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#317730 Nintendo NX Rumors

Posted by Socalmuscle on 25 January 2016 - 09:31 PM

It won't be just a portable that inexplicably gets a "boost" if it just so happens to connect to a competitors console. That would cause developers to have to develop two games for one system - or one very high end game that utilizes low LOD when it is mobile only. Not worth the investment for those who will only use the mobile unit.


NX is a codename used to describe a NINTENDO family of hardware units that share data with each other with each utilizing a similar architecture for ease of cross hardware game and app development. The mobile system can share the "same" game data with the "beefy" home based unit allowing for high fidelity gaming at home and the "same" game (using shared saved data), but at a lower fidelity while on the road. Actually surprised no one has done this before.


Other Nintendo hardware units as well as some existing and future competing hardware units (phones, tablets, etc.) will join the home console and mobile unit to run Nintendo software to be called cohesively, the NX platform. Still just a codename. Pretty ambitious stuff.

#315751 AMD revealed the Nintendo NX?

Posted by Socalmuscle on 02 July 2015 - 02:56 PM

It would be cool to go back to the "Nintendo Entertainment System" for the main console and the "GameBoy" portable monikers.

And if (hopefully) the system can back it up, bring back the "Now You're Playing with Power" ad campaign.

A Zelda upgrade along with a new Metroid, and Mario game along with third party titles at launch would be awesome.

These titles can also be ported to the GameBoy since there will be architectural similarities.

#310173 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 07 March 2015 - 06:38 PM

Man they are really knocking this thing out of the park.

When they spend this amount of detail on bringing such high quality results to choices that players MIGHT make...

I just...


This is the kind of game you make when you are looking at guaranteed sales in a much hyped platform with massive install base.

And here it is on the most criticized, small install base Wii U.

I'm actually really liking the exclusive feel of it. Like a Lamborghini oenergy.

But something tells me this is a system seller.

Even those media outlets that don't WANT to hype the game can't help themselves.

Especially in Japan. This is a Japanese dream.

And it has everything "western" and euro gamers go for as well.

Just wish it was out in the USA like right NOW.

#309492 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by Socalmuscle on 22 February 2015 - 10:15 PM

Nintendo once knew how to offer serious power at an affordable price.

Might be necessary to dedicate hardcore hardware guys to the console so the software guys can keep focus on producing 100% quality, fulfilling games.

Iwata and Miyamoto should not dictate hardware specs. They can add to needed hardware features, but not u specs such as hardware limiting factors.

Even if nintendo themselves don't use 100% of the power in order to keep DEV costs low, at least it's there for the companies with business models that allow them to pour on the dev resources.

To have not only nintendo titles, but also the definitive third party versions of those games on the same console... It would be quite the coup.

But it makes too much sense. So they won't do it.

But they should.

It's a new market. And specs (and thus ultimate potential for games) play a major role.

#309268 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 19 February 2015 - 12:43 PM

Don't know. Trailers all been 60FPS. However in RPG's like this doesn't matter as much.

Have to be honest. The trailers look way too smooth for that kind of detail in s game.

I'm expecting 30fps which itself will be great. If somehow 60 then they will literally have outdone themselves manifold times.

#308876 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 13 February 2015 - 03:45 PM

Jebus, the anti Xenobade trolls are at it again.

Every single article, they flood it with 'Its not doing anything Skyrim didnt do! Red dead redemption looks Way better!!!'
'It looks worse than last gen, it just has massive scale, thats all its got going for it over ps360!'

You cant discuss this game ANYWHERE outside without them showing up and crapping everywhere and circle jerking each other. How do they even believe their own garbage?

Good points.

But honestly, I feel Nintendo can eliminate a ton of this crap by simply marketing their games effectively. putting out high quality screenshots and videos all over the web (YouTube, create and send to ign etc...).

With X especially, unless you already own a wii u it was nigh impossible to see a good look at the footage.

If you see the YouTube videos, the "screenshots" all over the web, etc., they all look incredibly muddy, washed out, etc.

Then... You see the "direct" that moment Monolith put out and it's like "what the ohmygoshijustvomitedthewheatiesiateforbreakfastbevausethislookssofreakingamazing!"

It looks nearly like a different game because the difference between conpressed, decompressed, and decompressed again by the time it shows up anywhere. Then that crappy conpressed video gets a screen grab taken and compressed again into an even more crappy conpressed JPEG.

It actually makes me a little angry as this would be so freaking easy to fix by sending press kits with high quality screens and videos to the major players. And it would cost nearly nothing.

And the stinking media sites KNOW THIS. and they choose to use junk screens of junk videos.

When I show people the latest gameplay and tutorial video they unanimously freak out and have to have it.

Before then, they've heard of it a bit and weren't impressed.

It's all in the presentation.

Come on Nintendo.

Yes, we appreciate that you are focused on the GAME, not on swindling people out of their hard earned money.

But dadburnit, get with the program and have one or two people focus on marketing it right and leaving the industry with a proper high impression of the game.

#308785 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 12 February 2015 - 02:46 PM

But you gotta love "nex gen" eyeballs yo!
I mean you can't enjoy a good RPG without more veins in eyeballs. Lol it makes me laugh how this garbage suckers people in so easily.


Ugly textures, light maps, two layers of polygons and a simple inversion in the middle...

That's next ten high tech? Lol

About as awesome as hand hairs in COD Ghosts....

The funny thing is X has more AAA qualities than AAA labeled games.

I don't see where they've cut any shortcuts. It looks epic, expensive, extensively crafted, extravagantly detailed, and I can't even begin to imagine how much money and manpower has gone into creating this masterpiece.

The single most desired game in my gaming life. Maybe be that changes after I get it (doubtful), but that's how I've felt for a while. And seeing the latest updates just really makes me sick with anticipation.

Now imagine a deluge of CGI, alive action, and some mixed media commercials plastered all over your favorite negworks,breeding or COD style.. And for an honest to goodness AAA game!

I'd think sales triple. Due to awareness alone.

#308523 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 08 February 2015 - 08:55 PM

After much scrutinizing, analyzing, and poring over the available screens, I've found an obvious repeat texture.

It's very well utilized. And far enough from other instances, but it's there. And it's a huge texture.

That's right... ONE repeat texture. Only visible from a very zoomed out stage.

It took a while, but I found it. I knew it would be there because it HAD to be. No way around it especially given file size constraints for 32 gb limited stock consoles. And the edges are so well matched to the surrounding textures that they just line up.

I'm on iPad atm, but when I get time, I'll circle the instances. Looks kind of like a light colored dirt spider shape.

Dang these guys are good.

When you see this kind of thing, you only appreciate the effort they've put in to truly CRAFT this game.

Just more hype for me. Lol.

#308502 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 08 February 2015 - 03:04 PM

I wonder if there is any more continents or regions..

I doubt it.

That's A LOT. Of territory.

Compare the x map to this to get an idea:


#308307 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 06 February 2015 - 12:17 PM

For some reason pretty much every saga 'fan' I know of outside this board absolutely hates Xenoblade and Xenoblade X (And has never played xenoblade), and any similarities and the fact its not on a playstation only seems to make them fester and hate more. Not that im surprised, this is, after all the 'fan' base that incessantly dog piled, mocked and ridiculed Sorayasaga to the point of attempted suicide when she needed support the most. They are already hate raging over this very screen. At least the gears fans are excited.

Anyways, Im pretty sure its beyond safe to say this is Episode 1 of the Xeno series. Modified for copyrights and the wisdom of experience gained of course, but this is blatantly chapter 1 of the Xeno story.

Maybe that's what puts the "cross" in the title. As in "crossover?"


#308300 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 06 February 2015 - 10:30 AM


I'm officially the most hyped for this out of any game I've ever wanted/owned/etc.


Microsoft used to have an ad campaign called "show us your wow."

Well...Monolithsoft just did. And it's bad news for Microsoft. Lol.

I'm so glad they showed off a high quality video finally.

And the graphics are truly impressive.

Almost can't believe this is real.

Also notable is how SMOOTH everything runs.

The lighting and shadows are PERFECT.

The textures are better than I thought they'd be.

And the sheer SIZE of some of the textures boggles the mind. Nevermind the insane variety of them.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen such a gigantic, massive, truly epic game world like this in 3D. Ever.

And to have this quality of graphics while accomplishing that... And on the Wii U (the underpowered, barely better than last gen, [insert more incorrect hate statement here], etc.) no less!

The music is perfect. And has an enticing mix of whimsical And futuristic. And to be honest, it's actually stuff that is very cool even to popular top chart music lovers. Might just need to purchase the soundtrack.

Best thing to ever hapoen to Nintendo.

And this needs to become a franchise forever.

Not milked to death like AC, COD, etc. But an epic that releases at least once in every new Nintendo console.

Until the end of time.


#307943 New Pokken footage!

Posted by Socalmuscle on 31 January 2015 - 12:22 PM

lol @ everyone who argued this game wasn't in development for wii u when the teaser was first shown.

While still not confirmed for wii u... Just LOOK AT IT...

I suppose the only way this doesn't come out is if it some commercial failure wherever it's headed.

But it definitely looks a lot like smash. Lol. And I'm not referring to art style

Looking good.

#307858 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Socalmuscle on 29 January 2015 - 05:03 PM

Texture this game is FULL of a crazy variety of textures.

One of the first thinks I noticed. That's a TON of paint.

Even Destiny reuses a lot of textures and in Some areas takes the color palette really low.

But it till uses a ton of textures.

X however seems like and endless deluge of very large and variable graphics assets.

One of the more impressive things is looking down at the map from a high distance and not being able to notice texture tiles. That's huge. Try that with Skyrim and the like. Big difference.
Taking massive textures like that, the geometry, ai, scripting, collision detection,blighting, audio, etc... And fitting into aRam a with no loading... Whoa. That's dome serious load and memory management going on.

These guys deserve big sales just for being geniuses. Not to mention what's dhaping up to be a stellar game.

#307441 Wii U Avengers FPS?Screens and Video of cancelled game

Posted by Socalmuscle on 22 January 2015 - 09:43 PM

Actually looked promising.

Ms must have bought exclusivity...

#306951 New Xenoblade X Trailer discussion

Posted by Socalmuscle on 14 January 2015 - 02:10 PM


I've been waiting so long it seems like the his game is just a fairy tale.

But wow. I NEED this.


The graphics are insanity.

I play a LOTS of Destiny on PS4.

The skies here rival that. And with what appears to be a much larger scale

And the art direction here is better.

If it's putin April or May I'll be super excited.

May need to use some vacation time. Lol

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