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Member Since 23 Apr 2012Offline Last Active Jun 12 2013 04:10 PM
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- Age 42 years old
- Birthday June 5, 1982
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#94242 Ubisoft leakes that Wii U has an "O-Live" system?
Posted by Kuta∞sthA
on 18 July 2012 - 12:34 AM
Ah, yes. An O-Live system. That's a subsystem often found within a parent system known as "M-Artini."
#85194 Not Happy..time to rant
Posted by Kuta∞sthA
on 06 June 2012 - 11:14 PM
Everyone should be judging Nintendo based on their E3 conference. No more excuses. Nintendo knew that E3 is highly anticipated and that they needed to bring their A game. They failed to do that. They wasted time on crap that zero people care about like Wii U Fit and that horrendous Sing garbage. They showed us some ports, and we saw a few new titles that we had already heard about prior to the Nintendo conference. The only thing at the conference itself that was previously unheard of was that Nintendoland thing, which looks poor. They ended the damn conference on some crappy footage in the Nintendoland hub world. Who can even try to defend this nonsense?!
I am not saying that the Wii U will suck. But Nintendo is doing themselves ZERO favors here. Either they are stupid or they don't care. There is no other option. And I f***ing love Nintendo.
I am not saying that the Wii U will suck. But Nintendo is doing themselves ZERO favors here. Either they are stupid or they don't care. There is no other option. And I f***ing love Nintendo.
- giggity3000 likes this
#81009 Wii U name change
Posted by Kuta∞sthA
on 26 May 2012 - 10:18 PM
- Wonder Blue likes this
#78898 How would you react if...
Posted by Kuta∞sthA
on 17 May 2012 - 09:16 PM
Lol if you like blowing things you should play the tuba.
But seriously is would have to look like the DS ones.
Today on "Missed Opportunities for Inappropriate Humor"...
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