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Member Since 06 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2013 04:07 PM

Topics I've Started

Sonic '06 and...The Beatles?

12 January 2013 - 11:28 AM

Hey guys. This sort of a random topic I just thought of. I've been listening to the Sonic '06 soundtrack and I've noticed something. Does anyone else think the music for the town missions sound exactly like the beat for "Honey Don't" by The Beatles?

My thoughts on Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed

25 December 2012 - 07:12 PM

Hey everybody!  Today I have started playing Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed and I can definitely tell you that it is MILES better than the first Sega racing game.  Before many of you guys bring this up, this game is not a rip off of the gimmick from Mario Kart 7.  FYI this game started being developed before Mario Kart 7 was even announced.  Anyways, this game is freaking incredible!  Let me tell you that this is a GORGEOUS game in terms of graphics and visuals.  The racing itself is great as well.  Although some parts may be hard to control, (I'm looking at the boat for this one) if you look past that, you get a fantastic racing game.  The items in the game are more unique than the ones in the first one and they are more towards being items that Mario Kart wishes to have.  My favorite being the Hot Rod which gives you a huge boost for a few seconds and when the meter...thingy is close to overheating, you press the X button to let out a ring of fire around you that can damage other opponents close by.  The online gameplay is great as well...thats all I can say about it. :P Anyways, those were my thoughts about the game.  If you have the game, what do you think about it?  If you don't happen to have the game:

1. You're missing out. ^_^
2. Will you ever give it a try?

Just to clarify, I do love Mario Kart just as much.  Anyways, I'm looking forward to what you guys have to say.

Finally got my Wii U...

25 December 2012 - 06:54 PM

Hey guys! I'm here to tell you that I finally got to play the Wii U I got for Christmas. I absolutely love it! I only have played one game on it and it's already fantastic. I had no doubt in my mind that this console was going to be amazing. This is kind of a shorter thread than what I usually post but I just had to share my thoughts. How do you guys like your Wii Us?

Do you like the picture I made for my new Youtube channel?

24 December 2012 - 02:20 PM

Hey guys for the past 3 days I have been working on a profile picture/logo for my new youtube channel. Just tell me if you like it or not and why.  Besides the background and the text, I drew everything on here.

Attached File  Screen shot 2012-12-24 at 5.18.16 PM.png   357.11K   415 downloads

Favorite Legend of Zelda game?

16 December 2012 - 07:11 PM

Hey guys.  I'm finally back here with a new topic to discuss.  What else can be said about the Legend of Zelda games?  The gameplay for most are great, the stories are amazing (although the general timeline of the games can be confusing as hell) and the music is fantastic.  So my question that I have for you guys is, what is your favorite Zelda game of all time?  Me?  Wind Waker is probably the best for me.  I know many people don't like it for it's cel shaded graphics but does it look like I care for graphics?  Of course not, and the people who care about nothing but the graphics of a game are idiots.  Anyways, Wind Waker is a game I enjoyed the hell out of.  It's gameplay, the over world, the dungeons, the puzzles and definitely the soundtrack.  My favorite track in the game is probably the main theme:

But I guess the Molgera boss battle music comes in as a good second:

Anyways, my point is that I really love Wind Waker and it is my favorite Zelda by far.

Whats yours?  Why?  Can't wait to see what you guys have to say.

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