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Member Since 08 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2014 09:55 AM

#289476 things get serious... X gameplay coming up now!

Posted by dark_rabbid on 10 June 2014 - 04:33 PM

cannot wait. This game is gonna be epic!

#288074 Wii U Forums Mario Kart 8 Tournament

Posted by dark_rabbid on 04 June 2014 - 02:21 AM

Bump. Should be pinned so others see it. Hope to see more racers but been fun with those I've raced with thus far

Agreed pinn it. Also just realized who you are. Can't belive I didn't realize from your mii. I'm evil_rabbid hopefully we can get more people to race next time.

#286971 Ike has been confirmed for Smash 4

Posted by dark_rabbid on 28 May 2014 - 04:03 PM

An alliteration is the repeated use of a letter of words so...

Or what i saw:
...laguz. Lethe or leer would be nice and add another female charector for the lady gamers.

Nope was all just coincidence. If you notice stuff like this in my posts it's fair to assume I didn't do it on purpose that or I just thought it sounded neat lol. I've always mentioned those 2 together cause there sisters and would be cool in brawl. They can shift into viscous cats making them unique fighters. And I always notice women asking for more female support, those to could tear it up literally.

#286497 Characters that could/should be playable in Hyrule Warriors

Posted by dark_rabbid on 25 May 2014 - 05:37 AM

Links wolf form could be interesting. Also seein tingle tear it up would be hilarious

#278331 Darksiders 2 in the eshop

Posted by dark_rabbid on 23 March 2014 - 04:05 AM

Your eventually gonna need a hard drive any way. May as well get'r done.  Mine is gonna take another whole day to download.

#277320 Dat 3rd Party Support. Activision and others continue

Posted by dark_rabbid on 15 March 2014 - 09:31 AM

I find them to be fun primers for my hunting trips. I hope they make they areas larger than the past games. There site says there 4x larger than past games I just hope they stick to that.

#277314 When it comes to Donkey kong...

Posted by dark_rabbid on 15 March 2014 - 08:45 AM

Just finished tf, all I have to say is it's a platforming master piece.

#276017 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by dark_rabbid on 06 March 2014 - 05:26 AM

I liked how Lego City used it.

Haven't got to try Lego city but it's use in dues ex is amazing. Worth every cent. Can't imagine playing the game without the gamepad.

#275218 Who else is enjoying trying to get the fastest time on some dktf levels?

Posted by dark_rabbid on 01 March 2014 - 06:15 AM

Haven't tried speed runs yet. Actually have been going slow to check out the details. Such a pretty game,and no time limit. You can actually admire there art work.

#273463 Next gen face off: Wii U 3rd party game better than PS4/Xbone version

Posted by dark_rabbid on 19 February 2014 - 04:44 AM

I had heard Need For Speed: Most Wanted U was also the definitive version.  ..of course the U got it a few months late... but it came and made us forget EA had even the smallest hand in it!

Most people on here also forgot about dues ex to.gamepad features are amazing and can still be used in off tv mode.

#259096 Give your impressions on Xbone and PS4 games here

Posted by dark_rabbid on 05 December 2013 - 05:10 AM

people confuse me on here lol "oh i like that game...but its cr*p" lmao

The ps3 version of skyrim stinks but I love it. It's a glitchy nightmare deserving of terrible scores, but for some reason I love it.

#245791 UnchainedGoku has a serious loss of value problem!

Posted by dark_rabbid on 13 September 2013 - 08:11 AM

That's why I keep all my games, etc. they don't give you near what there worth once it's opened. Heck I still have most of my nes games. Can't wait for x-y will be using my 3ds a bunch soon.

#237254 Pikmin 3, Does it do anything superior to ps360?

Posted by dark_rabbid on 05 August 2013 - 04:25 PM

That one. That ones called a Pikman.

Lol or is that actually pacman sorry guys couldn't help it.

#237247 Zombi U $19.99 at Target

Posted by dark_rabbid on 05 August 2013 - 03:55 PM

I love the game, interesting story (if you actually read all the documents) not sure why people complain about the controls. If I had to guess most people let there adrenaline interfere with there aim lol. And the zombies do a good job with the scares unlike other modern zombie games. I've done 5 full successfull play throughs and 1 was a survival I'd say it was deffinetly worth the 60$ price tag. Played through it more than the other launch games.

#228957 Your biggest wtf momment in gaming?

Posted by dark_rabbid on 05 July 2013 - 04:49 AM

Skyrim when I fell through the earth, it was my first Elder Scrolls game and I just wasn't expecting it, oh and probably when the giants flung you into orbit with one hit, that had me in hysterics for hours :D

Can't forget about when you talk to meridia she picks you up into the sky and you think this cant end well. Lol

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