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Member Since 09 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2015 12:21 AM

#317221 Minecraft Wii U Edition - Pegi Rating

Posted by Irene on 11 November 2015 - 10:02 PM

This would have been somewhat cool in 2012... Minecraft is on everything now, this doesn't even feel like anything interesting even if it does happen. >_<

#317212 Hiii

Posted by Irene on 10 November 2015 - 10:52 PM

Soooo, all this time has passed... and I actually only just bought a Wii U today... the mario maker bundle... :D and Mario Kart coming in the mail... having heaps of fun with it so far.



edit: these forums are dead though... :( would have been cool since I know like one person who cares about nintendo anymore

#316536 Super Mario Maker: 60 Levels Confirmed; One by Rayman's Michel Ancel

Posted by Irene on 11 August 2015 - 03:00 PM

Cool, this will help my lack of creativity :3 Also, are we able to like, combine our levels togethers into worlds and stuff? so that we could pretty much make our own Mario game? :o

#316534 Hiii

Posted by Irene on 11 August 2015 - 02:49 PM

Hi! I'm new here so I figured I'd post here. I'm 19 years old and from Australia, and I'm planning to buy a Wii U next week. (again)
I say again because I actually had a Wii U on launch, but a couple of months later, I decided to sell all of my games/consoles due to personal matters and a general loss of interest in gaming due to everything that was happening in the real world... so, I'm here now, I got back into gaming again a month or so ago with the 3DS and some older games I still kept, and I'm just pretty excited about it all again. c:
I actually used to browse these forums before, but I figured it'd be cool to join in on discussions and stuff. :3 My primary interest right now is in Nintendo, but I always end up playing anything :]
Hopefully I end up staying here though. PS: I'm really surprised I got this name... this forum seems pretty dead compared to before as well :[ and if you'd like to see what kind of games I have right now... which isn't much anymore :( here's a site I use. I still have to add a few virtual console and ps2 games though.)


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