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Member Since 24 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2012 10:34 PM

#123890 Uvember Badges

Posted by Kiki Neko-Chan on 03 November 2012 - 05:56 AM

The Wii U is almost here! You can join celebrating Uvember by adding one of these badges to your signature.

You can add badges to your signature by either...
1) Doing it yourself (If you are skilled with image editing software)
2) Requesting it to be done (if you don't know how use image editing software).

DIY Instructions:
Download the badge of your choice and add it to your signature.

If you need a badge with custom colours, PM me.

Side note: I'd really appreciate it if you'd "like" this post.. It tells me that people enjoy my work and it encourages me to make more awesome stuff for the forums!
Also, "Uvember" was created by Dharmanator, so credit goes to him for the name :)

#112730 *NEW* Wii U Game Logo Requests for your profile pictures and sigs

Posted by Kiki Neko-Chan on 25 September 2012 - 03:55 PM

Can I have another, but its really custom. So I hope it is not hard. Can it instead of saying Wii u forums, have it say Wii U Fan. But have the word Fan, be written in the font Forum uses. Also, can I have the background yoshi gamer, but instead of green, make it light blue and instead of Yoshi, I'd like the black Wii u and Wii u Gamepad. And Can it say RyuHoshi101, but can you make the u in ryu, the Wii u one? That's all. Thanks man!

Sure thing! Oh and your old sig isn't showing up :P

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