judge, but this GameJunkie dude has been annoying me for weeks lol, he seems to have something against me, it's really p***ing me off.

To all members involved in this argument if you hate the Wii U so much take it back and don't bother joining a forum about the Wii U, most of the members here want a good time, to have fun and meet new people, not to listen to moaning and b****ing all the f***ing time, get lost.

#76 Keviin



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Posted 22 December 2012 - 12:45 AM

Not to rant but the loadtimes ARE unacceptable for a next-gen console in 2012 with 1GB RAM. If you don't think so that's good, but they could and should be much faster.
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#77 count_zero



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Posted 22 December 2012 - 12:48 AM

If the User Interface (UI) has to say "Please wait" there is a problem...

#78 the world ends with me

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 07:03 AM

-looks at recent posts-

thewiiu.com am doomed

#79 Dragon



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Posted 22 December 2012 - 07:17 AM

-looks at recent posts-

thewiiu.com am doomed

No it's not. These types of arguments happen every so often.

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#80 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 07:20 AM

Cheers man, it's getting ugly on these forums fast, and a few of the members involved in this current ongoing arguement are way too quick too judge, but this GameJunkie dude has been annoying me for weeks lol, he seems to have something against me, it's really p***ing me off.

To all members involved in this argument if you hate the Wii U so much take it back and don't bother joining a forum about the Wii U, most of the members here want a good time, to have fun and meet new people, not to listen to moaning and b****ing all the f***ing time, get lost.

Just because I am pointing out a flaw in the wii U doesn't mean I hate it especially considering this topic is about the same flaw in the system.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 22 December 2012 - 07:20 AM.

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