Member Since 18 Jun 2012Offline Last Active Sep 05 2012 09:39 PM
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just bought Fable 2 Limited Edition for 5 bucks...def flipping the hell out of that

selling Legend of Zelda Wind Waker if anyone is interested in purchasing it

For the 3DS?
Aug 02 2012 03:10 PM -
:O this is a crime!! u dont sell a zelda game bro!! :P jks i personally already have it though so no
Aug 02 2012 04:04 PM

umm I hve some good ones
Twilight Princess
Zelda Collectors Edition
Fire Emblem
Metroid Prime
I have alot more...at least 20-25 games just can't think of all of them atm
Jul 19 2012 11:49 AM -
Hank Hill
Fire Emblem and Wind Waker are 'spensive. Wind Waker...if it had the box/manual, and it was in really nice shape overall, you could get $40 or so on eBay. Fire Emblem is about $25-30, same for Zelda Collector's Edition. Twilight Princess is about $20 I think, and Metroid Prime isn't worth a ton. Like $10. If you need other pricings, just drop me a PM. ;)
Jul 19 2012 06:41 PM