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Member Since 01 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2013 04:45 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Thinking about selling my Wii U guys...

15 July 2013 - 04:41 AM

I have a Wii U and a PC. I miss no games in my library.

In Topic: So What Will The Plot Be This Time in SM3DW?

15 July 2013 - 04:39 AM

Bowser accesses Peache's castle and goes deep in the foundation where there is a demonic orb which would let him awaken the castle. He becomes a mechanic castle robot and looks for a way to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom. You discover that Bowser's castle can be awakened again so you do that. There's a huge fight between both titans and then Link comes and shuts everybody down. He then falls into darkness, losing control of himself. At the end Shulk comes and ends the fight to save the day. He decides that gods have to die. Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 BC Version 2.0 BETA feels offended so he comes and wipes the world.

Mario wins. Gah Mario is so cliche.

In Topic: Dragon Quest X could see a western release

15 July 2013 - 04:27 AM

I just don't see this happening due to the monthly fees in the game. From what I remember, it wasn't even that successful in Japan where Dragon Quest is a big thing. America, where it's little more than another game? It'd be like tossing the game out to die.
Maybe if they took a Free-To-Play approach with a Digital-only strategy. It would make it more widely available, and (most) any Wii U owner could hop into the game whenever they wanted, with impulse/curious purchases abound. After-all, the game is an online game to begin with, so complaints on Digital-only would be rather ridiculous in this (theoretical) case.

MH3 had monthly fees in Japan but not in NA. There is no way people would buy a game in which they'd have to pay for online. They will simply make it free to promote the game if it ever gets a release in NA.

In Topic: To Dream The Impossible Dream ....

15 July 2013 - 04:21 AM

Get a PS4 & a Vita.

We're not all millionaires.

In Topic: Sony Prove the Wii U's Texture Bandwidth is not slow

15 July 2013 - 04:19 AM

You aren't an authority in game development, the developers don't have to "prove" anything.  They just make the games for the platforms that the brass tells them to make the games for.  Don't expect any developer of publisher to come out and qualify the ridiculous presumption that for some reason they aren't going to take advantage of better hardware by making a statement about it.  They've talked about the next gen engine they are using, for each individual platform.  The Wii U version of the engine will be more capable than the 360 version of the engine, in all cases.

Since we are the ones buying games, we kind of are an authority. Not alone, but if people group up, they can make a difference (cf. tripping removed in SSBWIIU). Many devs do care about people's opinion. Then intervene AAA publishers that force them to keep silence, and that's why we assume stuff like that.

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