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Desert Punk

Member Since 09 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2023 04:59 PM

#236945 Pikmin 3, Does it do anything superior to ps360?

Posted by Desert Punk on 04 August 2013 - 03:43 AM

Pikmin 3 was orignally being developed as a wii game. It only renders at 720p and upscales to 1080p (actually says this on the japanese cover). It is also missing anti-aliasing. It doesn't matter how the miiverse thing works if that is not actually graphics in motion. It's quite possible if you pause the game the wii u can do additional processing of the a still image to render it at a higher quality. Any console can do this and the process is well known from the days of Babylon 5 where images were created slowly due to lack of processing power to render them in full motion. It's not much different to pre-rendering if you are only applying extra graphic detail to a still image. 


This is all basic stuff that shouldn't need to be explained. You should only compare full motion game graphics to be fair, not pre-rendered or still images. Unfortunately 3dude is not fair, accurate or honest in his views so this thread has basically turned to garbage.

#235736 Pikmin 3, Does it do anything superior to ps360?

Posted by Desert Punk on 29 July 2013 - 05:55 AM

It's hard to compare to 360 and PS3 when no such game really exists on those consoles for direct comparison. I certainly don't consider it state of the art graphically. This is the gamecube version (emulated on pc and upscaled);



This is wii u;



The game is rendered in 720p with no anti-aliasing and upscaled to 1080p on wii u.


I don't know the situation regarding pre-rendered movie sequences in the wii u version as I've not played it but the gameplay videos out there are not that impressive and the fact its rendered at 720p without anti-aliasing is weak to say the least. I honestly think the ps3 and xbox 360 could do this justice and even enhance the game in someways but be weaker in others. Again pre-rendered video sequences don't count, only actual realtime gameplay is fair to compare.


I think 'X' so far is the only game that looks like it may surpass the best of what 360 and PS3 offers graphically but we will need to see the final release version and how it plays. I don't think there is anything else that looks to surpass 360 and PS3 that I have seen. Monolith are pretty amazing. What they achieved with xenoblade chronicles on wii was incredibly impressive and I'm incredibly optimistic for their wii u game. Pikmin 3 though is fairly simplistic in game mechanics anyway. That is not a criticism just a fact.


Pikmin 3 is still a fantastic game but not a good demonstration of wii u power, its just too simple a game with too limited a viewpoint in gameplay action. We need to see a Zelda game with the scope of Skyrim or similar. 'X' clearly is a game with huge scope and ambition and that really is a good landmark game to the performance of wii u. It will be interesting to see how much physics, AI, cpu intensive graphic effects (weather etc) they can add in to see how it compares to the more ambitious 360 and PS3 engines.

#231645 wiiu's power

Posted by Desert Punk on 14 July 2013 - 11:57 PM

Christ 3dude why do you keep ranting all the time with your ridiculous opinions. You spoil just about every thread with ridiculous statements that only you believe or other demented Nintendo fanboys?


Your comments simply have no connection with reality. Yes the wii u cpu setup is weak, this is widely reported and often seen in games that underperform in in wii u.


Yes cartoon graphics are much easier to do than real life graphics because real life is much more diverse with regard textures, lighting and how things should behave. wii was competitive although weak for cartoon graphics but truly abysmal compared to 360 and PS3 for realism. This is nothing surprising. With cartoon graphics you don't have the set rules you have to follow you can basically design graphics around what works best for a specific console. There are some terrifc cartoon graphics on 360 and PS3.


You keep writing as if there is some conspiracy against wii u and with no acceptance that the wii u simply is a weak console that struggles to outperform current gen and you write with such resentment towards other consoles and their games. 


As a wii u, 360 and ps3 owner I can see the wii u is underperforming compared to current gen models overall.


The wii u has failed commercially probably because its offering current gen performance at next gen prices.


The wii u uses a tiny amount of power and is built around a low cost fabrication process that is much more power hungry at 45nm than ps4/xbone at 28nm., its impressive such a console is competitive with 360/PS3 in performance on that basis. It's an incredibly cheap design, unfortunately its horribly backfired on Nintendo as the wii u has not sold like wii.


Hardly anything you write has any connection with real world performance of wii u and its real world performance of the wii u that is killing it at retail. It's like the wii u console in your mind and the actual wii u console released to the world are two different consoles.

#222681 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by Desert Punk on 16 June 2013 - 10:11 AM


Sadly this another thread turned to garbage by staunch defenders of Nintendo who don't have a fair bone in their body.
It's clear the wii u is powerful enough for the games of the type Nintendo produce and the wii u is a gpu-centric console so ideal and the performance of wii u games at E3 is entirely expected for a console that has a more modern gpu that is slightly more powerful than 360/PS3. Games written with its specification in mind will look better than 360/PS3.

At least youve given up that much.

Cartoon graphics do not push the hardware.

This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say.

Take the wii for example Mario Galaxy is visually very nice but the few fps games produced for wii look utterly terrible that are trying to show the real world.


Corruption looked fantantistic. Production values are far more important to a games visuals than system power. Always have been always will be.

The ps4 gpu is 1800gflops compared to 350gflops approx for wii u. Clearly in the huge increase of memory and gpu performance the ps4 will be able to produce graphics far beyond wii u in realism. Cartoon graphics may not be as dramatic a difference but it really depends on the game engine.

First off Nobody knows the flop outpout of latte, and todays e3 showing with bayo2 and x has made many of them question what they previously thought, as its far outside the realm of what ps360 can produce. But even going with your loaded numbers, that puts the flop output at just 5x the wii u, smack in the ballpark of what weve been telling you this whole time. So, youve got nothing here.

We don't know the details of Monolith's game but we do know they have a reputation for extracting full performance out of the wii. We don't know how much of the movie sequences shown were pre-rendered or using the game engine. For actual gameplay we don't know the complexity of the engine or have seen the full graphics up close. This really was the only game that could claim to be beyond current-gen but we really don't have the full details. It looks a great game though although that said Xenoblade Chronicles wasn't the huge hit people were expecting with far less than 1 million copies sold world wide and that was for a console that had sold 100 million.

WOW, X is really shaking your narrative. There was nothing in X that was pre rendered.... You cant tell how to tell the difference can you? Sorry punk, thats all wii u there. And yeah, weve seen the graphics up close. You can see every vein and pore on the creatures in the world. Xenoblade chronicles was a smash hit bigger than Nintendo ever dreamed of... In NA, which is why we are getting X. Xenoblade chronicles was given a limited run, and its entire print was sold out in months, leaving people trying to buy it off of ebay for 200 bucks to this day.

There is a good unbiased article here about AMD Jaguar.
There is a good quote in the conclusion;
Jaguar is presently without competition. Intel’s current 32nm Saltwell Atom core is outdated, and nothing from ARM is quick enough. It’s no wonder that both Microsoft and Sony elected to use Jaguar as the base for their next-generation console SoCs, there simply isn’t a better option today. As Intel transitions to its 22nm Silvermont architecture however Jaguar will finally get some competition. For the next few months though, AMD will enjoy a position it hasn’t had in years: a CPU performance advantage.

Uh, yeah, those are mobile/tablet processors dude. Not that impressive to be beating. The I5 in the computer I got for my wife for 350 destroys those. Including jaguar. Its not very impressive, unless you are using a tablet.

Clearly though not that great a chip for any single threaded software on PC but in the PS4/Xbone environment its clear fully multi-threading will be utilised.

Simd/multithreading are heavily used in tablet microarchitectures. Powerful single thread performance requires processors that are too large, too hot, and require too big of caches for mobile. Although, Since Im already improving your argument for you  I might as well continue. Jaguar had a performance breakthrough of around 10-15% over bobcat single thread performance by providing increased edram caches... they are 1/2 and 1/4 of the size of the ones in wii u's espresso.

It's just so utterly mad and stupid to compare a console with 1GB of memory (for games), a slightly enhanced gpu and a weak cpu to ps4 which is hugely more powerful.

It still hasnt hit home yet that ps4 and espresso are using tablet cpu's has it? And no. its not 'madness' to think the games of the lesser powered system arent hopelessly behind, its pretty standard practice to have this kind of a difference in power between systems. Its as ordinary as xbox vs ps2. The only one that wasnt ordinary, was the wii, which was was 20x+ behind the 360/ps3.

The argument of diminshing returns again is another false argument from those with huge bias. They are basically trying to say the wii u isn't as weak as you think and you don't need that extra power anyway so the wii u is fine.

Diminishing returns isnt an argument, and its hilarious to hear someone try and argue that its false, its a universal law.

"The law of diminishing returns (also law of diminishing marginal returns or law of increasing relative cost) states that in all productive processes, adding more of one factor of production, while holding all others constant ("ceteris paribus"), will at some point yield lower per-unit returns.[1] The law of diminishing returns does not imply that adding more of a factor will decrease the total production, a condition known as negative returns, though in fact this is common."

THe simple fact of the matter is, you can only increase graphics so much before people cant really tell the difference and you are only wasting money. Its already happening with systems as weak as the 3ds and vita. I posted a perfectly good example with crysis and crysis 3.

The reality is the ps4 will have many games that the wii u simply isn't capable of, just like the PS3 and 360 had games the wii wasn't capable of.

Not quite. The reality is the ps4 should be capable of many games the wii u is not because its around 5x more powerful. However, that requires people to pioneer and create new things with that hardware that cant be done anywhere else, and as is very obvious by what ps4 and xbone has shown off, they have no intention whatsoever to make anything besides the same cookie cutter fps's and cinematic action games with a fresh coat of paint. They are even degrading gameplay to even LESS interactive levels, if you look at ryse, the entire game consists of nothing but qte's... WHICH YOU CAN NOT LOSE because, and I quote 'we didnt want the gamer to feel frusterated'.

I would love to say otherwise but the wii u is current gen performance overall. That doesn't mean it is not capable of superior graphics, it means as a package including its cpu performance it is in the same area and this is how wii u games perform overall.

Oooh, so sorry. If only you knew what you were talking about. See, bayonetta 2's 60 frames per second gameplay demo took place in a massive city, around the same size as the one shown in the killzone 4 demo, except, instead of slowly flying way above the city where you dont have to worry about going into detail, its zooming in between the buildings of the city at break neck speed.

See, Bayonetta 1 and god of war cant do this, because they dont have the gpu OR CPU POWER. Thats why those games on the ps3560 are in tiny environments with non interactive back drops that would look really poopy if you were to get up close to them, because they only look good at a specified distance from the camera. And most importantly , a fixed camera. Ascensions final battle attempts to do something similar, but takes place on an ocean, with nothing in it, a tiny handful of enemies, and moving incredibly slowly. The difference in power required to do what ascenision did, and what bayonetta 2 is doing at twice the frame rate is not a minor thing. Its pretty huge, and not remotely close to possible  on a 'cpu weaker than ps360'.

THe reason they cant do what bayonetta 2 does, aside from not having the gpu power to render the geometry, is because they dont have the cpu power to cull the backside faces (Thats right! Culling is a cpu task), at the speed bayonetta 2 tears through the city, and at 60 frames per sedond, twice (often over twice) the frame rate of either bayonetta 1 or god of war 3/ascension.

However this is really a mute argument anyway because the wii u simply won't be getting the games that push the boundaries of console gaming, it's not getting those games because they won't be released on wii u because of many reasons.

So.... why is the wiiu the only system to show off said type game that pushes something that hasnt been done before yet? It IS, the only game that has been stated as being a COMPLETELY SEAMLESS OPEN WORLD GAME. No loading screens, not for towns, not for buildings, not for level changes, nowhere.

The wii u is a fantastic console but its not the right choice at all if you want modern fps experiences and other major multiformat titles of the same quality as ps4 or xbone. It is not competitive in that area at all. Such games even if released on wii u may even struggle to match ps3 or 360 versions as has been the case for the majority of games previously and there is absolutely no reasons why it won't continue that way.

Modern fps gaming hasnt changed since Xbox. Nothing new is happening guy. There has been 'fish ai' since mario 64.
And YEAH, its pretty fricking obvious those ports were garbage now. There is like, no denying that anymore.

The upcoming wii u games look great and I'm looking forward to getting them but this whole argument that the wii u is competitive with ps4 or even xbone on a performance level is pure rubbish with no basis in reality. The PS3 and Xbox 360 have as much a right to claim they are competitive with PS4 and Xbone as wii u has. Let's face it most major titles are being cross developed on 360, PS3, PS4 and xbone anyway so there will be versions for all those consoles to buy where as the wii u won't be getting most of those titles.

What is this, your first generation change? There are always cross gen games, and they almost always suck. And nintendo gets left out of third party titles all the time, even when it has the more powerful hardware. Just look at all the ps2/xbox games the cube got cut out of. Its not about system power, it never has been.

If the wii u had sold well so it got versions of multi-format games no doubt we would have many months ahead analysing wii u versions and seeing how they compare but that's not happening anyway. There are only a few major projects still live and most of the other wii u titles that aren't coming from Nintendo or its first parties are looking fairly minor.

Its been out 6 months guy. Since when have NIntendo platforms EVER been a place for major western third parties anyway? They avoid them like the plauge no matter how powerful they are.



Look 3dude I don't know why you keep writing the complete crap that you keep writing. There is no supporting evidence to your view currently and I have always stated the gpu of the wii u is better nothing has changed. It's just your own warped bias.


Clearly you disagree with myself and also the vast majority of the internet which has assessed the wii u hardware and performance.


Even if we follow your warped viewpoint about the wii u hardware which is held by a tiny minority of people (nutjob nintendo fanboys) you have to accept that with the wii u getting very poor multiformat versions of games (mainly weaker than 360 and PS3) and a minimal amount of major multitformat conversions to wii u now so the whole argument of promoting the wii u on that level is harmful due to lack of support and weak conversions.


Clearly your view that cartoon graphics are as hard to generate as realistc graphics is another of your utterly moronic opinions that beggers belief.


The real world is complex with a huge variety of textures, lighting, physics, movement patterns and expected behaviour. Only a tiny subset of that applies to cartoon graphics/worlds and textures can be repeated easily.  Movement/motion of people has to be realistic as does gravity etc. Only you can try to debate something so obvious and take the opposite view.


The sad thing is some people here are stupid enough to believe your posts.


If you go on an xbox 360 or ps3 forum you often see people like you, staunchly defending their console against all others finding minor parts of a specification to inflate above their actual importance. Such people believe the 360 or PS3 is more powerful than wii u etc. There are comments from xbox fanboys that the xbox one is more powerful than ps4. Its all the same crap from typical demented fanboys.


As it stands today both ps3 and 360 have a selection of far more impressive titles than wii u currently and are likely to have better support in the future for major multiformat titles. The ps4 and xbone will show games simply not possible on the wii u and what titles are converted to wii u will be of the same performance level as 360 or ps3 (likely less performance slightly).

#222665 Electronic Arts will resume full support for Wii U when it "becomes a viable

Posted by Desert Punk on 16 June 2013 - 09:05 AM

Wii u hardware sales have stalled currently. Nintendo are going for a big christmas promotion, likely a price cut with a bundled game and if that sells a lot of wii u consoles then the major publishers will start developing again but the result of that will be late 2014 I guess when they hit retail apart from more simplistic games with short development periods.


PS4 and Xbox one are being treated differently as they are expected to sell higher hardware numbers and be bought by users with higher disposable incomes (older gamers) who buy the more major titles. Publishers are expecting these consoles to sell better than wii u.


Of course we don't know how ps4 and xbox one will sell. At the beginning you often have a huge number sold like wii u but then after the early adopters its difficult to keep sales rolling. Neither console offers backwards compatibility so the library of games will be low for sometime and they are even more expensive consoles. However I think its fair to say there is a buzz about ps4 currently and most are expecting that to do very well.


I think Nintendo will push again for the casual crowd to buy wii u. Their current marketing has been weak. They are even stopping the video channel on wii which they could have used to solely promote wii u. I don't get their decisions recently.


I'm not a Nintendo loyalist though I just love games. If NIntendo are forced into lowering prices to increase market share or wii u titles are quickly discounted because of low sales then I'll be paying less for games which is good. A 3 way console war is great for consumers, it means plenty of discounts. Although that won't help me with the xbone games because I'm not interested in that console at all. I'm hoping it will offer some competition to the ps4 though so Sony keeps its prices low.


We don't want to see an outright winner that is for sure. Sorry to take the thread off track a bit.


Even if EA goes back to developing games for wii u they will likely be ports from the 360/PS3 versions of games running at the same level of performance approximately. Do we even need those games on wii u. Unless such games make heavy use of the gamepad to enhance gameplay I will be more interested in the ps4 version of such games. Also if they are using an engine not currently written for wii u someone has to adapt it to the wii u first. That won't be easy if the engine is expecting higher cpu performance and routines have to be written to maximise the amount of work done by the gpu.
The poing is will there be consumer demand for weak wii u versions of games that perform at the same level as ps3/360? I personally don't think much demand will ever be there even if the wii u sells a lot of consoles. I think the main wii u audience will be the casual crowd and people that love NIntendo games. It's a younger, more family friendly audience really.


I think realistically at best is we see EA casual games for wii u late in 2014 if the wii u market share recovers and I don't think this is that important to wii u success.

#222563 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by Desert Punk on 16 June 2013 - 02:12 AM

Sadly this another thread turned to garbage by staunch defenders of Nintendo who don't have a fair bone in their body.


It's clear the wii u is powerful enough for the games of the type Nintendo produce and the wii u is a gpu-centric console so ideal and the performance of wii u games at E3 is entirely expected for a console that has a more modern gpu that is slightly more powerful than 360/PS3. Games written with its specification in mind will look better than 360/PS3.


Cartoon graphics do not push the hardware.Take the wii for example Mario Galaxy is visually very nice but the few fps games produced for wii look utterly terrible that are trying to show the real world.


The ps4 gpu is 1800gflops compared to 350gflops approx for wii u. Clearly in the huge increase of memory and gpu performance the ps4 will be able to produce graphics far beyond wii u in realism. Cartoon graphics may not be as dramatic a difference but it really depends on the game engine.


We don't know the details of Monolith's game but we do know they have a reputation for extracting full performance out of the wii. We don't know how much of the movie sequences shown were pre-rendered or using the game engine. For actual gameplay we don't know the complexity of the engine or have seen the full graphics up close. This really was the only game that could claim to be beyond current-gen but we really don't have the full details. It looks a great game though although that said Xenoblade Chronicles wasn't the huge hit people were expecting with far less than 1 million copies sold world wide and that was for a console that had sold 100 million.


There is a good unbiased article here about AMD Jaguar.




There is a good quote in the conclusion;


Jaguar is presently without competition. Intel’s current 32nm Saltwell Atom core is outdated, and nothing from ARM is quick enough. It’s no wonder that both Microsoft and Sony elected to use Jaguar as the base for their next-generation console SoCs, there simply isn’t a better option today. As Intel transitions to its 22nm Silvermont architecture however Jaguar will finally get some competition. For the next few months though, AMD will enjoy a position it hasn’t had in years: a CPU performance advantage.


Clearly though not that great a chip for any single threaded software on PC but in the PS4/Xbone environment its clear fully multi-threading will be utilised.


It's just so utterly mad and stupid to compare a console with 1GB of memory (for games), a slightly enhanced gpu and a weak cpu to ps4 which is hugely more powerful.


The argument of diminshing returns again is another false argument from those with huge bias. They are basically trying to say the wii u isn't as weak as you think and you don't need that extra power anyway so the wii u is fine.


The reality is the ps4 will have many games that the wii u simply isn't capable of, just like the PS3 and 360 had games the wii wasn't capable of.


I would love to say otherwise but the wii u is current gen performance overall. That doesn't mean it is not capable of superior graphics, it means as a package including its cpu performance it is in the same area and this is how wii u games perform overall.


However this is really a mute argument anyway because the wii u simply won't be getting the games that push the boundaries of console gaming, it's not getting those games because they won't be released on wii u because of many reasons.


The wii u is a fantastic console but its not the right choice at all if you want modern fps experiences and other major multiformat titles of the same quality as ps4 or xbone. It is not competitive in that area at all. Such games even if released on wii u may even struggle to match ps3 or 360 versions as has been the case for the majority of games previously and there is absolutely no reasons why it won't continue that way.


The upcoming wii u games look great and I'm looking forward to getting them but this whole argument that the wii u is competitive with ps4 or even xbone on a performance level is pure rubbish with no basis in reality. The PS3 and Xbox 360 have as much a right to claim they are competitive with PS4 and Xbone as wii u has. Let's face it most major titles are being cross developed on 360, PS3, PS4 and xbone anyway so there will be versions for all those consoles to buy where as the wii u won't be getting most of those titles.


If the wii u had sold well so it got versions of multi-format games no doubt we would have many months ahead analysing wii u versions and seeing how they compare but that's not happening anyway. There are only a few major projects still live and most of the other wii u titles that aren't coming from Nintendo or its first parties are looking fairly minor.


Clearly if you want high quality versions of major upcoming titles from major publishers the answer is not wii u. I knew this when I bought my wii u.

#219714 Nintendo E3= Disappointing?

Posted by Desert Punk on 11 June 2013 - 12:28 PM

I'm pleased with what has been announced for wii u. I'd give it a 8/10. I feel Nintendo are getting back on track.


The big disappointment is 3rd party games or lack of. Still no reason to buy a wii u if you don't like Nintendo games.


On a technical level Monolith definitely showed the wii u in the best light. Very impressive.


It will be interesting to see how everything unfolds. I was disappointed to read that xbone pre-orders are still at healthy numbers. Frankly I was hoping for a collapse in interest in xbone.


It will be interesting to see how everything unfolds console wise but at least I know I'll have plenty of games to play on my wii u even if the gaps between each one may be longer than I hoped for.

#218379 Xbox One price and release

Posted by Desert Punk on 10 June 2013 - 12:15 PM

£429 plus a subscription service, plus no real secondhand value in games plus numerous other restrictions and a poor spec compared to PS4 seems like a truly horrendous offering by Microsoft. I don't think I've ever wanted a console less than the xbox one.


I wish I could be certain this will fail miserably but we have yet to see how Microsoft will market it and there is a chance it could succeed I guess.


I still feel the PS4 will come in at an absolute maximum of £379 in the UK but it seems like Sony are under less pressure now. I personally don't think £429 is a viable price point at all. Lets face it you could built a pretty amazing PC for that. If Sony comes in with a similar price I certainly won't be buying at launch but its almost definite I will get one in the first year.

#217720 EA considers Wii U next gen

Posted by Desert Punk on 09 June 2013 - 08:19 AM

I think pjsprojects nailed it. EA have seen the reaction to the xboner and are thinking what do we do if the xboner fails miserably. They need a backup plan. Wii u is cheap to make and will be relaunched for christmas with many great titles. I think this time Nintendo will have the marketing and price right plus crucially must have software.  EA clearly has had a rethink about how the future might pan out and the wii u is likely to make some sort of recovery in market share. In such an event EA will clearly be back making wii u titles. The reality is though that EA have already shown their colours and have tried to do massive damage to Nintendo's launch of the wii u. I think it was Criterion's professional attitude to developing rather than EA pushing them to do a good port of Need for Speed. I think we all know EA are against Nintendo and it will be quite satisfying to see them forced into developing for the wii u again although I suspect most wii u titles they produce in the future won't be that good going by their wii record.

#216159 Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

Posted by Desert Punk on 05 June 2013 - 12:19 PM

After all said and done, we have what we have. Nintendo obviously intended the Wii U to be as powerful as it is. I just can't shake that feeling that the Wii U should have been the console they should have released in 2006 :-(


I was disappointed with the wii u spec but you have to factor in the wii u is still an absolutely massive upgrade on the original wii. The wii's gpu was capable of 12gflops but the wii u is believed to be about 352 gflops. That's about 30x as powerful. The cpu is still in the region of 6x as powerful and there is a huge increase in memory capacity and disc size. Also Nintendo games are much more likely to be cartoon based using repeated textures and not attempting to simulate the real world. The gamepad is an absolutely brilliant innovation that will take gaming into new areas. Near field communication in the gamepad offers some unique possibilities with regard merchandising and adding characters via toys etc. It's a brilliant console in so many ways but what is isn't is powerful but I would say its powerful enough and its clear great games are coming that will max it out. There is a magic to Nintendo games that you rarely find on other consoles. I feel this generation all I will need is a wii u and ps4.

#211341 Is the wii u THAT underpowered?

Posted by Desert Punk on 26 May 2013 - 02:28 AM

This video is quite interesting showing the difference between the different generations of playstation console. The racing game looks the biggest improvement on ps4. As with all games not all games push the hardware. The PS4 clearly is making a technical leap but its not the same size leap as ps2 to ps3 or ps1 to ps2 and this is to be expected as the ps4 hardware has been realistically choosen to meet a price point.



This is a great page for comparing the spec's of wii u, ps4 and xbox one. The poster keeps it upto date and seems the best reference point currently unless you want to trawl through all the neogaf postings etc.




CPU wise the xbox one and ps4 are at about 38,400 dmips for their cpu which compares to about 9,000 dmips or just under for wii u. The xenon is about 19,200 dmips and ps3 in theory is about the same as wii u for ppe but upto about 30,000 for the cell in total. Floating point performance of the xenon and cell is far in excess of the wii u cpu but the wii u gpu makes up for it. The PS4 and xbox one offload a lot of work to their gpu's same as wii u.


End summary is 360, PS3 and wii u are comparable in performance approximately. Xbox one is probably 3-4x as powerful as those, ps4 is about 1.5x xbox one overall.

#211312 Does the internal HDD provide better performance than an external?

Posted by Desert Punk on 25 May 2013 - 11:07 PM

There shouldn't be much difference speed wise between the built in samsung flash memory, the optical drive (cached with main memory) and a usb 2.0 external hard drive. If Nintendo had fitted a usb 3.0 interface then external would have been better. The optical drive is really fast at 22MB/s and close to the sustained 35MB/s max speed of usb 2.0. It's likely the flash memory is in this range of performance. It's possible loading from hard drive is faster but it will be a minimal improvement.

#211079 Amazon UK: Wii U Sales Rank Jumps 875% Following Microsoft's Xbox One Reveal

Posted by Desert Punk on 24 May 2013 - 10:18 PM

Assuming the leaked specs are correct the ps4 and xbox one are basically the same architecture except the ps4 has 50% more gpu cores and has 8GB gddr5 unified memory instead of the xbox one's 8GB ddr3. This makes the ps4 a fair bit more power in real terms as they both have 8 jaguar cpu cores and multiple gpu cores (18 I think for ps4 and 12 for xbox one). This requires massive memory bandwidth which the ps4 has far more of than xbox one. The ps4 has slightly inferior latency in its memory but that is why there is cache memory. We don't know the final mhz speed of each console but they are predicted to be the same at something like 1.6ghz for the jaguar cores and 800mhz for the gpu. Microsoft has spent its design budet on features that integrate the xbox one with your set top box (it has hdmi in) and it includes a much more advanced kinect device.


The reason people have turned against the xbox one is because Microsoft have many restrictions for both consumers and developers. Second hand games will have additional fees to use and developers can't self-publish. Also the xbox one seems reliant on a internet connection with even single player games locked out of use if the console can't access the internet at least once a day. Then add in the horrible styling and less capable hardware than ps4 its a very non desirable package.


Also this isn't like the ps3 and xbox 360 with each having their own advantages, the ps4 as a normal console is really just a more powerful version of the xbox one. Anything the xbox one can do, the ps4 can do better.


The advantages of the xbox one are; built in kinect, exclusive games (how xbox one exclusivess will compare to ps4 we don't know but I would say the ps3 won previously) and xbox live.


The real downer with xbox one is cost of ownership, it seems Microsoft are focused on increasing their revenue in all areas.


I'm the sort of person who buys every console but currently no interest in xbox one at all. I loved the original xbox and although I had some reliability hassle with xbox 360 at the beginning still think the 360 is a great console but really don't want the new xbox at all. I'm happy to just add a ps4 to go along side my wii u.

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#205800 Update speed boost to cpu &gpu utter rubbish?

Posted by Desert Punk on 10 May 2013 - 12:56 PM

To note, most multi-plat games thus far have performed about the same across the consoles from BLOPS, AC3, Batman, however it's interesting that many are reporting Injustice of Gods Among Us has the best framerate on Wii U and PS3 the worst. I have read this on numerous forums and in reviews. The Wii U update came a week or so after the release of Injustice though I believe.


Anyways. just thought I'd throw that out there. 


Doesn't that make sense though, wii u has the strongest gpu, xbox 360 second and the ps3 last. Fighter games need low cpu resources and this seems a logical game to perform well on wii u. This follows the pattern most impartial people have predicted for wii u.

32MB of EDRAM can effectively pull all of the biggest beandwidth users off of main memory, to the point where main memory bandwidth is unimportant, developers have already said that when they run their benchmarks they are seeing much higher effective speeds than what the hardware should allow for.


That said, it is entirely plausible that they allow the clock to be manipulated to a point for games that need it, but I seriously doubt 3.2GHz, and the fact that the person who started this claims that Espresso is just a better PPC750 but out of the other side of his mouth says it is clocked over 3GHz makes the remark completely invalid.


32MB is video memory and is dwarfed by the 1GB of system memory which will be fully utilised with modern games. The 32MB is really just a frame buffer and texture cache, a more generous one than 360 (10MB) but  still most of the data is stored in the main 1GB of memory. 


All evidence points to the wii u cpu being very weak especially when you factor in the more modern gpu of the wii u actually performs some tasks that the 360 and PS3 require their cpu's to do. The wii u cpu is directly wii code compatible somehow, that means wii software sees a cpu identical to the original wii. That means even if the processor has extended instructions the bulk of it will be identical including how it handles memory etc and the memory bus to external memory. When Nintendo decided the wii u would be compatible with the wii a huge number of performance compromises had to be made to achieve that.


The fact is the wii u is struggling to outperform current gen consoles and is meant to be a very easy console to develop for. No one is doubting the wii u gpu is superior in many ways so something else is severely throttling the performance of the wii u.

#189286 I think Nintendo is scared to make a powerfull console

Posted by Desert Punk on 02 April 2013 - 01:09 PM

I really liked the look of the Gamecube but the Panasonic Q dvd playing version was more stylish.



I think Nintendo would have been better to have designed the wii u to be more powerful sacrificing wii compatibility if they had to. What's done is done though. Probably another 5 years plus before we see the next Nintendo home console so the wii u will have to do for now. It's a huge power increase over wii and fully capable of delivering some truly terrifc games especially with all the extra features that the gamepad adds. Great times ahead I'm sure just disappointing that the wii u will be left behind with regard multi-format titles.

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