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Wii U News

Member Since 29 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2011 12:01 PM

#24325 Wii U Go - Rumour: Wii U is Nintendo’s “best idea in ages”, hardware issues w...

Posted by Wii U News on 26 August 2011 - 05:29 PM

According to this last report from 01net, the Wii U is Nintendo’s “best idea in ages”, and Nintendo are confident that they’ll get their current hardware issues fixed.

As for the Wii U, despite its serious problems of development – you can be sure – will be resolved, it is probably the best idea we have had for ages.

The press, like players, do not seem to fully realize the potential of this revolutionary machine. It’s a whole new way to create and play before us. And given the graphics quality achieved by the hardware of the present generation, I think the technical superiority of our future competitors in the market for machinery room will not weigh heavily in the balance, faced with what we will bring in terms of gameplay . U The Wii is the future of gaming. You will not soon realize it!

It’s definitely a more uplifting bit of news than the last piece from 01net, but as with any unsourced rumour, don’t treat it as fact. The same article predicted that Iwata is on the verge of losing his job, and further fueled the rumour that Nintendo would re-release the 3DS with a second Circle Pad next year – both of which don’t exactly sound plausible.


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#24003 Wii U Blog - Creator of Harvest Moon has ideas for the series on the Wii U,...

Posted by Wii U News on 25 August 2011 - 07:00 AM

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Yasuhiro Wada, the creator Harvest Moon, when talking about the Wii U has said that he has “already thought of a few ways that we could make use of the new controller.” He also provides an example, saying:

…turning on the TV in-game would cause the program to display on the controller. Or maybe it could be an animal’s teeth close-up when you want to give them a good brushing.

That said, he still hasn’t decided if he wants to make Harvest Moon for the Wii U, but it’s good that he’s thinking about it.


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#24002 Wii U Blog - Rumor: Developers expect the Wii U to be released in June 2012

Posted by Wii U News on 25 August 2011 - 07:01 AM

According to this report, stemming from 01net who have been reliable in the past, developers for the system are expecting the Wii U to be released in June 2012, which is consistent with their own speculation in the past. That said, there is still word that it could be delayed to September 2012.

It’ll be a while before we know for sure though. Nintendo has already said we will not receive the Wii U release date or price details until 2012.


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#23798 Wii U Go - 12 Minutes of Metro: Last Light Footage

Posted by Wii U News on 24 August 2011 - 05:24 AM

For those who missed the other gameplay videos of Metro: Last Light THQ has conveniently put together a video showing all three of the videos they released as well as extending the original scenes. As well as this there is an entirely new scene. Metro: Last Light will be gracing the Wii U sometime in 2012.

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#23461 Wii U Go - Analyst predicts Wii U will save the home console market

Posted by Wii U News on 22 August 2011 - 03:57 PM

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Lewis Ward, an analyst of the International Data Corporation (IDC), believes that the console market still has lots of life left, countering many investors’ theories that mobile devices are out to eat Nintendo’s lunch.

Total console hardware and disc-based software revenues are on track to slide a few percent in 2011 compared to 2010. But prognostications that consoles have peaked as a product category are premature.

Furthermore, he sees the next generation of home consoles – which Nintendo will kick off with the Wii U next year – as one that will spark interest in consoles again, and will lead into a new age of “console-centric spending”.

I expect that the launch of the Wii U, a revamped interactive entertainment console from Microsoft in the 2014 timeframe, and the arrival of Sony’s ‘PS4′ circa 2015 – along with more than a few exclusive, innovative games – will help drive a new wave of console-centric spending in the next several years.

This means that Nintendo may potentially hold the keys to the future of the console space. How they handle the Wii U’s launch and lifetime support may play a major factor in determining whether consoles are still a viable market worth pursuing in a few years’ time. They’re confident words, and I hope for the industry’s sake that he’s right.



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#23256 Wii U Go - Capcom are considering Asura’s Wrath for the Wii U

Posted by Wii U News on 22 August 2011 - 01:59 AM

Asura’s Wrath, an action game coming to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 next year, has a chance of making it to the Wii U as well, if Capcom’s latest comments are to be believed. They said they’d consider bringing it to the Wii U if enough demand is seen for it on their forums as well as the game’s Facebook page.

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Now, the last time Capcom decided to run a fan-fueled project, it came to a grinding, unceremonious halt – many of you are probably still sour about the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, and it doesn’t look like it’ll be coming back despite the strong fan movement for it. That said, leaving a comment on the Facebook page takes all of ten seconds, so it might be worth a shot.



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#23255 Wii U Go - Nintendo file a patent for a “massively single-player online game”

Posted by Wii U News on 22 August 2011 - 02:00 AM

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Just about everything and everyone you encounter in Spore is made by other players.

Nintendo have acquired a new patent for a “massively single-player online game” experience. The patent document’s description is rather vague, but the basic premise of the concept is that it allows many people to play online and affect each other’s experiences without directly interacting with each other, as is the case in a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG). If that still doesn’t make any sense to you, Maxis’s Spore is a prime example of a previously successful MSOG design in which your creatures, vehicles, and buildings could randomly show up in other people’s games.

Why is this patent significant? Well, it’s possible that it ties in with the Wii U’s online experience. Forum user Ponkotsu speculates that it may be Nintendo’s answer to PlayStation Home – an ever-expanding city of Miis he dubs ‘Miitropolis’ (an idea he elaborated on extensively here; it’s a long but absolutely brilliant read). Alternatively, it’s possible (albeit less exciting) that the patent has something to do with a future Animal Crossing game – perhaps the one coming to the 3DS, or maybe an eventual entry on the Wii U.

Either way, for Nintendo to go to the trouble of patenting this type of game probably means that they’ve got big plans for the idea that they don’t want anyone else to have a chance of copying. Their secretiveness about the Wii U’s online system, the reactions of developers to it, and now, a patent for a particular type of online experience – the pieces of the puzzle haven’t all quite come together yet, but it’s quite clear that Nintendo are onto something.



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#23252 Wii U Go - THQ is “committed” to the Wii U, looks to do more than just ports...

Posted by Wii U News on 21 August 2011 - 11:20 PM

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According to Danny Bilson, THQ’s executive VP, the company is looking to make a true commitment to the Wii U beyond just simple ports. He teased a touchscreen-powered inventory system for Darksiders II, and overall seems to be quite excited about actually making games for the platform.

We’re committed to that platform, so long as our developers find really interesting ways to use the controller so that it’s a unique experience and much more than a port.

Obviously, even to port some of the stuff over could be very profitable, but we’re really looking to use it. I mean, Darksiders 2 has a very deep loot and inventory system, and having that live and not having to click out of your screen is really a bonus in a game like that. And that’s just one really simple example. Some of the two-player stuff in the living room on independent screens where you can’t see each other is another one.

And then there’s the things you can do with motion sensors, and using the screen as a window – there’s all kinds of fun stuff. Even Nintendo had some fun stuff at E3 in their demo, throwing stuff from that screen to the other screen, things like that. You’re going to see that in a bunch of our core games. As many as it makes sense.

In stark contrast to the many developers we’ve heard acknowledging the Wii U with a “it’s interesting, but we’ll see…”-type attitude, THQ are truly fired up about it and are looking to make the very most of the system. With an attitude like that, I’d say they’ve got a decent chance at establishing themselves as one of Nintendo’s key third-party developers early on in the system’s life.



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#23240 Wii U Go - Nicalis becomes a licensed Wii U developer

Posted by Wii U News on 21 August 2011 - 07:08 PM

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Nicalis, best known for their indie hit Cave Story, are now a licensed Wii U developer, if their homepage is anything to go by. We have no idea what they’ve got in mind for the system, but they most likely wouldn’t go to the trouble of acquiring a Wii U license if they didn’t have any plans for it. So, there’s a company to keep on your radar. Let’s hope we hear more from them soon.



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#20101 Wii U Go - Nintendo discusses the Wii U’s name

Posted by Wii U News on 09 August 2011 - 10:29 AM

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Katsuya Eguchi, game designer and manager at Nintendo, discussed the ‘Wii’ in the Wii U, explaining that…

…there were also things [with Wii] that we weren’t able to accomplish with that system, that we would have liked to see in it. Wii U is kind of the natural progression in looking at what we did, how we changed gaming.

He went on to say:

This is the next logical step for us and we wanted to convey that in the name. in addition to that there are many Wii users out there – and we are very appreciative of this – who invested in lots of peripherals, such as more Remotes, balance boards, Classic Controllers, and they can continue to use these peripherals with Wii U as well. We wanted to make sure they understood that.

This is interesting, although I feel Nintendo should have gone for a more distinct name. They might see the same problem as with the 3DS, when people don’t realise it’s a totally new console.


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#16141 Wii U Blog: Rumor: Downloadable GameCube games on the Wii U

Posted by Wii U News on 20 July 2011 - 04:07 AM

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Amber McCollom of Nintendo of America has talked about backwards compatibility in the Wii U and has seemingly admitted that “a number of the games that were playable on GameCube can be downloaded from WiiWare.” It seems like a strange thing to mention so early on though, so don’t take this as confirmation.

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