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Member Since 01 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2013 04:45 AM

#223643 Ubisoft: Rayman went multiplatform as they didn’t think it would sell on Wii U

Posted by Alianjaro on 18 June 2013 - 02:22 PM

R.I.P. Wii U.

Super Smash
Bayonetta 2
Watch Dogs
Splinter Cell

Me thinks not.

#223636 Tour de France WiiU sponsor? UK tv advert now live.

Posted by Alianjaro on 18 June 2013 - 02:15 PM

I'm sorry, but can you reword that into a sensible statement, please. I have no idea what you are trying to say/ask.

Dunno man, pretty easy to understand.
He finds it odd that Nintendo is sponsoring the Tour de France, although he knows the game will be released soon.
You're welcome :P

#223063 Interesting stuff to notice about Super Smash Bros Wii U

Posted by Alianjaro on 17 June 2013 - 01:51 PM

Sakurai said that the next Smash Bros will be slower than Melee but fafaster than Brawl.


Thanks for providing the link. It's interesting. I think it's a good thing. I mean, the main reason why I lose fights in Brawl is by miscalculating a jump, or stuff like that.

I know what you are trying to say and I comepletely agree to you Villager. I also don't want to say why.

I strongly agree to you Villager.

But but but what is it about? I feel noob.

#222729 Sony's Secret DRM Plan same as Xbox One?

Posted by Alianjaro on 16 June 2013 - 12:32 PM

Interesting thoughts. Some might say you're going too far into it, but I think not. Especially since we know they're in the music/entertainement industry. They might have just taken the opportunity to crush M$ during E3. But honestly, the fact we will have to pay for online for PS4 is disgusting.

#222666 Interesting stuff to notice about Super Smash Bros Wii U

Posted by Alianjaro on 16 June 2013 - 09:08 AM

Hey! Haven't posted any topics lately, I'm sorry -- Anyway, as you probably know, I'm a big fan of Super Smash, and, as we kept talking about the game on the community, I noticed few things that I think might be interesting to share with you.


(I know there are many SSB topics on every boards, but I'm this one deserves a topic of his own.)


1. Design


Notice how many characters got an upgrade visually or a revamp? And I'm not talking about HD...


  • Link's design is not like anything we've seen (although somewhat close to SS' one, but that's arguable).


          This has been posting by our friend Falconberg on the E3 board on this topic: http://thewiiu.com/t...n-ssb4-trailer/


  • Animal Crossing's Villager was introduced to the series with his old design, which has been revamped in New Leaf. Could this suggest that New Leaf's design is only provisional and not definitive? I don't think so. That makes me question that weird decision. One other possibility is that they chose this design because it's more representative of the series as a whole.


New Leaf





  • Notice how Fox's design is near Command's one. It might suggest that future SF's might take that design as the definitive one, whuch I disapprove, but that's just me.


  • Samus' design is way cooler, but no need to go further into detail for that.


2. Stages


  • Boxing Ring from Little Mac. I would be suprised to see him in the game as a playable character though.
  • Skyloft from "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword". Really similar to Delfino Plaza in SSBB.
  • Train from Spirit Tracks. (I called this one more than a year ago on the forum. Exactly as they showed it, I'm so happy lol).

3. Sakurai's decision


He removed tripping. I know we're all really happy about that, but it shows something really important: Sakurai is listening to his fans. That's the main reason for the inclusion of Megaman in the roster. This might as well suggest that Skull Kid might be included (believe it or not, it's a very popular character).


4. Physics


It's too early to say, but as you might know, Melee's physics were different from Brawl. Melee's was faster, and gravity was more infuent. Brawl's were more aerial, allowing mid-air fights really easily. Brawl's physics were as much hated as loved, so I'd say it might be between both styles, time will tell.

#222649 Kamiya states he'd like to work on a Star Fox or a Takamaru's Ninja C...

Posted by Alianjaro on 16 June 2013 - 07:58 AM

imagine starfox in glorious 1080p 60fps with off ship combat and flight combat made by based kamiya. it's too much for my brain to handle

Gah please, my body wasn't ready to handle that sentence. *Fangasms*

#221282 E3 2013: Cops Called to Shut Down Ouya

Posted by Alianjaro on 13 June 2013 - 02:49 PM

It was literally the greatest joke of all time.

Agreed. Don't listen to these haters. You're amazing, I LUV U.


No seriously, I laughed.


On topic: Ouya looks great, guess it's time to say "Duck tha police".

#217694 E3 is getting closer, What are you most excited for?

Posted by Alianjaro on 09 June 2013 - 06:20 AM

3D Mario (Unless it involves galaxies)

It has been confirmed a while back it would take another direction and that it wouldn't be a sequel to the Galaxy series.

I'm most exited for SSB4.

#209838 EA Developing Wii U Games After All

Posted by Alianjaro on 21 May 2013 - 06:22 PM

I thought they don't develop on "crap" consoles......

The thing is, they're full of crap, so what they consider crap is what is actually good.

#209829 COD Ghosts

Posted by Alianjaro on 21 May 2013 - 06:16 PM

I think they just spoiled 95% of the campain.

  • Xef likes this

#205007 CNNMoney: Nintendo's Big Problem

Posted by Alianjaro on 07 May 2013 - 08:23 PM

Article says the 3ds has also been a disappointment outside of Japan. Really? I think it has done very well, especially the past year. Biased media again, no story on Sony and it's troubles with the Vita.

Nintendo bashing is a trend these days... 3DS not doing well outside of Japan... Wth were they thinking?

#205004 Frostbite Technical Director on why Frostbite never came to Wii U

Posted by Alianjaro on 07 May 2013 - 08:17 PM

im considering starting a boycott. I haven't bought EA since KOA reckoning. They are coming very close to being a monopoly.. It's times like these I wish teddy Roosevelt was still around. TRUST BUSTERS!!

They sure have a monopoly for suckiness.

#204936 Frostbite Technical Director on why Frostbite never came to Wii U

Posted by Alianjaro on 07 May 2013 - 03:51 PM

I hate EA with a passion. They need to be brought down!

Let's start a revolution. YAAAR.

I'll give the new CEO a chance though.

#204292 New games for the Wii U?

Posted by Alianjaro on 05 May 2013 - 07:32 PM

I swear the day Super Smash gets released, people will complain about having to many games and so few time to play 'em all... Humans, we all know a bunch.

#204040 console wars...

Posted by Alianjaro on 04 May 2013 - 06:57 PM

THE CONSOLE WARS ARE ONCE AGAIN BEGINNING *blows war horn made from broken game console bits*

Plastation Move controller.

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