Growing up and always buying Nintendo products it became a part of my life. If a new console from Nintendo came out i had to get it no matter the competition. As i get older and having bought all the main consoles that Nintendo has released i had seemed to save money because i knew the games i was going to get, maybe with a few hidden gems not named Mario/Zelda/Metroid...etc..
This coming Fall/Winter season i see a problem with the Wii U. I am not sure if anyone can see it but me, including PS/Xbox lovers. The issue is this.
How in the world am i going to be able to buy food for my family when there will be games in abundance from every single creator ever known...(Little exaggeration)
How am I going to be able to sleep at night knowing my babies need milk and a Dad but I'm up till 7am pulling all-nighters playing 4 games a night switching in 2 hour intervals.
How i ask you? HOW?
I know how, with a Tablet under my pillow, a Wii-mote in one hand and a Nun-chuck in the other as my kids learn the ins-and-outs of gaming...peaceful sleeps for years to come
Sweet dreams Fanboys, we will soon be atop the mountain again. This time the rest of the gaming community can join us...Well, if we allow them.
- Wii U Forums
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Member Since 01 Feb 2012Offline Last Active Jun 15 2012 10:22 AM
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- Active Posts 40
- Profile Views 6,504
- Member Title Green Koopa Troopa
- Age 41 years old
- Birthday November 16, 1983
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Topics I've Started
Hidden meaning behind being a Nintendo Fanboy...(maybe just me)
16 March 2012 - 12:25 PM
Nintendo direct 2.22.12
22 February 2012 - 07:23 AM
sorry i couldnt find it with a quick search through the forums.
just a few updates
Game Idea of mine
02 February 2012 - 08:48 AM
A game i have been thinking about for a while goes like this. Since Nintendo has always had their go to characters and love to do crossings within some games ie SSB, Mario Kart and others, i was hoping for a game that would tie in Zelda and Metroid, not just play styles but the actual worlds.
Some how showing...((Spoiler)) Link and Zelda are the descendants of Samus, looks alone can work. To be able to do a game with a magnitude of such would mean the game would be huge, not just fanboy based but the game would have to be an epic journey.
Starting as Samus and traveling through space hitting Worm Holes/Black Holes/ Time Travel itself, or simply recovering artifacts which sparks either flash backs where you then become Link or even Samus herself in the Zelda world.
Rifts in space can combine the two and this game would have so many ways of combing them.
Just a thought of mine. Elaborate more if you choose or simply give input or ideas that can keep the story of this game to continue.
Some how showing...((Spoiler)) Link and Zelda are the descendants of Samus, looks alone can work. To be able to do a game with a magnitude of such would mean the game would be huge, not just fanboy based but the game would have to be an epic journey.
Starting as Samus and traveling through space hitting Worm Holes/Black Holes/ Time Travel itself, or simply recovering artifacts which sparks either flash backs where you then become Link or even Samus herself in the Zelda world.
Rifts in space can combine the two and this game would have so many ways of combing them.
Just a thought of mine. Elaborate more if you choose or simply give input or ideas that can keep the story of this game to continue.
Whats up
01 February 2012 - 08:45 AM
New to the forums and introducing myself. Googled wii u forums and this popped up. so i had to join.
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