- Gruff, YoshiGamer9, Stephen and 2 others like this
Posted by Brenzicure
on 24 December 2012 - 02:20 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 24 December 2012 - 11:08 AM
Sir. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if you state your opinion as excruciating as needing to bring sexual orientations into this, than that's just crossing the line.So your saying you enjoy it when they take a Zelda game, add awful unresponsive controls, then to make it worse take our beloved hero and make him look like a homosexual?
Posted by Brenzicure
on 29 November 2012 - 12:15 PM
That doesn't mean Mario doesn't have any horrible games... :\No, I haven't, but even if it is good, Sonic doesn't have his own consoles anymore, and Mario is the most recognizable character in video games, while Sonic has SO many bad games...
Posted by Brenzicure
on 22 November 2012 - 11:36 AM
...I'm gonna need a translation. That grammar was horrid. No offense of course.I meant to ask if that the version will be on the wii u is going to be like the 3ds version and because of that it will have bad controls and it won't play like a home console and it won't have many options so it will suck.
Posted by Brenzicure
on 18 November 2012 - 04:08 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 18 November 2012 - 02:05 PM
I'm sorry...but all I'm seeing out of all of your posts are trolls. You posted the same exact message on different threads. If what you are saying is true, than I am sorry about that. But I'm finding it hard to believe that Nintendo wouldn't test their consoles before they put them up in stores. ESPECIALLY upon release date. Once again, I'm sorry if this really happened, but all I'm seeing is, "Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll." Sorry if this seems like I'm being disrespectful, but this post looks a bit nonsensical.I know a lot of people on this thread said they bought it for Christmas for themselves, and have to wait to play it. I STRONGLY suggest you open it, and test it out. There have been issues with some peoples, and I would have for you to be disappointed on Christams day, or your children because of a defective product, that way if it is, you have time to replace it. I will post what happend to me below, I posted it in another thread, but, I want as many people to see it, so they do not run into the same issues.
I picked mine up today. Very frustrated, and I beleive Nintendo has lost a customer of 30+ years today. Hooked everything up, press the power button on and nothing, the power light just blinks blue constantly. I looked in the manual for troubleshooting ideas, and nothing was there to cover my issue. They had a section on blinking red light, I thought I would try that, and it did not work. I decided to call Nintendo and they were no help either, I told the rep my issue, that my system would not cut on, and all she would say is, did you do the update yet? LOL Really, I said, how can I do an update when I told you my system will not even turn on. She had no clue. She informed me my only option was to ship my system back to them at my expense and they would repair it in 5-7 business days. I asked her how is that fair to the customer to incur extra expenses on a system that is brand new, and should work. Why would I pay for a new system, and receive back a repaired/refurbished unit. I said I would consider this if they refunded me $50 to $100 of my purchase price, or give me 2 games of my choice at no expense. She said they could do none of that.
I then hung up the phone with her and called Gamestop to see if they had any other extra systems and was infomred they only received thier pre orders and no more, and not time table for any future shipments. I then proceeded to call all the other merchants in my area to see if they had any in stock, and naturally, they did not. I then proceeded to call Nintendo again, hoping to have a better experience, and get some type of resolution. I was offered the same thing, after further discussion, I thought I had finally recieved satisfaction when she told me they would ship me a new system and to please hold on while she set everything up. I was on hold another 10-15 minutes for her to finally tell me at the end that I would have to pay for shipping the replacement unit to me, and I would have to purchase the new system from them also, pay to ship my defective unit back, and then when they receive my WIi U back, they would credit my card back. Once again, more hassle and inconvience to me. I advised the rep that this is not a fair option, and having me to pay any additional costs out of my pocket is unrealistic, especially around the holidays when I can't have an extra $360 tied up.
She stated she understood and would get me to a manager who had more power than her, and further options. I spoke to him and was given the same options, nothing new. All I asked them to do is to please ship a new Wii U to the store I purchased it from, and then I could just exchange them. He told me they are not able to do this. I then proceeded to tell him that I know he is only doing what Nintendo allows them to do, but, I would be sure to go on facebook, twitter, and every other social platform I could find and let others know of my experience, and how little Nintendo values their customers. I wasted hours of my day, and have 4 disappointed children who was looking forward to playing the new system, and me also. LOL
I have owned every system Nintendo has ever made, for the OG NES to all the handhelds. I also advised the rep to pass on to upper management that Nintendo is not too big to fail, in fact, companies go under all the time, and in these touch economical times, they need to do everything they can to keep their customers happy, and purchasing their products. Sorry for my rant, but, I just find this unacceptable. To all those that have purchased theirs, I hope that you have a better experience than I have.
Posted by Brenzicure
on 10 November 2012 - 06:47 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 02 November 2012 - 01:31 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 27 October 2012 - 04:10 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 19 September 2012 - 05:35 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 16 September 2012 - 11:41 AM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 12 September 2012 - 05:54 PM
So I see you're hoping for a Sonic Adventure 3 as well as I am?Hey Sega I have an idea, why don't you make a game like Sonic Adventure 2 but newer with better graphics. Your mind was just blown wasn't it.
Posted by Brenzicure
on 12 September 2012 - 05:18 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 07 September 2012 - 01:58 PM
Posted by Brenzicure
on 06 September 2012 - 01:54 PM