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Member Since 13 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2012 05:08 AM

Topics I've Started


15 February 2012 - 07:16 PM

Konnichiwa, guys. The username's konakona, but you all can call me Kona for short! I'm a bit protective over my real name, and since there's really no use over exposing it out to the world wide web, I feel it better to keep it away, along with my actual location, etc. etc. etc. Anyway, I recently got the Nintendo 3DS! Yesterday, honestly. I sold my Xbox 360 along with seven games for it, and I say it was a pretty good deal, since I'm more of a Nintendo fan than anything else. I got the pink 3DS, since it looks so kawaii and junk, along with one 3DS game for the time being; Mario Kart 7. My friend-code and what-not is on my profile, if you feel like adding me, go for it! Just let me know, obviously, so that I may add you back. The main reason I bought the 3DS was because of the future potential of Super Smash Bros. being on it, so I'm trying my best to contain all my hype.. Mainly because SSB-3DS won't be out until like.. 2015, probably.

Other than that, there's nothing else of importance. If you want to know me more, then interact with me I guess! Or you'll be seeing me posting around the forum, which will also shape your ideals over who I am and what-not. And for the sake of... My delicate ego, I've posted a photo of myself for you guys to see. Most think I'm a girl over my username, personality.. Silly stuff like that, and I'm not just some dude trying to pretend to be a girl, which would be odd. (Even though it IS the Internet.) But anyway, I has a relevant photo of myself with my pink 3DS. Nothing special, in my opinion~!

Posted Image

Thanks for reading guys! Hope it wasn't too much of a TL; DR.

But if it was, my TL; DR summary would be: Lucky Star~
And yes, I did copy/paste this introduction from the 3DS Forum. I didn't think it'd do any harm, since the Wii U isn't out yet. ^^

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