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Member Since 11 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active May 29 2016 08:40 AM

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In Topic: New Nintendo controller patent

12 December 2015 - 02:37 PM

I said it once, twice, thrice, etc and I'll say it again: Nintendo needs to focus on the lowest price they can pull off without compromising the experience. Games like Windwaker, Splatoon, etc prove that the Wii U as-is can push out really awesome graphics; and the older Wii proves that Nintendo can dominate by acting as a "secondary" console that people purchase alongside their Xbox or Playstation, or even as a entry console to the current generation.


but the wii wasn't successful as a "secondary" console, it was successful because they tapped into a new market, a market which has since moved to smartphones


making a console the same as xbox and ps4 is going to flop, they need something which will get those people (or non gamers again) to buy the console

In Topic: Thoughts on Linkle

27 November 2015 - 02:27 AM

A game with both of them would be interesting but seems like a considerably more difficult concept to pull off so I'm not so sure they'd go that route.




Well why is Link male in LoZ games when it doesn't affect the gameplay or plot? Why not just say he's gender neutral or gender fluid elf-kin? Gender is very rarely a decision that affects gameplay and story, it's purely a design choice that the developers are free to make and that doesn't make it a novelty just because it's different. I mean, if Link being male was never a novelty then why is it suddenly a novelty when Link is a female?


I haven't played Skyward Sword which I hear there is a bit more characterisation given to Link but other than that I don't recall Link having much of a personality and since Link isn't the same character in each game the character from one game doesn't even make a difference to a new Link. So since Link doesn't have much of a character I'm not so sure that a female Link would be so different other than appearance, furthermore what difference is there really to a female Link and Linkle? Since Link changes from game to game so can the character of Linkle.


I wouldn't even say that a game with Linkle as the protagonist where she doesn't have a sword would ruin the game, definitely different but I can't see how that alone could ruin it.


Well what would changing the gender of Link achieve? He has always been male so why change him to female? This is why it comes across as nothing more than a novelty. Giving an option is different though because more choices are always better than less choices.


The difference between a female Link and Linkle is that they seem to be two separate characters.


Also Linkle with no sword would be dumb, are we gonna have the Master Crossbow?

In Topic: Thoughts on Linkle

26 November 2015 - 07:00 AM

A main-series Zelda game with Link and Linkle would be cool. You can switch between them whenever you want and have co op too.

Oh no no no, shoehorning Link's gender into the plot sounds like the most annoying thing the devs could do. It's going to affect the pacing of the story and it's going to be constantly reminding everyone else that Link's no longer a guy and that's weird. It's not worth it when the simple solution of just ignoring Link's gender is going to make everyone happier.


Personally, I'd rather they go with one or the other instead of turning Link's gender into a player choice. It gives them much more freedom to characterize the new Link.


Why does Linkle's gender need to be a big part of the plot when Link's gender never has been?


Giving people the option to choose will keep people happy but the devs should be free to make Linkle the protagonist of a game without people thinking it's somehow going to ruin the game.



They'll probably just insist that Linkle and Link are both trans until everyone accepts it and if you deny it you're a bigot.


If it isn't a part of the gameplay or plot then what's the point? It won't bring anything new to the game and is nothing more than a novelty. I think a male/female option is best for everyone since Link has always been intended as an extension of the player (although he has become more characterised in recent years). Let me be clear that I am talking more about a female version of Link and not Linkle, Linkle looks like she will have her own character traits and is not just a female Link.


If they want to make a game with Linkle then so be it, I don't think it will ruin the game unless you didn't get to use a sword.

In Topic: Thoughts on Linkle

25 November 2015 - 03:03 AM

Linkle being the protagonist of a mainline Zelda =/= Linkle being Link.


Either way, Link as a character is not defined by his gender, so I don't know what your problem is here. It's not the same situation as in, say, Mario suddenly turning into a woman, because Mario in every game is the same entity while most Zelda games have a different Link.


Yeah but turning Link into a girl really is just for the sake of it unless it is a big part of the plot.


However, give people an option to choose. I don't want to be forced to play as a female Link but I'm sure some people out there would like it if they didn't have to play as a male link.

In Topic: Wii U System Turns 3, Happy Birthday

21 November 2015 - 10:35 AM

I've had it since launch and it's been a great three years. Best console since the PS2 imo.

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