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Member Since 02 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2012 08:54 AM

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In Topic: Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U:(

25 April 2012 - 04:56 AM





In Topic: -

23 April 2012 - 09:54 AM

It's Crysis, as if it were the label for an Atari 2600 cartridge. A bit of an inside joke among my friends.

In Topic: Wii U and 3D content

23 April 2012 - 06:30 AM

If they picked nvidia card instead of AMD, I was about to be confident about it... With AMD I doubt.  AMD gives u 6 monitor support per card, ideal for the split screen and video editors..

Nvidia gives u by default 3d support, is much better in 3d...

360 runs on an AMD/ATi card and can do 3D in select games, like the last two call of duty games, however I have not seen how it affects performance.

Exactly, the only reason it's like this on the PC is purely because of drivers, the Wii U can do great 3D with an Nvidia or AMD GPU.

In Topic: Change in hardware - ports

18 April 2012 - 05:28 PM

They have to give us 1 usb3 port, I posted this topic in nintendo forums, some of them found it stupid as always.. But I gave them many reasons why...

Because with usb2 ports, nintendo is forcing customers to buy second quality hdds.. dedicated usb2 port hdds are craps... They brake very easy, low capacity and more expensive!  The ideal idea.. is to buy a cage and place hdd inside.. The bad news are, we have to buy expensive enclosures, because very cheap ones create conflicts with internal hdds and low speeds that usb2 port got..  I hope nintendo will consider better hdd connectivity.. I agree. After all, in 5 years from now, usb2 ports are going to be artifacts in museums...

But its good all of us, to send our concerns to nintendo, its good to let them know... I do always.. do you? or you just posting here only...  we have to go to the source boys and girls.. not only posting our disappointments here..

It's best that Nintendo skips out on USB 3.0 support for now, both the HDD USB 3 chipsets and the actual controller chipsets can't actually handle full bandwidth yet, and can have a few issues.

In Topic: Rumor: "Nintendo tweaked the Wii U to make sure it can run UE4."

17 March 2012 - 11:07 AM

I was just that I'm I am almost positive it will run UE4 from looking at the past take the 360 for example when it was in development Microsoft wasn't thinking will this run Frostbite2 and Cryengine 3 but they still came to the platform anyways and back in the development of the 360 if I shown those engines people would say it was impossible yet its not So I'm for certain it will run on the wiiu .

The 360 ran Frostbite 2 and Cryengine 3, not because the 360 was powerful enough, but rather both engines were designed with 360 compatibility in mind.

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