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Team Ninja: Wii U is definitely Next Generation

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 11:29 AM

To be completely blunt and honest, there’s no way that the Wii U processor is ‘horrible and slow’ compared to other platforms.

However Hayashi does admit the Wii U hasn't pushed the bar of the previous generation's processor speeds, but insists that the next generation is about more than just beefing up CPUs.

If you’re basing this simply on processor speed, then it’s not next generation. If you’re basing this on Wii U being a new idea that challenges existing platforms, then it definitely is next generation. It is a console videogame platform that is now independent of the TV. Nobody has done that before.
Players want new innovation that includes the environment in which you play and services you use, rather than just raw processor spec. Nintendo is at the forefront of that innovation. I’m looking forward to seeing what the other platforms come up with in the future.

I hope to see what Team Ninja or Tecmo in general has planned next for the Wii U.


Original article:


Edited by SDDMN, 07 January 2013 - 11:41 AM.


#2 Zinix



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Posted 07 January 2013 - 12:12 PM

Hayashi speaks the truth. The console is just out and people are already assuming that from what we saw is the maximum potential for the Wii U. As time goes on we'll see much better looking games.

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.

#3 Mignaga



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Posted 07 January 2013 - 12:21 PM

I'm glad a well known developer is willing to say this kind of thing. I wonder why there's such a split in opinion on this kind of thing.


Be wary, the suck is coming.

#4 GAMER1984



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Posted 07 January 2013 - 01:07 PM

He hasn't said anything we don't know. But the hater are still looking at his quote so if we are talking processor speed then it's not next gen and with that he has said enough for the haters.

#5 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 08:53 PM

Team Ninja: You are awesome :D

#6 3Dude



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 09:33 AM

I'm glad a well known developer is willing to say this kind of thing. I wonder why there's such a split in opinion on this kind of thing.

Its not really split if you pay attention to who says what.

Actual developers, people who make gam engines, and then the games with them, are the ones saying its A-Ok, just different.

Port teams are the ones crying about clock speed.



#7 Alianjaro



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 04:57 PM

Its not really split if you pay attention to who says what.

Actual developers, people who make gam engines, and then the games with them, are the ones saying its A-Ok, just different.

Port teams are the ones crying about clock speed.

Yeah but Frozenbyte reports "no issues in porting Trine 2 for the Wii U".
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#8 NegaScott128



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 06:47 PM

Yeah but Frozenbyte reports "no issues in porting Trine 2 for the Wii U".

That's because they're not a port team; they're the people who made Trine 2 in the first place.

#9 Alianjaro



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:20 PM

That's because they're not a port team; they're the people who made Trine 2 in the first place.

True, my bad. But was the original team involved whatsoever in that porting process?
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#10 3Dude



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:31 PM

True, my bad. But was the original team involved whatsoever in that porting process?

Frozenbyte only has 1 team. The same people who originally made trine 2, optimized it to run on the wii u.

Geeze, for some reason all this talk, all these port team whiners whining about change, reminds me of 2005 when the real game makers saw the 360/ps3 and hated it. Absolutely hated it.

Oh man, it was burn down the house, or burning down the house, just an all out developers rant with will right and warren spectar and others, just all complaining about the garbage path they saw the generation heading... And... it all came true.

Edited by 3Dude, 08 January 2013 - 08:32 PM.



#11 Alianjaro



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:53 PM

Frozenbyte only has 1 team. The same people who originally made trine 2, optimized it to run on the wii u.
Geeze, for some reason all this talk, all these port team whiners whining about change, reminds me of 2005 when the real game makers saw the 360/ps3 and hated it. Absolutely hated it.
Oh man, it was burn down the house, or burning down the house, just an all out developers rant with will right and warren spectar and others, just all complaining about the garbage path they saw the generation heading... And... it all came true.

Wait... You think this generation was garbage? I didn't appreciate the atmosphere but didn't hate it neither.
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#12 3Dude



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 09:17 PM

Wait... You think this generation was garbage? I didn't appreciate the atmosphere but didn't hate it neither.

complete repetitive risk adverse innivation stifling me too copying garbage, with worthwhile titles too few and far between. By far the worst generation in my long, long gaming history.

I got better entertainment for the time from the freaking acorn.



#13 Keviin



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Posted 09 January 2013 - 02:55 AM

I wanna know about how powerful the GPGPU is.
No sig.

#14 3Dude



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Posted 09 January 2013 - 04:52 AM

I wanna know about how powerful the GPGPU is.

Ive gone over everything thats currently possible to know without a devkit and documentation.

It is very large compared to xenos and rsx, more room to fit alu's and other units, it has 3x the embedded ram, its actually on the same substrate as the cpu and other system components.

Developer comments keep mentioning new effects ps360 cant do.

Beyond that, its wait for it to be reverse engineered, wait for leaked documentation, or wait until nintendo finally shows one of its big games its hiding with iron clad security (retro, monolith, ead)



#15 Dragon



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Posted 09 January 2013 - 04:57 AM

Ive gone over everything thats currently possible to know without a devkit and documentation.

It is very large compared to xenos and rsx, more room to fit alu's and other units, it has 3x the embedded ram, its actually on the same substrate as the cpu and other system components.

Developer comments keep mentioning new effects ps360 cant do.

Beyond that, its wait for it to be reverse engineered, wait for leaked documentation, or wait until nintendo finally shows one of its big games its hiding with iron clad security (retro, monolith, ead)

Monolith Title
Retro Title

Those seem to be the most likely games to show off the Wii Us true power.

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#16 3Dude



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Posted 09 January 2013 - 05:02 AM

Monolith Title
Retro Title

Those seem to be the most likely games to show off the Wii Us true power.

I agree, and it is freaking KILLING me that i cant find a leaked pic of them ANYWHERE.



#17 Dragon



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Posted 09 January 2013 - 05:02 AM

I agree, and it is freaking KILLING me that i cant find a leaked pic of them ANYWHERE.

Nintendo and their secrecy.... :(

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#18 Alianjaro



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Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:40 PM

complete repetitive risk adverse innivation stifling me too copying garbage, with worthwhile titles too few and far between. By far the worst generation in my long, long gaming history.
I got better entertainment for the time from the freaking acorn.

lol I'm a second gen gamer (the GameCube was my first console) so I couldn't tell. You might be right thought. As a geek, I know a lot about the gaming history and I know that competition used to be sane for the market. Now you got Sony bashing on other companies and copying to steal and divide the market and Microsoft who shows no respect for their consumers, making them pay for every pixel on the screen. Yeah, I don't know if you think like I do, but that was my feeling.
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#19 3Dude



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Posted 10 January 2013 - 05:15 AM

lol I'm a second gen gamer (the GameCube was my first console) so I couldn't tell. You might be right thought. As a geek, I know a lot about the gaming history and I know that competition used to be sane for the market. Now you got Sony bashing on other companies and copying to steal and divide the market and Microsoft who shows no respect for their consumers, making them pay for every pixel on the screen. Yeah, I don't know if you think like I do, but that was my feeling.


This is what i was recollecting. This was shortly after the final specs of the 360 were disclosed. Game devs were furious. (despite all the propaganda spread now, the 360 has a very very weak gaming cpu for its power draw and clock speed. Its just clocked high. One dev deliberately breaks nda, announcing he doesnt care, and complains about the fact xenon would only be able to run things like game control, and ai at 1/3rd to 1/10th the speed despite its clock speed.... Yet the graphics focused units were ridiculously more powerful. He (they all) Complained this would lead to stupid bloated budgets, complete reliance on publishers, And near absolute aversion to risk in the form of everybody making the exact same kind of game with inconsiquential differences.

Which is exactly what happened.

It was Chris Hecker who broke ms nda over his rage.

"So, as you know, graphics and physics grind on large homogenous floating point data structures in a very straight-line structured way. Then we have AI and gameplay code. Lots of exceptions, tunable parameters, indirections and often messy. We hate this code, it’s a mess, but this is the code that makes the game DIFFERENT. Here is the terrifying realization about the next generation consoles: I’m about to break a ton of NDAs here, oh well, haha, I never signed them anyway.

Gameplay code will get slower and harder to write on the next generation of consoles. Modern CPUs use out-of-order execution, which is there to make crappy code run fast. This was really good for the industry when it happened, although it annoyed many assembly language wizards in Sweden. Xenon and Cell are both in-order chips. What does this mean? It’s cheaper for them to do this. They can drop a lot of cores. One out-of-order core is about four times [did I catch that right? Alice]  the size of an in-order core. What does this do to our code? It’s great for grinding on floating point, but for anything else it totally sucks. Rumours from people actually working on these chips – straight-line runs 1/3 to 1/10th the performance at the same clock speed. This sucks."

Edited by 3Dude, 10 January 2013 - 05:23 AM.



#20 GAMER1984



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Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:59 AM

Good find 3dude this should be posted on neogaf and beyond 3d, like I said before people believe ps360 are so modern when in fact it's easy for Nintendo to build a3x power machine

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