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Member Since 11 Aug 2011Offline Last Active Sep 30 2012 01:39 AM
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Topics I've Started
8-bit Remix
02 April 2012 - 09:46 AM
Edit: I've deleted them
Nintendo Working On New Zelda Game For Nintendo 3DS?
09 January 2012 - 05:10 AM
Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has confirmed that work on a new Zelda game is already under way at Nintendo. Aonuma announced the new game in the Hyrule Historia but wouldn’t mention what platform it was for. We already know that Nintendo are hard at work on a new Zelda game for Wii U so it seems likely that the new game Aonuma is referring to could be for the Nintendo 3DS.
“The long sailing time of creating Skyward Sword, a game to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Zelda series, has just come to an end. The voices of those who’ve played it from around the world reach us. We hear their admiration, comments and their criticism too. All those voices become energy for the next voyage. Well, to tell the truth, we’ve already set sail in a new voyage.”
Now they're making one Zelda game for the 3DS and one for the Wii U. I wonder how the new Zelda game for the 3DS is going to look like... Could be interesting. I like what Nintendo's doing.
What do you think about the news?
“The long sailing time of creating Skyward Sword, a game to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Zelda series, has just come to an end. The voices of those who’ve played it from around the world reach us. We hear their admiration, comments and their criticism too. All those voices become energy for the next voyage. Well, to tell the truth, we’ve already set sail in a new voyage.”
Now they're making one Zelda game for the 3DS and one for the Wii U. I wonder how the new Zelda game for the 3DS is going to look like... Could be interesting. I like what Nintendo's doing.

What do you think about the news?
Which game you would love to seen translated the most?
09 October 2011 - 05:11 AM
Edit: Too late.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Demon Lord Ghirahim / Debbie
18 August 2011 - 02:56 AM
I've started this topic because I want to know what you all think about the new villain, Girahim, also known as Debbie.
Judging by every quote I've heard from him, he sounds completely brutal and ruthless IMO.
But In this fight, Girahim is not being serious at all. Not until he gets his rapier. Is he testing Links fighting skills or something?
I want to know what you guys think of the new villain so far.
Judging by every quote I've heard from him, he sounds completely brutal and ruthless IMO.
But In this fight, Girahim is not being serious at all. Not until he gets his rapier. Is he testing Links fighting skills or something?
I want to know what you guys think of the new villain so far.

Gamescom 2011 - Some Videos
17 August 2011 - 01:32 PM
I'll put up some videos that has been show on gamescom that seems interesting.
Uncharted 3: Gamescom Demo
Sonic Generations: Two Sonics Trailer
Dark Souls - GamesCom 2011 - PlayStation 3 - Announcement Trailer (HD)
Resident Evil Revelations - Gamescom 2011 Trailer - 3DS
Resident Evil Revelations - Gamescom 2011 Gameplay 1 - 3DS
Resident Evil Revelations - Gamescom 2011 Gameplay 2 - 3DS
Escape Plan: Gamescom Trailer
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - Trailer [HD]
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - GameTrailer's Gameplay Part I
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - GameTrailer's Gameplay Part II
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - GameTrailer's Gameplay Part III
Gamescom 2011 - Luigi's Mansion 2 - 15 Minutes "exclusive" footage
Devil May Cry : Official Gamescom 2011 Gameplay Trailer [HD]
Silent Hill - Downpour : Official E3 2011 Gameplay Trailer [HD]
Uncharted: Golden Abyss 'GamesCom 2011 Trailer' TRUE-HD QUALITY
PS Vita - Gravity Rush (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - WipEout 2048 (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Little Deviants (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Reality Fighters (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Little Big Planet
PS Vita - Tag (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - ModNation racers (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Super Stardust Delta (gamescom 2011)
Sound Shapes - Gamescom 2011
Official: Journey HD GamesCom video game trailer - PS3
Gamescom 2011 - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 10 Minutes "exclusive" footage
Gamescom 2011 - Sonic Generations 3DS - Mushroom Hill Act 1 and 2
Gamescom 2011 - Super Mario 3D Land - RUNNING Mario Proof - 5 Minutes - スーパーマリオ 3DS
Gamescom 2011 - Mario Kart 7 - DRIFTING and better Sound - 7 Minutes of footage
Gamescom 2011 - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Chapter 1 - 7 Minutes exclusive footage 光神話
Gamescom 2011 - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Chapter 2 - 10 Minutes exclusive footage 光神話
Gamescom 2011 - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Chapter 3 - 8 Minutes exclusive footage 光神話
Gamescom 2011 - Zelda: Skyward Sword - Dungeon Level - 6 Minutes of footage
Tell us what you think of these games (and other games) that has been shown on gamescom 2011.
Uncharted 3: Gamescom Demo
Sonic Generations: Two Sonics Trailer
Dark Souls - GamesCom 2011 - PlayStation 3 - Announcement Trailer (HD)
Resident Evil Revelations - Gamescom 2011 Trailer - 3DS
Resident Evil Revelations - Gamescom 2011 Gameplay 1 - 3DS
Resident Evil Revelations - Gamescom 2011 Gameplay 2 - 3DS
Escape Plan: Gamescom Trailer
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - Trailer [HD]
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - GameTrailer's Gameplay Part I
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - GameTrailer's Gameplay Part II
Rayman Origins - Gamescom 2011 - GameTrailer's Gameplay Part III
Gamescom 2011 - Luigi's Mansion 2 - 15 Minutes "exclusive" footage
Devil May Cry : Official Gamescom 2011 Gameplay Trailer [HD]
Silent Hill - Downpour : Official E3 2011 Gameplay Trailer [HD]
Uncharted: Golden Abyss 'GamesCom 2011 Trailer' TRUE-HD QUALITY
PS Vita - Gravity Rush (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - WipEout 2048 (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Little Deviants (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Reality Fighters (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Little Big Planet
PS Vita - Tag (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - ModNation racers (gamescom 2011)
PS Vita - Super Stardust Delta (gamescom 2011)
Sound Shapes - Gamescom 2011
Official: Journey HD GamesCom video game trailer - PS3
Gamescom 2011 - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 10 Minutes "exclusive" footage
Gamescom 2011 - Sonic Generations 3DS - Mushroom Hill Act 1 and 2
Gamescom 2011 - Super Mario 3D Land - RUNNING Mario Proof - 5 Minutes - スーパーマリオ 3DS
Gamescom 2011 - Mario Kart 7 - DRIFTING and better Sound - 7 Minutes of footage
Gamescom 2011 - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Chapter 1 - 7 Minutes exclusive footage 光神話
Gamescom 2011 - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Chapter 2 - 10 Minutes exclusive footage 光神話
Gamescom 2011 - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Chapter 3 - 8 Minutes exclusive footage 光神話
Gamescom 2011 - Zelda: Skyward Sword - Dungeon Level - 6 Minutes of footage
Tell us what you think of these games (and other games) that has been shown on gamescom 2011.
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