I need a little help here. I know people probley wont want to bother with this thread but, for the people who take the time to respond I appreiate that. I bought a Wii U back on launch day and did not even have it a full month and sold it. My reasons were that A) The sports games such as Madden was terrible. I love all sports games and was pretty angry with that. It honestly did not seem like much of an upgrade from the 360/ps3. I know these were only launch games but with the other new systems coming out, I wonder if it can compete. C) The online. The online for games like Call of duty was bad. No one was ever on and it was very hard to just invite someone or challenge someone to a game. Aside from that I loved playing Mario and was getting into Zombi U and I did like the gamepad. With the announcements of the new Mario and Mario Kart coming, I am having the urge to get anorther Wii U. Should I really do this? My only concern is that ill be bored with it again because these new games will not be coming out till at least the fall. I also have a Ps3 so, I dont know any games I will really want on this over the next few months. Any advise would be great! Sorry for the long read. Thanks!
Is there a way to play a co op mode together with my friend ? I don't want to play against eachother at all. Is there anyway we can just be on the same
Team and kill
Don't understand how you can make a zombi game like this and there is no way to play together local? Am I missing it?
How can I send my friends game requests ? I try and pull them up and nothing? And is there a way to send a msg to someone that I'm playing with while we are playing? I don't have a mic but would like to say something during our game.
I tried using Miiverse for this but..not having much luck. I am looking for a few people who understand the transit map and want to get far in zombies online. I dont have a mic but, I will stick together. I know how to turn the power on and use pack a punch and all that stuff. My GT on Wii U IS imgodzgift. Send me a msg or send me one on here!