Was that really just one long sentence? There's something called punctuation.... Just saying.
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Member Since 04 Nov 2012Offline Last Active Feb 24 2021 07:12 PM
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- Member Title Red Koopa Troopa
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In Topic: iwata seriously needs to step down
19 March 2013 - 09:45 PM
In Topic: The Gamecube thread
18 February 2013 - 07:02 PM
I'm glad I found this thread. I actually left my launch Wii hooked up after buying my WiiU specifically for the purposes of potentially playing my old GC games. Back in the day I bought the GC on launch day and then bought the component cables as well. I recently was considering selling my Wii and just getting a used GC + component cables (I unfortunately sold both years ago) only to find that GC's are easy to come by, but the official component cables are insanely expensive. Now I guess I'll stick with the Wii for my GC games. I just wasn't sure how robust the GC emulator on the Wii is vs using an actual GC for playing my games.
I popped in Rogue Squadron 2 for the first time this weekend in years and it's awesome. Now I'm looking at my GC library and realizing I'm going to have to go back and play more... Eternal Darkness, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil, and more. I'm really, really hoping that when the WiiU virtual console comes out they'll be able to get a bunch of these old GC games on there also. I'll already be buying Wind Waker HD when it comes out.
I popped in Rogue Squadron 2 for the first time this weekend in years and it's awesome. Now I'm looking at my GC library and realizing I'm going to have to go back and play more... Eternal Darkness, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil, and more. I'm really, really hoping that when the WiiU virtual console comes out they'll be able to get a bunch of these old GC games on there also. I'll already be buying Wind Waker HD when it comes out.
In Topic: Wind Waker HD Screenshots
29 January 2013 - 07:08 PM
I dont know if these screens are representative or just tests.
But it appears to mostly keep the old geometry, redo textures, and modernize the lighting engine.
I dont think i like the way the new lighting engine makes the characters look. They look too.... 3d.
I didn't even know there was a gold edition. That being said, I do have this:

In Topic: Buying Wii u
28 January 2013 - 07:34 PM
I would imagine it would. I use the Nyko one on my Wii U that I used to use on my Wii.
In Topic: Wind Waker HD Screenshots
23 January 2013 - 09:01 PM
For all us "old fogies" out there... I'm super stoked to see this announcement. I kept my Wii because it has GC support and still have ALL my GC games just in case I feel like playing again. I remember picking up my GC on launch night at Walmart *shudder* back in my final college days. So this is very exciting to me. To me this also begs the question: Will there be more re-releases of GC games?... Even if they are straight ports without HD updates. Very excited and felt 10 years younger when I saw this announcement!
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