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Member Since 04 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2021 07:12 PM

#184410 iwata seriously needs to step down

Posted by naadofett on 19 March 2013 - 09:45 PM

Was that really just one long sentence? There's something called punctuation.... Just saying.

#159702 Music in the background

Posted by naadofett on 15 January 2013 - 08:08 PM

On a somewhat related note, I wish the Miiverse background music/ambience wouldn't stop after a while like it does. That's kind of annoying.

#135007 Box Size?

Posted by naadofett on 20 November 2012 - 05:26 PM

I'd cut out an ad for a Wii U and put it in a card or tiny package. Make the kid think they would get one, but it probably wouldn't be for a while until they are out of stock. Then pull a Christmas Story move.... "oh hey, I think there's one more present over there". Kid then proceeds to loose their mind. Classic.

#124533 For those who didn't snag a pre-order...

Posted by naadofett on 04 November 2012 - 07:06 PM

Maybe your mom gets paid on the following Fiday, you know every 2 weeks and it happens black Friday is her payday. But I do feel places like Best Buy will have some on Black Friday, but you will have to be in line a week before just to make sure you get one as they will only have 3.

I was going to mention this as well. In my opinion, be happy your mom is going to get you one period ;) I remember when I was 8 and my brother and I had to BEG for a Nintendo and finally one year (around 1988 I think), one showed up under the Christmas tree. Talk about an amazing Christmas that was. Ok, I'm done with my "When I was a kid we didn't have..." commentary.

@The Walking Dead - Side note, tonight's episode was gnarly!

#124252 For those who didn't snag a pre-order...

Posted by naadofett on 04 November 2012 - 09:51 AM

I watched the Wii U announcement once I got off work that day and knew plenty well when pre-orders would start. At the time, even as a Nintendo fan, I wasn't sure if the Wii U was going to be right for me. I loved the Wii for quite a while and then, as with many others, it just started to collect dust. I was super excited leading up to the announcement, but then for whatever reason I lost a little interest. So time for pre-orders came and went and by the time I considered looking into it again and was not shocked to see everything sold out.

My budget for the coming couple of months has changed and so I'm looking at getting a Wii U again. I went into one of my local GameStops yesterday and ended up getting on a "waiting list" with $0 down and the list for the 32gb model is apparently ~24 deep, which doesn't account for those who pre-ordered. Then I found this forum and the mention of Target pre-order cards available as of about a week ago. I knew a week later the cards would probably be gone and at both Target stores where I live there were no pre-order cards available.  I didn't even bother with Best Buy or Walmart since I knew I'd have no luck there with pre-orders. I also went to my local Toys 'R' Us, but no luck there either. I expected all of this, but was hoping for a sliver of luck.

So, for those of us who didn't snag a pre-order... what are realistic options for launch day? I remember the days of the Wii in which I was able to wait in line more than once to get a Wii with friends and family, but it sounds like initial stock at stores will just be barely enough for presales. It sounds like there won't even be stock for those waiting in line. I know this is all my fault and I'm kicking myself for not pre-ordering, but it is what it is now. I just get a little concerned when the GameStop employee says (paraphrasing), "well, you will probably be able to get something by the end of January." Anybody have a finger on the pulse for launch day?

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