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Wii U Pro Controller disapointment, needs a fix!

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#1 Binky_1221



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:15 AM

Just picked one up, and apparently I can't use it. It's not compatible with most games, including Super Mario Bros and Nintendo Land. What a Joke. If Nintendo is making games strictly to be used with the gamepad then... .well im just at a loss for words. Its stupid to say the least. We need to start a petition or something so Nintendo can patch the problem asap.
I never would of thought buying a standard controller wouldn't be compatible with any game. The main reason I bought a Wii U was because I always wanted a Nintendo Console in HD with a good controller. I disliked the wii due to motion controls being the main focus... for example, playing donkey kong and having to shake the controller to roll... motion controls take away precision and ruin games slightly for the "hardcore" type of player. I thought Niintendo was done with the gimmicks and were getting serious to compete with the xbox and ps3... what a disappointment. Im done ranting...
whos with me?

#2 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:39 AM


Just picked one up, and apparently I can't use it. It's not compatible with most games,

Call of Duty: Black Ops, Darksiders 2, Assassin's Creed 3, I could go on.

including Super Mario Bros and Nintendo Land. What a Joke.

Mario Bros I can slightly understand, but why Nintendo Land? That game is specifically designed to be played with the GamePad and Wiimotes.

If Nintendo is making games strictly to be used with the gamepad then... .well im just at a loss for words. Its stupid to say the least.

So wait, it's stupid that Nintendo is making games that utilize the controller that comes standard with every Wii U sold? Yeah, I guess that is pretty stupid. /endsarcasm

We need to start a petition or something so Nintendo can patch the problem asap.
I never would of thought buying a standard controller wouldn't be compatible with any game.

A petition so you can use a standard controller to play games that were quite obviously not made with the standard controller in mind. Sounds legit.

Once again, the Pro Controller is compatible with quite a few Wii U games already, as listed above.

I disliked the wii due to motion controls being the main focus... for example, playing donkey kong and having to shake the controller to roll... motion controls take away precision and ruin games slightly for the "hardcore" type of player.

I actually liked motion controls a great deal. Certainly helped out with FPS-type games in terms of aiming.

As for motion controls taking away "precision" as you put it, Wii Sports Resort, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Red Steel 2 would all love to have a word with you. Plus, quite a few Wii games either used no motion controls or were compatible with a, as you put it, "standard" controller such as the Classic Controller Pro or GameCube controller.

:throws up at the mentioning of "hardcore" players:

I thought Niintendo was done with the gimmicks and were getting serious to compete with the xbox and ps3... what a disappointment.

Uh...right. So suddenly because a standard controller isn't compatible with games that in no way had the standard controller in mind when they were created, Nintendo is no longer serious about "competing with the Xbox and PS3."

I think that overall the Wii U is doing rather well. Its launch title offerings were plentiful and offered a little of something for everybody.

Now as for the people that are inevitably going to latch onto my back screaming "BUT WII U HAS NO BIOSHOCK INFINITE METAL GEAR RISING TOMB RAIDER BHWEREJAL:DJKASFJ" those games are already years in development, long before the Wii U dev kits were even sent out, and the Wii U doesn't have as large of an initial userbase as the PS360 so there's little to no point to spend the many millions of dollars it would take to port the system over to the Wii U as of this time.

So yeah. I'm not signing any petition, nor am I with you on this front. Your complaints are...well, rather ridiculous, to be frank.



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#3 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:42 AM

I agree with Game Collecter 100%. What a waste of money (at least so far).


#4 Binky_1221



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:53 AM

lol. well if every exclusive nintendo game doesn't support the pro controller then that sucks... because it makes the pro controller obsolete for me. We all know the Wii U will be the worst console for multiplatform games. If im gonna play COD, ill do it on Xbox for obvious reasons.

#5 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:58 AM

lol. well if every exclusive nintendo game doesn't support the pro controller then that sucks... because it makes the pro controller obsolete for me. We all know the Wii U will be the worst console for multiplatform games. If im gonna play COD, ill do it on Xbox for obvious reasons.

I believe the Wii U's multiplayer will get better in the future.Besides the Wii U hasnt sold that many systems yet.




    Red Koopa Troopa

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:59 AM

thats why the wii is directed towards the players that want in game interaction.

Edited by GOOBER, 20 December 2012 - 09:59 AM.

#7 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:00 AM

We all know the Wii U will be the worst console for multiplatform games.

Oh, PLEAAASE show me your magic crystal ball that can see into the future, oh wise swami.



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#8 Goose


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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:08 AM

I agree with you. There is no reason that a game like Mario or NintendoLand doesn't support their own controller. It just forces you to buy more Wiimotes.

#9 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:12 AM

I agree with you. There is no reason that a game like Mario or NintendoLand doesn't support their own controller. It just forces you to buy more Wiimotes.

Wiimotes are like $20 now. Pro Controllers are closer to $50.

What was the logic train here again?



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#10 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:30 AM


^ does it make sense a wii mote is compatible with Super Mario Bros U but the pro controller isnt?
the gamepad feels more comfortable than a wiimote, so its even worse.
Gamecollector, you seriously need to stop kissing nintendos ass. I know im not the only person here disappointed that I can't use the pro controller. Don't hate on me for expressing my opinion towards niintendo, im not a fanboy like you.
Anyway, The gamepad is like $150 apparently, so ill be taking good care of it... If it breaks ill be forced to buy another one, thanks nintendo...

Ooh, he pulled out the fanboy card. Haven't been called that one in a long time. Thanks for that. :o

First off, I've already said that it was a bit confusing as to why Mario Bros U didn't support the Pro Controller.

Second off, what hate? I'm only pointing out flaws in your various statements.

Third off, don't ever pull the fanboy card so hastily. If I were a fanboy, I wouldn't own anything except Nintendo systems and would mindlessly bash everything else. My PS3 and Steam account says quite the contrary.

so, the pro controller was made for casual gamers?
all your points fail, i suggest you leave this thread at once and never come back.

Never said that. I'm just saying that the use of "hardcore gamers" makes me ill because that's normally a trope saddled with people who mindlessly bash anything outside of the norm and games that are not a FPS/extremely bloody/gory type game..

All of my points hold ground. The only thing you've been doing is being rude and pulling the fanboy card instead of actually trying to counter any of my statements.

I suggest you don't dole out the "never come back brainless fanboy" card ever again.

Edited by GameCollector, 20 December 2012 - 10:35 AM.



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#11 Dark Link

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:41 AM

Not all games will be designed for that pro controller as it is technically a secondary peripheral. I am guessing Zelda will not be one of those games either. I understand NSMBU should be compatible with the controller because the game can work perfectly fine without the touch screen. The controller is mostly intended for third party titles and local multiplayer, from my understanding.

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#12 Binky_1221



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:43 AM

okay, you need to relax pal. I find it hilarous gamers get so offended for being called fanboys, you act like im racist or something. You need to chill.
Sorry i sound pissed off I can't use a Nintendo controller for Nintendo games.

#13 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:45 AM

Wiimotes are like $20 now. Pro Controllers are closer to $50.

What was the logic train here again?

I'll give you my logic on this one. I was planning on selling my Wii with several games and two Wiimotes/nunchuks as a package. Well guess what? I get home with my Wii U bundle which included a pro controller, pop in Mario and expect to play some co-op with my GF with my pro controller and gamepad, and then realize that Nintendo's NEW peripherals are not compatible with their NEW version of Mario. Now I must keep my Wiimotes in order to play my favorite mode in Mario. You can sugar coat it all you want, but that is beyond dumb on Nintendo's part.
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#14 Binky_1221



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:47 AM

^ this
Nintendo should focus on the pro controller as their standard controller. They would probably even make more money if they promoted additional gameplay features if you bought a gamepad for the gimmicky perihperal that it should be.

Edited by Binky_1221, 20 December 2012 - 10:51 AM.

#15 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:49 AM

I heard that they are going to port the Wii VC games to the eshop. They should (and better)be compatible with the pro controller then.


#16 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:52 AM

I heard that they are going to port the Wii VC games to the eshop. They should (and better)be compatible with the pro controller then.

That would be nice of them, but none of that matters to me if they don't patch Mario MP. I mean seriously it is a little ridiculous when you have 4 controllers of 3 different varieties sitting in front of your brand new console, and you usually just play two player local co-op.
Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

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#17 xile6



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:56 AM

This thread fails in so many ways.
The prp controller is an add on. And its also not nintendo fault its up to each game dev.
Like zombiu there is no way to use the pro controller, but assassin creed you can easily do it.
Mairo i understand why they didnt. Its because it would throw people off. The wii mote is much simpler to use.
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#18 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:58 AM

^ this
Nintendo should focus on the pro controller as their standard controller. They would probably even make more money if they promoted additional gameplay features if you bought a gamepad for the gimmicky perihperal that it should be.

The whole point of having a pro controller was to encourage third parties to bring over their third person adventure games, platformers, and FPS' and Nintendo's most famous franchise is not compatible. People have mother doged about freezes and slow loading times, but to me this is the single biggest oversight on Nintendo's part. Marching to the beat of your own drummer is one thing, but this is the type of thing that really makes me think that the Wii U was a rush job.
Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

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#19 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:59 AM

That would be nice of them, but none of that matters to me if they don't patch Mario MP. I mean seriously it is a little ridiculous when you have 4 controllers of 3 different varieties sitting in front of your brand new console, and you usually just play two player local co-op.

Its Nintendo's way of trying to sell extra controllers. Oh the greed.

Edited by Mr.Saturn90, 20 December 2012 - 11:01 AM.


#20 Binky_1221



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:59 AM

If SMBU can't utilize (but it can) the pro controller, I don't have high hopes for the Wii VC games AND future Wii U games like paper mario, donkey kong, etc... I hope Nintendo is aware of this and is willing to fix it for the gamers that care.

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