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Why TombRaider is not coming to WiiU but not all is bad

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#21 PedanticGamer


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 05:03 PM

Like I said, I'd still rather have the game then nothing at all.. That, in my opinion is a lame excuse.

and your as welcome to your opinion as he is to his.

#22 3Dude



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Posted 27 January 2013 - 05:09 PM

Yeah, because Tomb raider, Bioshock Infinite, DmC, Crysis 3 etc look so much worse.... ohh wait.... they don't.

Please dont associate bioshock infinite with tomb raider restart that wont suck attempt #48 and fake devil may cry, thanks.

And lets be real, bioshock infinite is NOT, the average quality of third party games.

And none of this changes the fact this is TWICE with TWO system launches Nintendo has left the floor COMPLETELY open to third party devs, not showing, or releasing ANYTHING in the beginning of the systems life so devs who complained 'Nintendo gamers wont buy our games over nintendo games' Could prove they are worth a damn, and they completely, and irrevocably failed, both times. With nothing to show for it except empty nintendo systems, or ancient ports of games everybody already owned, until nintendo swoops in and shows off high quality releases.

Edited by 3Dude, 27 January 2013 - 05:17 PM.



#23 tboss



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Posted 27 January 2013 - 05:32 PM

not a fan and fegured it would be a overrated game anyway, but the excuse is poor, the wiiU doesnt have enough people to buy the game atm is a better excuse.

but the game they claim to be making spacificly for wiiU better be a good replacement.

#24 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 27 January 2013 - 05:39 PM

This is exactly why a lot of people are never happy. They care more about whats not coming to a system than what is coming to it. Back in the day when I was playing Streets of Rage on my Genesis and my best friend down the street was playing Super Mario World - I wasn't hating on my Genesis or the developers for not putting a specific game on the system. I think one of the things I love MOST about Nintendo is the fact that its 10x more unique than either the Playstation or XBOX brand. I rather have something special or not at all. If I really want to play the average game that comes out then I will buy it on my 360 or ps3.
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#25 AndyG


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 06:20 PM

Sure developers are lazy, however making a straight port with pro controller support only is a terrible idea.

Quite a lot of the third party launch titles were given poor reviews because they didn't fully utilise the gamepad in a unique way, not many people want a sloppy port of a game that just adds a map or inventory to the gamepad screen. Im not saying that these games are bad by any means but the gamepad needs to be utilised otherwise people are going to complain.
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#26 PedanticGamer


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 06:39 PM

Please dont associate bioshock infinite with tomb raider restart that wont suck attempt #48 and fake devil may cry, thanks.

And lets be real, bioshock infinite is NOT, the average quality of third party games.

Firstly we do not know whether or not Bioshock Infinite is any good, it could be terrible for all we know (it hasn't even been finished yet and your talking about the quality of it). The same goes for Tomb Raider. I however must correct you on DmC. It has been extremely well received and has terrific gameplay and a story that is extremely well done. That is the overwhelming opinion on it. I also know many people who are more interested and excited for Tomb Raider and DmC then Bioshock Infinite.

And none of this changes the fact this is TWICE with TWO system launches Nintendo has left the floor COMPLETELY open to third party devs, not showing, or releasing ANYTHING in the beginning of the systems life so devs who complained 'Nintendo gamers wont buy our games over nintendo games' Could prove they are worth a damn, and they completely, and irrevocably failed, both times. With nothing to show for it except empty nintendo systems, or ancient ports of games everybody already owned, until nintendo swoops in and shows off high quality releases.

Nintendo's last two systems are far from stellar hardware wise and utilize gimmicks that many devs and publishers are simply not interested in. Do you really think devs and publishers don't release on Nintendo consoles just because it is Nintendo as that is what you are suggesting.

Answers in bold.

#27 Kokirii



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Posted 27 January 2013 - 07:25 PM

and your as welcome to your opinion as he is to his.

Nope, the opinion that this excuse is bogus is objectively more valid than the opinion that it would be better not to release the game on Wii U than to release it on Wii U without "unique and interesting gamepad support." People are welcome to have stupid opinions but not to have them validated.

This is exactly why a lot of people are never happy. They care more about whats not coming to a system than what is coming to it. Back in the day when I was playing Streets of Rage on my Genesis and my best friend down the street was playing Super Mario World - I wasn't hating on my Genesis or the developers for not putting a specific game on the system. I think one of the things I love MOST about Nintendo is the fact that its 10x more unique than either the Playstation or XBOX brand. I rather have something special or not at all. If I really want to play the average game that comes out then I will buy it on my 360 or ps3.

Acting games that are legitimately awesome but not on Wii U are mediocre games does not help. It's okay to admit that many of the games we won't see on Wii U are good.

Edited by WiiNC, 27 January 2013 - 07:26 PM.

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#28 PedanticGamer


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 07:44 PM

Nope, the opinion that this excuse is bogus is objectively more valid than the opinion that it would be better not to release the game on Wii U than to release it on Wii U without "unique and interesting gamepad support." People are welcome to have stupid opinions but not to have them validated.

No that is not the case. I know many people who argue they would rather not have a game on pc then a half assed port of it (just look at all the haters on the Dark Souls port). Just because someone has an opinion different to yours does not make it stupid, there is nothing 'objectively more valid' in what you said.

Edited by PedanticGamer, 27 January 2013 - 07:45 PM.

#29 Kokirii



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Posted 27 January 2013 - 07:46 PM

No that is not the case. I know many people who argue they would rather not have a game on pc then a half assed port of it (just look at all the haters on the Dark Souls port). Just because someone has an opinion different to yours does not make it stupid.

Your final statement is correct. But this particular opinion is not stupid because it's different from mine. It is stupid because it is objectively stupid.

Who said anything about a half-assed port? So if the gamepad isn't utilized it's half-assed? So Black Ops II when played with the Pro Controller is half-assed compared to 360 and PS3? You aren't making sense.

Edited by WiiNC, 27 January 2013 - 07:46 PM.

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#30 3Dude



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 07:06 AM

Answers in bold.

Actually, yes. Unless you think iphones are more powerful than wii u.

They dont like nintendo systems, because as they complained about all last gen 'nintendo gamers dont buy 3rd party games'.

It would be absolutely foolish to state Nintendo games are not fearsome competition, and they are only sold on one platform.

Big name publishers are hopping all over the mobile/tablet scene, on the hopes of providing comparatively high quality experiences at chump change budgets (thanks to the weak gimmicky hardware your argument claims is the reason they are avoiding nintendo) With no Nintendo in sight.

Unfortunately, they are finding the stories being woven by the game media and mobile devs to be just that. Stories (sorry atari).

Unfortunately for them, it is rapidly shown that nintendo eshops sales are heavily outdoing ios sales for most games released for both. Which is one of the many reasons independent developers are flocking to nintendo now.

The only ones who arent, are the pigeon holed incumbents. They cant afford to because of the out of control business model theyve adhered to for so long. They cant afford to unless its a garunteed blockbuster. And there is no such thing as a garuntee in this biz.

Edited by 3Dude, 28 January 2013 - 07:09 AM.



#31 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 08:19 AM

Nope, the opinion that this excuse is bogus is objectively more valid than the opinion that it would be better not to release the game on Wii U than to release it on Wii U without "unique and interesting gamepad support." People are welcome to have stupid opinions but not to have them validated.

Acting games that are legitimately awesome but not on Wii U are mediocre games does not help. It's okay to admit that many of the games we won't see on Wii U are good.

I never said they weren't good. When I mean't average - mean the types of games we see on other consoles. And likewise - Nintendo has great games no other consoles see. It's just my opinion, that I don't give a damn about games we don't get. I care about the games we do get. Instead of people whining about it, get a 360 or ps3 to play those other games and get over it.
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#32 Dusean17



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 08:33 AM

Too bad, not that I care I have the game on my PS3 and I am just fine with that.
Wii U could use a version but I'd rather have an exclusive as a whole.


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#33 scotty79



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 09:11 AM

Let me break it down for everyone, the 3rd party devs are backing off by the week,nintendo have experience of going it without them and sometimes winning.However this is not what I thought would happen when I payed my money and would not have bought the console had I have known.Before the fanboys get the torches and noose out let me explain.I come to the wii u by way of 25 years of gaming before and have done the mario thing,and to an extent the zelda thing.Have no interest in pokemons (red,black,platinum aaah forget it).Dont like jrpgs.I expected to get the multiplatform titles as well as first party titles not one or the other.As good as the existing titles I own are I sold an xbox to buy the wiiu and did not then expect the newer console to be treated like the poor relation of the console world.First bad sign was the lack of info on blops 2 dlc,then gearbox farming aliens out to demiurge and now this.Its a shame because the tech is great and I like it,however I wont appreciate the apparent lack of fps and my wiiu at the minute is on borrowed time.No battlefield 4 ?Activision wont be back with cod if they cant even get the blops dlc sorted.I can see me buying one of the other consoles probably whichever launches first as the type of games I mostly play are being left out in the cold by nintendo.Whoever is in charge of relations with 3rd party devs at nintendo needs sacked urgently
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#34 Gamejunkie



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 10:36 AM

not a fan and fegured it would be a overrated game anyway, but the excuse is poor, the wiiU doesnt have enough people to buy the game atm is a better excuse.
but the game they claim to be making spacificly for wiiU better be a good replacement.

There is nothing overrated about the game or the franchise. Its one of the best franchises in gaming history and this reboot is looking like its going to be the best game in the series. That said I'm not too bothered as I will just buy it for the PS3. Infect I already have the collector's edition for the PS3 preordered.

#35 3Dude



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 11:15 AM

Let me break it down for everyone, the 3rd party devs are backing off by the week,nintendo have experience of going it without them and sometimes winning.However this is not what I thought would happen when I payed my money and would not have bought the console had I have known.Before the fanboys get the torches and noose out let me explain.I come to the wii u by way of 25 years of gaming before and have done the mario thing,and to an extent the zelda thing.Have no interest in pokemons (red,black,platinum aaah forget it).Dont like jrpgs.I expected to get the multiplatform titles as well as first party titles not one or the other.As good as the existing titles I own are I sold an xbox to buy the wiiu and did not then expect the newer console to be treated like the poor relation of the console world.First bad sign was the lack of info on blops 2 dlc,then gearbox farming aliens out to demiurge and now this.Its a shame because the tech is great and I like it,however I wont appreciate the apparent lack of fps and my wiiu at the minute is on borrowed time.No battlefield 4 ?Activision wont be back with cod if they cant even get the blops dlc sorted.I can see me buying one of the other consoles probably whichever launches first as the type of games I mostly play are being left out in the cold by nintendo.Whoever is in charge of relations with 3rd party devs at nintendo needs sacked urgently

I know man, i know. This situation is not what comes to mind when i think of 'unprecedented partnership'.

But its not nintendo, Third parties are doing this little screw up all on their own.

Right now, they have the perfect oppertunity to win heavy mindshare with the early wii u adopters. Nintendos nowhere in sight, its a blue ocean.

But instead, theyve farmed out a bunch of 360/ps3 ports, often months after the 360/ps3 release, and are just sitting back watching how they sell to see if the wii u is a viable market, instead of creating a viable market.

Thwy did the same with the 3ds. At launch, there was nothing in sight, now the things taking off into the atmosphere like a rocket. But its almost all Nintendo propelling 3ds, 3rd party missed the bus. And they are going to do it again.

Oh well. They are dropping like flies anyways. Change is coming.



#36 sky-blues


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 12:19 PM

your dead right im starting to get bored with my wii u through the lack of surpport

#37 Hunter



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 01:55 PM

Until now I've just been playing my brother's xbox occasionally on any games he owns or that I bought in the past couple of years. But since Wii U isn't getting the third party support I'd hoped for so far, I think I'm gonna go out and buy a cheap used xbox for upcoming 3rd party blockbusters like this. I know it's early days but I'm starting to see a pattern here and I have to say im a bit disappointed. Let's hope it improves in the second half of the year.

#38 Peladex


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 03:39 PM

no excuse at all, just being lazy. i can play it on my xbox but many people don't have two consoles.


#39 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 04:06 PM

I just hope all developers don't start thinking like this, how stupid!!!!

#40 Cozmo


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 11:11 PM

i can understand the guys logic about wanting to create a game from the ground up for the wii u so im not that mad, but after reading comments by some of you guys, i guess he couldve ported it with an inventory screen just so wii u owners could play it too. at least he said that they are making again that will be on the wii u along with the others.

Edited by Cozmo, 28 January 2013 - 11:11 PM.

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