The ending!
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Posted by Byakuya Togami on 21 June 2014 - 06:14 PM
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 21 June 2014 - 06:10 PM
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 20 June 2014 - 11:11 AM
Oh yeah? Why's that?
Yeah, they're a non-profit organization!
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 17 May 2014 - 01:33 PM
I thought the forum went kaput
Glad to have you folks back in my life
Stay out of my life.
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 17 May 2014 - 12:39 PM
no matter how much they innovate this technology, you will still look like a tool wearing them
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 17 May 2014 - 09:42 AM
inb4 shoe horned gay relationships that everyone will go crazy for because it's "progressive" and "forward thinking".
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 29 August 2013 - 05:12 AM
Team Fortress? Seriously, that game is awful
Maybe if it's terrible if you play casual tier garbage like CoD
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 27 August 2013 - 08:13 AM
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 26 August 2013 - 09:19 PM
Fallout is not an FPS. It can be played in first person, I'll give you that. But calling it an FPS when it can also be played in third person? I think that logic kind of eats itself. Also, the lack of Half-Life, Borderlands, and Left 4 Dead is killing me here.
Anyway, I picked Team Fortress 2.
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 23 July 2013 - 05:34 PM
This is why Americans shouldn't be alowed guns, anything can go wrong, glad I live in a country where guns arn't readily available.
Because as we know, banning things always keeps people from acquiring them right? Typical failed liberal logic.
EDIT: I also don't see how a few idiots equals all Americans.
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 07 July 2013 - 10:28 AM
Disagree completely.
Twilight princess is by far the worse. Followed by oot.
Skyward sword, majoras mask and windwaker are on top.
Skyward Sword failed on so many different levels. Hardly no exposition, Fi was an awful guide, terrible pacing, constant hand holding, constant re-calibration, and a piss-poor final boss.
Really it goes without saying that the only two good 3D Zelda games were Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 06 July 2013 - 09:40 PM
SS is a great game, but I disliked the final boss and revisiting the three dungeons.
Skyward Sword was pretty much the worst 3D Zelda game without a doubt.
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 05 July 2013 - 04:12 AM
If you want my opinion, you should chalk it up to bad third party sales at launch. It seemed that people just weren't into third party launch titles and now they're skeptical about putting games on the Wii U.
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 26 June 2013 - 03:18 PM
Nintendo: "Alright guys, how do we come out with a new and exciting game that will innovate and captivate our demograph"
Microsoft: "Alright guys, how do we make the most money?"
New.... innovative games? Nintendo hasn't made an innovative since Galaxy. All they do is recycle the same stuff over and over again. That's why so many of the 3DS' games consist of remakes and ports.
When was the last time Pokemon was innovative? Or Mario? Or Zelda? Not in a really long time, because they're franchises that have been outclasses by others within their genre. Nintendo thrives off of nostalgia, the biggest cash grab of all.
Posted by Byakuya Togami on 26 June 2013 - 02:39 AM
The Xbox One is in a bad predicament. Microsoft has shown they can't be trusted, and whose to say 3-4 years down the line Microsoft won't re-implement the DRM policies? "Hardcore" gamers will go for the PS4 for it's better hardware and cheaper price. Casuals will see the higher price and run away. The higher price is what kills it. Any multiplat game will be superior on PS4 anyway, and Microsoft has the worst first party exclusives out of the Big 3. Not a good situation.
Companies don't care about you. Why the hell do you think Sony waited until after hearing all the negative reception towards to Xbox One to remove the DRM? Because they were planning to do the exact same thing but didn't because they only care about money. It honestly sickens me that anyone believes the delusional notion that a company cares about them. Companies are just in it for the money. Always have been, always will be.
Edit: Counterpoints for everything you've said, Saturn.
1. Your absolute trust in the government is pretty foolish. You don't think that the government lies to you? Look at all the recent scandals involving security breaches. All you'd have to do is agree to the TOS and you've just given Microsoft full legal rights to spy on you and do Odin knows what with your information. If you don't think that it's fishy that Microsoft announces a system requiring your Kinect to always be on during a time where we can't even trust our own government not to spy on us is suspicious, you have a very sheepish mentality.
2. I'm not happy because it shouldn't have been there in the first place. It's anti-consumerism, and a slap in the face to all Xbox fans out there. No, not just a slap to them, but any self respecting consumer who doesn't appreciate being screwed over by big business. Microsoft only went back on their DRM policies because it was clear that it wasn't going to sell well. All they will listen to is money, plain and simple. Big business doesn't care about you, me, or anyone else.
3. Yeah.... I'll pay my $50 for PlayStation Plus and pretty much equal online while saving hundreds of dollars on games each year. Most of the features the Xbox One has in terms of online are shared by the PS4. There is really nothing about Microsoft's online that gives it an edge in any way.
4. I get that. It's still going to spy on you. Also, it's going to be real fun trying to play an online game when some little **** faced brat comes in and shouts "XBOX OFF" over the microphone. Welcome to the future of online gaming, guys!
5. Killer Instinct is P2P and looked meh in general. Dead Rising 3 is made by Capcom so it's not going to stay on the Xbox One for long. Ryse looked atrocious, and even you thought that. It seems you're grasping at any opportunity to defend this piece of junk. We don't know jack about Sunset Overdrive. I don't know why you're acting like it can be considered an asset at this point.
6. Most of which will already be available on the PlayStation 4. Next.
7. $100 for inferior technology, spynect, "exclusives" that will be ported within a year, and sports. $100 is a big deal when it offers absolutely nothing worth while.
8. 3rd party games I'll be able to get on PS4 and occasionally free on PlayStation Plus. Yawn.
I honestly don't see what there is to defend here, Saturn. Microsoft has proven that they'll go as far as they can to squeeze every penny out of you, the consumer, as long as they can get away with it.