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Member Since 12 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2017 05:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Rumor: Xenoblade Chronicles for $19.99 on Eshop

28 April 2016 - 12:48 AM



This is the North American release. It is still just a rumor but is rumored to come tomorrow. So, check tomorrow?

Keeping the forum going

28 April 2016 - 12:44 AM

Now I don't mean to cause any trouble with this post, but I think it would be good to revive this forum. I think the way to do that is to have all of us chip in and post a news article every couple of days on Nintendo. Now if you want to join Dr. Wario's or Sorceror's forum that's fine, but I just feel like until further official notice from Feld0, we should use the forum Feld0 is paying for here as well. And we can do that by posting a thread every other day or a comment every day. Again don't force yourself to do it, do it if it interests you. But I'd really hate to see this forum die without purpose.
So I'm going to do my part, this is no longer my main forum but I'm going to start posting here again every once in awhile just to talk.
Also, lets not complain all the time about this forum being dead, because it drives new people away. Let's lick our wounds and rise again. I'm done being petty.
Who's with me?

Wii U mega-bundle for $299 at Walmart.com

24 March 2016 - 01:44 PM

Wii U 32GB with game bundle, extra $60 game, Fight Pad, and amiibo. All for $299.
People will say wait for NX, but we don't know whether NX will be fully backwards compatible, and if it is, this stuff can probably be Ebayed to recoup some of the loss by then.

Relevant question concerning New 3DS vs. PS Vita multiplayer

09 September 2015 - 09:16 AM

I'm just popping in again and I have a question. You guys probably know the crazy stuff I do by now, but I want to get two PS Vitas or two New 3DS XLs for me and my brother to play multiplayer games. I especially like games in which both system screens display something different, because it's just cooler than games where both systems display the same thing such as in Madden or Blazblue. The former is almost like the System Link of the old days.

The question is, should I get two Vitas or two New 3DSes for a multiplayer experience?

Hey all...

26 July 2015 - 09:37 PM

So I know I get a lot of garbage for my constant buying/selling/trading of consoles and the like. And maybe I deserve it for my occasional antics. So anyway...

I sold my New 3DS XL awhile back and stuff. Recently, I've been saving for a computer. Well I built a computer and it actually went up in smoke due to a defective power supply. I got a full refund on the stuff, but now my mom is saying I can't use my refund money on a new computer or even save half, spend the other half on just like a console or something. The reason why is that she has been low on money lately and is worried that I'll dig myself into a financial hole which she herself couldn't afford to get me out of if I did.

So I'm stuck gaming on an iPad Air 2, my only gaming device right now. And it's driving me bonkers. iPad Air 2 games... well most of them are gimmicky cash grabs.

I know I should settle down, enjoy what I have, and not trade anymore... And maybe I will. Either way, my schizophrenia has gotten worse as of late. Maybe not to the extent that I'll spam like I use to or any of that. But I can tell, it's gotten worse.

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