Girls, girls, you're both pretty.
Seriously, the PS4 looks good, but I wasn't shocked at all. I was pretty much expecting this. But before anything, I still need to get a Wii U. And Fire Emblem Awakening. Not in that order.
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Member Since 04 Apr 2012Offline Last Active May 24 2013 11:43 AM
About Me
Hello! I'm Bootortle (you can call me Boo) and I'm super excited for Wii U, E3, and anything Nintendo! (also, the 'how did you find us?' should say through, not throuh)
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- Profile Views 5,521
- Member Title Paragoomba
- Age 27 years old
- Birthday May 1, 1997
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Drawing, video games, etc.
All of Nintendo
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO
21 February 2013 - 01:04 PM
In Topic: Missouri wanted to tax games rated T-M WTF!
26 January 2013 - 09:35 AM
Silly Missouri, taxes are for kids!
This makes no sense. Fortunately, if this ever comes about again, I live inHoenn Illinois.
This makes no sense. Fortunately, if this ever comes about again, I live in
In Topic: Pokemon X and Y
10 January 2013 - 05:44 PM
I like all of the revealed pokemon so far. Fennekin is my favorite fire starter since Torchic, but I'm still starting with Froakie, the water type. I also really like Yveltal's design.
In Topic: Gamers young and old
04 December 2012 - 06:02 AM
I'm 15. I got my GameBoy Advance SP on Christmas in 2003, along with Pokémon Sapphire, I believe. (That means some of my Pokémon are 10 years old, like BLAZ'N, my level 100 Blaziken)Since then, I've come to love Nintendo. Since then, I've gotten a GameCube and Nintendo DS Lite, and I've got a 3DS now, which is awesome, and am looking forward to getting a Wii U. My first handheld was blue, and my first home console was black. That's how it seems it will be this time around as well. (Blue 3DS nad hopefully black Wii U)
In Topic: Wii U Countdown Thread
16 November 2012 - 06:28 PM
For us who live in the US:

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