Member Since 05 Jun 2012Offline Last Active Dec 27 2015 09:34 PM
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Rented Devils Third recently and I'm finding it surprisingly enjoyable, it's a real shame more people don't play online.

Finally back from a long break! It's a shame I couldn't post here on my birthday but oh well :/ Anyway I ended up getting mario maker for my birthday so if anyone wants to try my first level the id is 9E73-0000-0069-2B4A

Played it for a few hours, it's great! Already seen some stuff they never showed in the gameplay vids or trailers.
Aug 27 2015 02:35 PM

for the first time in a long time my character on final fantasy 14 actually looks good :D

yeah, i am beginning to like it. seeing treehouse footage helped. yoshi boss battle coming up!
Jun 17 2015 09:58 AM -

AdmiralClassy you have to love kamiya

So guys I always said I was gonna play shenmue 1 and 2 if 3 was announced... what's the best way to play 1 and 2?

They'll probably re-release Shenmue I & II on the PSN and Steam to get newcomers onboard.
Jun 15 2015 07:12 PM

And Zelda, and either paper mario or a new 3D mario game, new Metroid game, and a bunch of new new 3DS games and new Wii U games >:(
Jun 15 2015 06:12 PM -
yeah To be honest sony just F'd it up for them... Unless they pull something major out their A$$ I dont see them making a big impact tomorrow. Good job to Sony that they way to give your gamers what they have been askig for and more. So We will see Ninty.
Jun 15 2015 06:15 PM -
Naw, Hyrule Warriors on 3DS will be the winner!... Nintendo needs to get their carp crap together...
Jun 15 2015 06:22 PM