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Member Since 26 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active May 26 2012 11:44 AM

Topics I've Started

Graphics Tablet I'll Be Buying

24 March 2012 - 05:46 AM

Soo, the graphics tablet I'm going to be buying this year isss *drumroll*
The Genius G-Pen M172X!
I was planning on buying a Bamboo Fun Pen and Touch, but this is a decent £80-ish pounds cheaper, and seems much better to work with ^^.

It has a pretty big work surface, 1024 levels of pressure sensitivity and a ton of hot keys (I think it's about 24). It's also super duper thin and looks very portable. Which is helpful, as I almost always have a pen, pencil and some paper on the go for drawing.

Anywho, has anybody purchased tablets by Genius and had problems with them? Would you recommend Bamboo tablets over G-Pen tablets?

HaHa-No's UTAU songs.

09 January 2012 - 09:20 AM

Herro everybody, I installed UTAU yesterday (a voice synthesizing program like Vocaloid, but free, and the results aren't as good.)

Anywho, so as my first song I decided to make SEKUSHI BEIKON do a cover of 'Fear Garden'. That song is just deliciously macabre (hands, on the other hand, are not delicious, unless you're a cannibal, I imagine they're very tasty from that perspective). Anywhoozle, I'll attach a .wav, but if you're all like "mehhh, put it on Youtube it's easier *whine*" I will :b.

I realize it's awful, robotic and I think it may be slightly off with the timing, but remember it's my first time using UTAU properly and my first time using Sekushi Beikon or timing, so it's likely to be rubbish, right, RIGHT?! I worked reaaaaly hard on it, as I made quite a few changed to the OST to suit Sekushi more, and the timing, plus effects were absolute nightmares in Audacity.

I'll be making a cover unless you all tell me it's absolutely awful and to curl up in a corner and die.

Attached File  Fear Garden- Sekushi Beikon.wav   1.73MB   259 downloads

I think my cover of Melt is slightly better, I don't know if Neko Kanochi helped or made the song worse but oh well. I'll remove it if it's worse than it sounds.

Attached File  Melt- Sekushi Beikon.wav   2.21MB   243 downloads

Incredibly Late Secret Santa (Sorry :L!)

02 January 2012 - 03:27 AM

Herro, my Secret Santee is SDY. I drew a picture for him that appears to have gone missing, so I dug out an old picture I drew in year 5 of my friends as rabbits being chased by a cat. Pringle is a nickname, by the way, for a really small girl named Balanna. The fact peach looks extremely gothic is my awful drawing skills fault. This is a replica. I inked it and adjusted bits of the old one.

Hope you like it SDY!
Attached File  037.JPG   1.41MB   342 downloads
Sorry if you can't read anything on it ;x;.

If you had to label yourself?

09 December 2011 - 12:43 AM

I've seen this on an advert, people have one word to describe themselves. So, do it! If you want, you can then describe why you think chose that label.

Me? Odd.
I'm a 10 year old otaku and I'm a deathcore fan.
That isn't average :v.

Forced Listening Game

28 November 2011 - 12:42 PM

In this game, you post a song and somebody in the next post gives critique on it, then they post their own song.

User1:Critique for above poster
User2: Critique for above poster

Do not just say, 'I don't like that song.' Explain WHY you do or don't like it.

I have nobody to reply to, so I'll kick it off.
Warning: Swearing, sorry, it's hard to avoid in this genre :/.

Human Violence, by Suicide Silence (favourite band <3.)
And I know I'm the most unlikely candidate on this forum to like Deathcore.

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