For a long time, I've been hating the Call of Duty franchise (Well, the Modern Warfare franchise anyways.) saying they are all too similar to each other, but I rented Modern Warfare 3 for my Xbox 360, and I really enjoyed the game, but now I feel silly. I said that I hated it for so long, but now that I think its good, I dont know... Was I wrong about it or something? I just think its repeptitive gameplay that barley changed throughout the series.
Do you guys like COD? (I mean the Modern Warfare series.)
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Member Since 20 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Jan 09 2013 06:57 PM
About Me
Hey there! I'm a big fan of the Nintendo series, mainly the Mario and Kirby series of games. Im a big Gamer, and, even though I'm younger than most here, I play both Old games, like the NES, and New games, like the 3DS. Also a fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
I have an NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Wii, 3DS, and Xbox 360.
I have Mario Kart 7, Mario 3D Land, and Sonic Generations. My 3DS Friend code is on my profile!
Although I'm slightly ashamed to admit it, I am a fan of the MLP show, Friendship is Magic. (Refusing to say "Brony.") but.... sure I'm not alone.
My friend Feld0, the one who made this site introduced me to it, and I had a really good time here! Well, I actually was here back in Dec. 2010, but forgot I still had an existing account. Fled0 then merged my new account with my old one, so now I have all my older posts!
I am anticipating the Wii U! Especially since Myamoto said that a new Pikmin game was announced. Also the console will be in HD! Feel free to speak with me about anything. Im here every now and then!
I have an NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Wii, 3DS, and Xbox 360.
I have Mario Kart 7, Mario 3D Land, and Sonic Generations. My 3DS Friend code is on my profile!
Although I'm slightly ashamed to admit it, I am a fan of the MLP show, Friendship is Magic. (Refusing to say "Brony.") but.... sure I'm not alone.
My friend Feld0, the one who made this site introduced me to it, and I had a really good time here! Well, I actually was here back in Dec. 2010, but forgot I still had an existing account. Fled0 then merged my new account with my old one, so now I have all my older posts!
I am anticipating the Wii U! Especially since Myamoto said that a new Pikmin game was announced. Also the console will be in HD! Feel free to speak with me about anything. Im here every now and then!
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 156
- Profile Views 10,400
- Member Title Blooper
- Age 27 years old
- Birthday April 29, 1997
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Im right here!
Gaming, Bowling, Baseball, Having fun with friends...
Nintendo, Mario, Wii, DS
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Topics I've Started
Im kind of in between...
07 February 2012 - 06:59 PM
Character Discussions. (Daily Event!)
28 January 2012 - 09:01 AM
I made this topic in another forum, so I wanna do it here! I would also liked this to be pinned, so if thats possible... Thanks.
Heres how it works:
Every day, I pick a Nintendo character. I will give a description on them. And you guys say your opinions on them, discuss, and just talk about the character! The characters will be from the Video games, Cartoon shows, etc. I have no particular list, so I will just randomly come up with whoever I think should go on! I will also give a hint to tommorow's character, so watch out for it!
-No talking about a character if they are not about or related to today's character.
-No heavy hating on the character. If you hate whoever, don't go too far.
-I sometimes will take suggestions, so PM me if you wanna see. Not all at once though. XD
-No saying who the character is when I give a hint. You can keep it in your head!
-If you missed your chance to post about your favorite character, I'm sorry, but hey, stuff happens!
Lets start off with the big guy of Nintendo...... Mario!
Mario is the big guy of video games! He first appeared in 1981 in the video game, Donkey Kong. He is one of the most popular video game characters. He rivaled Sonic in the 16 bit console war. Mario will do anything to save his girlfirend, Princess Peach. He battles Bowser, his arch rival every time, and beats him. Mario has been just about everywhere. He has been to an island, castles, and everywhere! He is also a doctor, kart driver, tennis player, and much more!
Heres how it works:
Every day, I pick a Nintendo character. I will give a description on them. And you guys say your opinions on them, discuss, and just talk about the character! The characters will be from the Video games, Cartoon shows, etc. I have no particular list, so I will just randomly come up with whoever I think should go on! I will also give a hint to tommorow's character, so watch out for it!
-No talking about a character if they are not about or related to today's character.
-No heavy hating on the character. If you hate whoever, don't go too far.
-I sometimes will take suggestions, so PM me if you wanna see. Not all at once though. XD
-No saying who the character is when I give a hint. You can keep it in your head!
-If you missed your chance to post about your favorite character, I'm sorry, but hey, stuff happens!
Lets start off with the big guy of Nintendo...... Mario!
Mario is the big guy of video games! He first appeared in 1981 in the video game, Donkey Kong. He is one of the most popular video game characters. He rivaled Sonic in the 16 bit console war. Mario will do anything to save his girlfirend, Princess Peach. He battles Bowser, his arch rival every time, and beats him. Mario has been just about everywhere. He has been to an island, castles, and everywhere! He is also a doctor, kart driver, tennis player, and much more!
YouTube? Facebook? Where are you?
27 January 2012 - 01:20 PM
Okay, why doesn't YouTube or Facebook work for me? All other sites seem to be fine, but these 2 aren't... Whats the deal?
Alright, now Im afraid...
23 January 2012 - 09:51 AM
I actually downloaded some things on MegaUpload....... So whats gonna happen?
Mario Party 9!
12 January 2012 - 09:55 PM
Yup, its coming March 11th in North America, and March in Europe.
This looks like a different and unique MP game, and it has the car from Mario Party Advance!
Look at the shiny box art....
This looks like a different and unique MP game, and it has the car from Mario Party Advance!
Look at the shiny box art....
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