I am a new member of these forums.
I love videogames! I have only Nintendo systems, but I know many stuff about certain multi-platform titles (e.g. Final Fantasy, Megaman, etc.).
I joined because of this one operation started by MacroManJr called "Operation Moogle", which is similar to "Operation Rainfall". However, instead of trying to get Nintendo to bring games from Japan, we are trying to get Square Enix to make an HD Final Fantasy Collection for the Wii U. Go here for more details: http://thewiiu.com/t...eration-moogle/
Well, I hope that I will be of great help to these forums. :-)
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The One Who Wrote This
Member Since 03 Jul 2011Offline Last Active Oct 09 2012 12:03 PM
About Me

Visit the Operation Moogle Thread and help us get Square Enix create an HD Final Fantasy game!!
I am a person who loves videogames. I am a fan of pretty much every Nintendo franchise (even though I never played the Mother series). I also like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman, the vs. Capcom series (though I only own Tatsunoko vs. Capcom), and many other series. However, I don't own a Playstation or an Xbox. Just Nintendo systems.
Anyways, the main reason why I join the Wii U forums is to help with Operation Moogle. Operation Moogle is similar to Operation Rainfall in the fact that we are trying to get companies to make games for fans 9we are trying to get Square Enix to make an HD Final Fantasy game). If this succeeds, then 2 objectives will be accomplished:
1. Getting an HD Final Fantasy Game created, and then at least for the Wii U (the other systems will probably get it too if SE decides to make it for them); and
2. Help further the idea of gaming companies creating games to the demand of its fans and game players.
He is an exact quote from an article written about Square Enix saying that they might create an HD Final Fantasy Collection game:
We haven’t made up our mind about that yet, but if there was a strong voice coming through from the users asking for such porting, then obviously we would seriously consider it, but no actual plans yet.
So come to our thread and help us!!
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Hello! I'm "The One Who Wrote This"!! Please read!
04 July 2011 - 01:24 PM
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