Best: Tie between Majora's Mask and Wind Waker (with Skyward Sword and Minish Cap being slightly behind).
Worst: Zelda II.
We haven’t made up our mind about that yet, but if there was a strong voice coming through from the users asking for such porting, then obviously we would seriously consider it, but no actual plans yet.
24 January 2012 - 08:47 AM
09 January 2012 - 04:27 PM
People hated the Wii because of motion controllers, then Sony and Microsoft does it and now people like it, there are rumors the next Xbox will use a tablet like controller
And everyone in the commets are saying "I don't want a tablet controller I just want an upgraded 360 controller for it" there are people who do not like chance it's clear and the Wii U controller is more tritional then the Wiimote because it's going back to buttons and no more motion and the only chance is that it has a screen (everyone liked the DC for doing it) but there are still haters and if this rumor is true people will start to like it because now Microsoft is doing it but when Nintendo does it people say "HAHA NINTENDO IS THE NEW SEGA" (you know for failing with the DC and going third party) but I don't understand all this hate for Nintendo these days.
I said before I love Sony and Microsoft and PS and Xbox but I just wish people started to focus on games and less on which company has the best console.
Fanboys, my son. Because something is only good when their console does it. Seriously, I have half a mind to just troll them all :3
06 January 2012 - 06:08 PM
06 January 2012 - 05:25 PM
Well, hopefully it'll be good for the U.S. as well. I think that what Auzzie meant about the game being a flop was it being lower than FF13 in sales. Let's see how well it does 3 months from now and determine whether it is a flop or not. I hope it won't.I do not know about it being a flop since fatsimsu gave it a perfect score and sold well enough to be in the top ten games that sold well in Japan last year, it just sold less than ff 13. U am excited for it and a demo is coming on the 11th. I will have to wait though since I am in college so my bro get to enjoy it.
06 January 2012 - 04:06 PM
Apparently, it's a flop. lol
Nonetheless, I'll still get it. Most of the time a Final Fantasy title is a flop, it's because there are too many people disappointed it's not just another FFIV/VI/VII/X. I personally don't have a problem with Square attempting to keep battle systems fresh with each new installment.
That said, those people are probably the same people who think Call of Duty is the best thing ever.