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Member Since 25 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2012 12:22 PM

Topics I've Started

How can you out-do the existing Networks?

29 April 2012 - 01:58 PM

I was wondering (over on another forum... n00bpwners) HOW could Nintendo go above and beyond the PSN? Comparing it to XboxLIVE wouldn't be fair as that is a paid service, while free networks must run on only game profits. BUT HOW? The WiiU could have some extra design tweaks to allow for a better networking experience. Both during & after gameplay. Maybe an extra bit of dedicated proccesing & RAM for constant networking... or something else. On the other forum i posting this:

"Well, Party chat seems likely with the WiiU (as it SHOULD have a good amount of RAM) and the fact that the controler has a Mic in it should influence this. The Wii actually had a headset (but i think only one game supported it) and it also had that WiiSpeak thing (i have it... useless because i dont have any friends to play with and i dont play MHTri anymore). But i think REAL TIME VIDEO CHAT could be cool. Although in intense games it is useless, in a casual/ slower paced setting (such as MarioParty, or a turn based game) it could add much to a gaming party system. Also the idea of cross game chat is cool..... but what about cross platform... Like WiiU to 3DS, or PS3 to Vita (vita supports crossgame chat, but PS3 does not) Even windows phone to Xbox! Or skype integration in steam! And that would also allow for a seemless jump from walking home talking , to Getting home playing a game and talking, to Playing together... talking. And to go even further... what if some games (as some sorta do this now) allow for Ghost data to be posted on your profile. Even transfer items to a friend who need indirect help in a game , although this is less integrated into the console itself.

BUT, data sharing over the console's network has been doen... why not take it a step further? Instead of just transfering a custom level... why not transfer Custom backgrounds for a Home Menu, or create Freind Only Game specific Network compatible Community leaderboards and tournaments. Think about getting your buds together, they all see that You and "DarthGamer" have beaten ... i dunno... 100-Man brawl in 5:00 minutes. This is posted on a Freind Board With yours and DarthGamer's name next to it. Then you can set this Posting to active, revealing a button that says "Challenge" or something. They can challenge your exact scenario (hit the button, it loads up 100-Man brawl with exact settings) and if you are online while they are doing this, you could spectate & Chat while they are challenging your Leaderboard post.
Couldn't this be AWESOME? To integrate a full online community right inside that console of yours. Windows, Xbox & PS3 integrated the Achievment / Trophy system. Why cant the next wave of consoles integrate the COMMUNITY SYSTEM. Where games are enjoyed with friends at any time you wish. Think of it like that status bar that tells your friends what game you're playing... except with full chat, video spectating, and private integrated leaderboards. I think it could be done if somebody tryed."

This is mostly centered towards gameplay... but i really mean ANYTHING involving the network. What could Nintendo implement to give it an edge. What have they already implemented (this will change as the thread gets older obviously), and what do you think about it? Is it useful? how?
Please get creative... i like it when the forum surprises me.

WiiU Shovelware idea dump

01 April 2012 - 01:27 PM

I know this is a dark, depressing thread but... the truth is, whether you belive me or not I stand that, EVERY console has SOME shovelware. In this context by shovelware i dont just mean quickly developed with little creativity in the concept... i also mean terrible games. I mean the shallowest games possible. Some shovelware leads to great games... later. They bring a mechanic into view but only really serve as a boring uncreative game or demo. So
Considering the new things the WiiU is bringing. What shovelware will , innevitably be made (not neccisarily a lot, but it will exist).
The PS3 and Xbox had a few years of shovelware FPS games, that took advantage of the dualsticks, highend graphics, and online.... but with nothing else.
The Wii.... i dont even want to go there.... eventually it worked out, but there were a few years... *shudder*

So what shovelware games will come about with this new fangled device? What terrible names may these shovelware titles have? And how shallow will they get? You dont need to feel your post is realistic.... just creative.

Applications on the WiiU, which ones would you want?

18 March 2012 - 12:41 PM

TO BE CLEAR, there is no confirmed "APP store" for the WiiU, nor are there any confirmed apps at this time (with exception to a refrence to a web browser inan Iwata Asks)

ALSO, i understand that the WiiU is a gaming platform FIRST, and applications would be few and far between, also for large amounts of energy to be put on applications for the WiiU would be.. a little sad, i mean really its can play awesome games. BUT this will be for faaaantaasy!

So, what applications would you like to see / use on your future WiiU? Are there any specifics to these applications you are thinking of you'd like? How would they be used / controled? Clarity dictates an application has no end goal, and simply allows you to access entertainment or do work easily. There is no game mechanic at all, there are only menus (though that doesn't mean those menus cannot be navigated with a sidescrolling dude, or First Person view)

ALSO, i'd like to take all the easy ideas
(though you can post specifics about these)

Web Browser

... and i wanna suggest Shoutcast application.

So... wudda you think?

Why the 3DS should not add an Analogstick

10 February 2012 - 07:40 PM

As far as the circle pad pro goes, i have no problem with that. Accessories rarely have such a huge effect (nunchuk and classic controller were sorta alternate primary controlers) on a system. BUT! Many people want Nintendo (including a well known reviewer Victor Lucas whom said these prospects on television) to add a second circle pad on the 3ds. I have a problem with that. I hope Nintendo doesn't crumble to the pressure, they left out the second one for a reason and likely a good one.If they added one to the edge of the 3ds (under the face buttons) they'd have to move the power button, and make the 3ds drastically thicker because the computing components are in that area. I dont want my 3ds thicker because its a portable system that i want to slide into my pocket (which i can do right now) and carry anywhere anytime. Most of Nintendo's Japanese audience does a similar thing as videogames out in public is less unusual in the country of future technology (yes, there is a lot of more advanced tech in Japan... it's true). The point is if they wanted to add a circle pad they'd have to change the shape of the 3ds or take away from something else (e.g.: battery size). Even if they managed to shift some stuff around and keep the size you have a problem, the only position left for a circle pad is not suitable for analog control. I find with the D-pad where it is (essentially mirror of hypothetical second pad) works because, although as i move my thumb to the outside of the 3ds (left) it gets harder to angle my thumb on the buttons; it does not comfortably reach. BUT this is a digital-pad, on /off control, once my thumb gets a little bit to the left i have activated LEFT. But with an analog i would need to be able to reach to the edge of the 3ds comfortably to be able to push all the way. The result would be a thumb pain and slow right turning camera controls. Sorry for the rambling but im trying to convince you that it simply won't work because the stick is too low and close to the edge. This is why the accessory positioned the stick off to the side (because they could've easily engineered a pad that is under the face buttons and flip away for closing the 3ds). Did my arguement get through? did any of this make any sense? DID IT!!?? I'm sure people with small hands might find it fine... but not most people.

In conclusion: NO... second circle pad bad!
Would have to make the 3ds a bold size
If second pad was under the face buttons it would hurt.. reaching to the edge, and therefore using the full analog stick, is difficult for my slightly smaller that average hands
SO..... if nintendo decides to make another 3ds model that adds a second pad making the 3ds worse (in one of the ways i said)... we will torch the Nintendo headquarters..

Is there anyway that adding a second circle pad without taking away from the 3ds? Would this even be wanted (is shovelware immenent with it?).
Do the forumz stuff.

Kirby 3D?

25 January 2012 - 09:39 AM

I can imagine Kirby makes Nintendo quite a lot of money. And any good installment in the series would be welcome by fans. I'm sure this idea has been tossed around in the wiiu games section as a wiiu game, but as a 3ds specific game what do you think. Also i'd like to note i thought of this after watching the 2 part 3D Kirby episode on Nintendo Video (3ds application), at the end of it it had some weird ending with all the characters standing around and it said Nintendo HAL Labratories, i know HAL made SSBM and some other games, does HAL deal with only games? Or is it just a name for things Nintendo makes. This could just be a new Kirby series too so don't take this as a hint, really i just found it interesting. Anyway what do you think about a Kirby 3D game, or even just a Kirby 3D video series? GIVE ME YOUR OPINIONS!

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