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Hyrule's Samurai

Member Since 16 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 05 2013 07:15 AM

Topics I've Started

How Do You Unsync A Wii Remote From A Wii U Console?

04 January 2013 - 06:28 PM

Okay, it's a long story, but how do you unsync a Wii Remote. I know how to sync it and I heard for the the to hold the SYNC button on the console for 15 secs and re-sync the Wii Remotes. Should I just do that?
~ Thank you!

Wii U Pro Controller Themes

16 October 2012 - 01:46 PM

In celebration of what could be a SNES-themed controller, I want to know what some of your ideas are for different themed Wii U Pro Controllers. Posting a picture would be even cooler (and if anyone can give me advice on how to make one in Photoshop, that would be even cooler).

For those of you who want a source, I came prepared:
I know the price is a bit odd, but maybe someone put down the wrong price. Cross your fingers and hope its real (if it is, I want a NES one too).

Posted Image
And here is a picture of what could be the SNES controller (crosses fingers that its real).

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