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Member Since 13 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2012 05:08 AM

#62800 Hi!

Posted by konakona on 20 February 2012 - 04:27 PM

Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, and make some new friends while you're at it!

#61863 Childhood moments where you remember the big picture but forgot the finer det...

Posted by konakona on 15 February 2012 - 07:41 PM

My childhood is a bit of a pickle, which pretty much shaped who I am, today.
To be honest, I had a normal childhood to an extent. But most of the things about my childhood was caused by one person.

Back in 2001, I was around six or seven, I met this girl (my age, as well) at the mall. I actually knew her since she lived only a few blocks from my house, but I never really did talk to her or anything until I saw her at the mall. She was wanting a cookie and didn't have any money to buy one, so she just kept staring at the cookies. I had three cookies, so I walked up to her and gave her one of mine. (cute, huh? xD) Long story short, we bonded right on that point.

Years went by, normally. She was home-schooled because her parents did not want to send her to the school that I went to. I can't blame 'em, my school was horrible with the bratty kids and what-not. She was always into anime, manga, and Internet things, and she was the one that first exposed me to it all. Without her, I'd probably never know about anime and manga, or anything. I'd probably be into the Xbox or junk if I hadn't met her; she was HUGE into Nintendo.

The game we played most was Super Smash Bros. Melee on the Gamecube. GREAT memories on that game.

But anyway, I never did ask her out until the first day of school of my sixth grade year. I started having feelings for her around the middle of 4th grade, but I was too "nervous" to actually ask her out, oddly.

We actually went out and were officially "couples." And I'll be honest, she was a perfect match for me, almost too perfect. xD

But that ended rather quickly three months later, which was November of 2006. She passed away from a car accident, which I still blame myself since I could've been there to stop it. But y'know, I chose to do homework and let her be by herself that night to do whatever.

And that's how I was exposed to the greatest fear of my life, even to this day; death. As a kid, I always thought of death as something you'd see in the movies, but it was not the same once I actually felt that horrible pain of losing her, and of which I still feel that pain.

Which is why I now have PGD, (complicated grief for short), which is totally ironic, because I always pictured my future happy, bright, and with her.

But anyway, I'm not gonna drag it all out, but I'll admit that I wish I could go back to those days where I didn't know half the stuff I know now. But it is what it is, so whatever.

TL; DR - My childhood is incomplete.

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