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Kal Dente

Member Since 25 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2016 10:46 AM


Posted by NintendoReport on 10 May 2015 - 06:05 AM

We appreciate you breaking the news here on thewiiu.com , all 10 regular members I am sure will be very happy.


Posted by BanjoKazooie on 10 May 2015 - 06:01 AM

I like the effort put into this, but I call hoax. Sounds believable though!

#312362 Microsoft Lies About Witcher 3 Footage and Gets Caught

Posted by Raiden on 25 April 2015 - 09:54 AM

You know CD projekt likely sent that that footage right? You know everyone does this since the 80's right? And no 360 versions not the same as a PS4 version,Sony batlanly lied but Sony is perfect right?. Also you get that all developers show off the best version of their game? You get that MS was only saying hey this game is also on Xbox right?




Yeah, let's talk about completely unrelated situations!


How is using footage of the PC version, which is not only graphically superior but performance wise also, comparable to Sony or Nintendo using footage from versions of the game that are almost identical other than their controls?





Oh you didn't then may I be the first to welcome you to gaming you must be new to this. 80's showed arcade versions of games on the back of NES boxes,Genesis boxes and so forth. This is like you just disovering developers and console makers been lying to you for over 30 years. So again how is MS singled out? They didn't capture the footage. oh hey look Nintendo showed off Aliens Col Marines as Wii U footage..wait what;s this it was pre rendered CGI? OH MY GOLLY! What's this Sony showed off Killzone CGI footage at E3 2006 and said it was in game! OH NOES! WHat's this that Star Wars Kinect demo was staged!? GIMINY WILLIKERS!

What's this SEGA showing arcade version in a magazine ad that isn't Genesis version?! HOLY BANANA BATMAN!


Yeah so get over it. Oh noes Xbox said we have this game and used PC footage...they are the spawn of Satan and should ROT IN HELL! As long as they lock content on the disc for DLC then they are ok huh.


Seriously stop making big deals out of nothing people then having a tissy fit over minor stuff for these kinds of things. Oh hey look Splatoon no voice chat OUTRAAAAAAAAAAGE! Oh hey Star Wars Battlefront has removed everything from the game the originals and is severly gimped..meh no big deal right? Let's Boycott Splatoon like so many claim will and throw money at EA because OMG WTF HYPE BARRTLEFRONTS! lol

Lol seriously man pick your battles with companies that matter. This isn't one. Getting Nintendo to do a unified account system is for example.

#312359 Microsoft Lies About Witcher 3 Footage and Gets Caught

Posted by Raiden on 25 April 2015 - 06:59 AM

Yes let's go after MS for something everyone does. Let's totally ignore when Sony was using Xbox 360 footage on their demo booths in 2013 for games. Oh just ignore that green A button Sony says. Let's totally ignore Nintendo using stock Xbox 360 and PS3 screenshots of Darksiders II on their website in 2012. Yup only Microsoft is the bad guy!

#312158 Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens Trailer #2!

Posted by Hunter on 19 April 2015 - 05:36 AM

people aren't "hyped" because of nostalgia, they're excited because they are getting what looks to be an excellent followup to three of the greatest films ever made

#311604 AngryJoeShow Nintendo Rant

Posted by NintendoReport on 07 April 2015 - 05:23 AM

He's a smart idiot.


Tell me he didn't know of Nintendo's YouTube Partnership program?

Tell me he didn't know there was a good chance of the video being flagged?

Tell me it wasn't his plan all along to have this happen, then create a rant video like this to get more press/views?


Does he not realize this rant video will rake in more money for him then the video that got flagged?


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