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Member Since 25 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2012 12:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Make a wish and ruin someone else's

06 August 2012 - 12:22 PM

I have your sleepyness....
I can do that.

But now you're on fire because you didn't go to sleep & over heated.

I wish I had a DIAMOND UNICORN OF DESTINY (don't ruin the unicorn in the wish... Its all I have!)

In Topic: The Huntsman's Blender Work

06 August 2012 - 12:14 PM

Hello Steve.

In Topic: If Wii U fails to get 3rd party games who's to blame?

06 August 2012 - 12:07 PM

Nintendo mentioned, early in the NintendoNetwork announcment, that when they spoke to devs about what they wanted in an online network... they all said "flexibility" (pretty vague). Nintendo intends to make it flexible (as far as I know), which means many different possibilities online. Nintendo may have a small advantage here.

As for the controller... yeah, its prepared for the next gen. Sony doesn't seem to change their controller much, and Microsoft isn't terribly ... creative. So the most they will do, is a touch screen. I'd say a level playing field is coming on this front.

And as for power... well because it's coming out first, and because Nintendo has spoken about their focus on game design, rather than powerful hardware.... well I expect it to be weaker than the competition. This means if (later in the generation) an Xbox or Playstation game comes out that is very complex, it will not be ported to WiiU. And this means ... bad. But I expect it to be to a much lesser degree than the Wiis late lifecycle issue.

But Nintendo knows they will need third party support. And Nintendo has acknowledged their poor 3rd-party support. They do seem to be working to fix company problems... one of which (used to be) difficult to work with.

In Topic: Spam Battle

02 August 2012 - 07:31 AM

Keep calm

and wear a fez.

In Topic: Wii U on the Toilet

02 August 2012 - 07:21 AM

I have patterned tiles on my wall.... not as entertaining, but .. it works.

I was actually excited about the WiiU's gamepad feature (regarding playing away from TV). I never thought about toilet... but I probably never would. Then again...


But using it with headphones in a different room did come to my attention.

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