So I've been reading about how many were disappointed with news that Nintendo's next Wii U Mario game is Super Mario 3D World instead of Mario Galaxy 3. Personally, I like the way that the new Mario game looks and plays but I too was hoping for a next-gen Mario Galaxy sooner rather than later. But after thinking about it for awhile, I'm glad that Nintendo did not go this route.
After reading about the reasons why Nintendo had to delay many of its big titles, like Pikmin 3, due to a lack of staff and other development resources needed to produce games in HD, I realized how a game as large-scale and detailed as the Mario Galaxy series could not be done for Wii U this early on in its life-cycle, at least not to the standards that Nintendo typically aims for.
And even though Nintendo has the most experience using their own hardware, they can still benefit from having more time understanding the system and developing new tricks to best utilize its features and power and also implement new gameplay ideas and uses for the Gamepad.
So while some may still be disappointed by Nintendo's decision, I think that it was a sound one that will result in a much better experience in the next Mario Galaxy game once it's released. This stands true for most of its other games that they're yet to be released: Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros Wii U, Star Fox and Metroid (because you know they're coming), etc.
So let's have some patience as I'm sure that Nintendo will make it worth our while. :]
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Member Since 09 Apr 2012Offline Last Active Jul 18 2013 03:25 PM
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Video games in general but mostly Nintendo and PC games.
Computers -- because I'm a total nerd (the good kind)
Art, drawing, photo manipulation, digital rendering, creating in general. I love it all!
Topics I've Started
In hindsight, I'm glad that Nintendo did not make Mario Galaxy 3 yet
18 July 2013 - 03:32 AM
"[The] Wii U Has A Horrible, Slow CPU" Comment Was Based On "Very Early Kit...
13 December 2012 - 08:10 AM
There has been some recent clarification to the comment that was made awhile back by 4A Games’ Metro: Last Light. Chief technical officer, Oles Shishkovtsov, that "[The] Wii U Has A Horrible, Slow CPU." Huw Benyon of THQ has now stated that:
"Our look at the Wii U extended to a very early look at some very early kits. We...we did some work on it, but we made a decision fairly early on that we weren’t going to commit further resource to it. So yeah, we didn’t go too far. Take any of the comments you’ve seen attributed with a pinch of salt - it’s certainly not been based on any kind of analysis of final hardware." — Source
Since it has been reported that Wii U had undergone significant improvements throughout its development over early kits, this should help put some minds at ease in knowing that THQ's comment was based on nothing more than a very early look of some very early Wii U dev kits.
"Our look at the Wii U extended to a very early look at some very early kits. We...we did some work on it, but we made a decision fairly early on that we weren’t going to commit further resource to it. So yeah, we didn’t go too far. Take any of the comments you’ve seen attributed with a pinch of salt - it’s certainly not been based on any kind of analysis of final hardware." — Source
Since it has been reported that Wii U had undergone significant improvements throughout its development over early kits, this should help put some minds at ease in knowing that THQ's comment was based on nothing more than a very early look of some very early Wii U dev kits.
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